Paracapoeta erhani (Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekçi, 2008)

Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468 : 375-376

publication ID 10.55730/1300-0179.3147

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paracapoeta erhani (Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekçi, 2008)


Paracapoeta erhani (Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekçi, 2008) [E] ― Ceyhan scraper/Siraz balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Capoeta erhani Turan, Kottelat & Ekmekçi, 2008: 264 , figs. 1-2a [Ceyhan drainage, Menzelet Reservoir, Geçit stream on road from Kahramanmaraş to Adana, 37°37′N, 36°39′E, GoogleMaps

Kahramanmaraş Province, Türkiye; holotype: FFR 776 ]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Turan et al. (2022b). ― Illustration: Turan et al. (2008) .

Status in Türkiye. Recorded from Türkiye in the original description by Turan et al. (2008: 264, fig. 1). Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2018 a, 2020); Turan et al. (2022b). ― Turkish material: FFR.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Ceyhan and Seyhan River basins. ― Distribution in river basins: 18-Seyhan, 20-Ceyhan. ― General distribution: Asia Minor: Ceyhan and Seyhan River drainages (Mediterranean Sea tributary) ( Türkiye). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 432-Southern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species inhabits many different lowland habitats, such as rivers and even small lowland streams, it also inhabits reservoirs. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: LC. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CON, CLI, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species.― Decline status: Stable. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Paracapoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) [N] ― Longspine scraper/Lekeli siraz balığı

Taxonomy. Original description: Scaphiodon trutta Heckel, 1843a: 1056 (66) [Aleppo, Syria; Tigris River, Mosul, Iraq; syntypes: NMW 55926 (1), 55928 (2), 55935- 37 (2, 2, 1), 55939-42 (4, 1, 3, 1);?RMNH 3164 (1) Aleppo; SMF 923 (1), 2567 (1); ZMB 8789 (1, dry)]. ― Synonyms: Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) ; Varicorhinus capoetoides Pellegrin, 1938 ; Capoeta barroisi persica Karaman, 1969 . ― Revisions: Turan et al. (2022: 205). ― Illustrations: Heckel (1843b: pl. 4, fig. 3); Turan et al. (2008: 267, fig. 5).

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020); Turan et al. (2022b). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Tigris and Euphrates River basins. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris and Euphrates River basins ( Türkiye, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This species inhabits a very wide range of habitats, at least some of which are seasonally connected to the running waters in which it spawns. Most abundant in lowland rivers but also very common in reservoirs and marshes, and commonly found in streams in slow-current sections. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Locally consumed but of no commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: While there are many threats in the area, none is so serious to threaten this species.― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― No keystone species. ― Decline status: Stable. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Puntius kessleri => Luciobarbus mursa

Scaphiodon sieboldii => Capoeta sieboldii

Scaphiodon tinca => Capoeta tinca

Scaphiodon trutta => Capoeta trutta

Scaphiodon umbla => Capoeta umbla

Schizothorax prophylax => Capoeta pestai

Varicorhinus antalyensis => Capoeta antalyensis Varicorhinus capoeta => Capoeta capoeta

Varicorhinus capoetoides => Capoeta trutta

Varicorhinus sieboldii => Capoeta sieboldii

Varicorhinus tinca => Capoeta tinca

Danionidae Bleeker, 1863 (danionids)

Chedrinae Bleeker, 1863 (troutbarbs) Bariliusmesopotamicus Berg,1932 [N]― Mesopotamian minnow/none

Taxonomy. Original description: Barilius mesopotamicus Berg, 1932: 333 , fig. 1 [Gawi River, Tigris River basin, 33°20′N, 46°20′E, Iraq; holotype: ZIN 23955]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Bianco and Bănărescu (1982: 76). ― Illustration: Berg (1932: fig. 1).

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020). ― Turkish material: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Tigris River basin. ― Distribution in river basins: 21-Fırat-Dicle. ― General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Tigris and Persis River basins ( Türkiye, Iraq, Iran, and Syria). ― Distribution in ecoregions: 441-Lower Tigris and Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris and Euphrates. ― Habitat: This species inhabits the upper water column close to the surface of small to large rivers with slow to moderate currents. Freshwater.

Economic importance. No commercial importance.

Conservation. Conservation status in Türkiye: Unknown. ― IUCN: LC (IUCN, 2023). ― Threats: ABS, CLI, CON, HAB. ― Low sensitivity to human activities. ― Not considered a keystone species. ― Decline status: Decreasing. ― Low priority for conservation action.

Xenocyprididae Günther, 1868 (East Asian minnows or sharpbellies)

Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) [I] ― Grass carp/Ot sazanı

Taxonomy. Original description: Leuciscus idella Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844: 362 ( China; no types known). ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: Berg (1949: 597). ― Illustration: Berg (1949: 598, fig. 353) .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru (2004); Geldiay and Balık (2007); Fricke et al. (2007); Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2015, 2020, 2022a). ― Turkish materials: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Introduced some reservoirs in southeastern Anatolia for aquatic vegetation control. ― Distribution in river basins: 5-Gediz, 7-Büyük Menderes, 18-Seyhan, 20-Ceyhan. ― General distribution: East Asia: China and Russia; widely introduced elsewhere. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 429-Western Anatolia, 432-Southern Anatolia. ― Habitat: This species conducts its spawning and overwintering in the middle and lower stretches of large floodplain rivers (below 1000 m altitude) within lakes, reservoirs, and backwaters during the feeding season, preferring warm, clear water with a high oxygen concentration. It is tolerant of a wide range of environmental variables. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Commercially important.

Reasons of introduction. Biocontrol: to prevent eutrophication, aquatic plants, and pest control.

Conservation. Not relevant (introduced species).

Remarks. This species does not reproduce naturally in the wild. It is locally present due to specimens release to some reservoirs for aquatic vegetation control.

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844) => not occurring in Türkiye (see Çiçek et al., 2022) Hypophthalmichthys nobilis ( Richardson, 1845) [I] ― Asian carp, big head carp/Asya sazanı, kocabaş sazan Taxonomy. Original description: Leuciscus nobilis Richardson, 1845: 140 , pl. 63, fig. 3 [Canton, China; holotype: BMNH 1968.3.11.4]. ― Synonyms: None. ― Revisions: None. ― Illustration: Richardson (1845: pl. 63, fig. 3) as Leuciscus nobilis .

Status in Türkiye. Listed in previous checklists from Türkiye by Kuru et al. (2014); Çiçek et al. (2020; 2022a). ― Turkish materials: None.

Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Türkiye: Sistan River drainage. ― Distribution in river basins: 1-Meriç-Ergene. ― General distribution: East Asia: Yangtze River basin ( China); widely introduced elsewhere. ― Distribution in ecoregions: 423-Thrace.― Habitat: This species occurs in both fast-running and standing streams in mainly shallow but also deep areas. It is an omnivore and is thought to have a moderate tolerance for habitat degradation. Freshwater.

Economic importance. Commercially important.

Reasons of introduction. Fisheries: enhancement of wild stocks and sports fishing.

Conservation. Not relevant (introduced species).

Remarks. This species that has been produced in hatcheries for stocking inland waters recently appear in Mazitza River ( Çiçek et al., 2022a).

Tincidae Jordan, 1878 (tenches)

Cyprinus tinca => Tinca tinca

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