Pantolyta hadrosoma Macek, 1993

Hovorka, Tomáš & Macek, Jan, 2024, Catalogue of type specimens of the superfamily Diaprioidea (Hymenoptera) deposited in the National Museum of the Czech Republic, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 64 (2), pp. 501-557 : 510-511

publication ID 10.37520/aemnp.2024.032

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scientific name

Pantolyta hadrosoma Macek, 1993


Pantolyta hadrosoma Macek, 1993

( Fig. 22 View Fig )

Pantolyta hadrosoma Macek, 1993: 48–49 , figs 1, 6, 11, 17 (original description).

The holotype, allotype and 45 paratypes are deposited in

NMPC (type collection):

HoLoTYPF (♀): ʻBoh. c. Beroun env. [p] / Mořinka,17.5. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]8[hw] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label] // Holotypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label]ʼ ( Fig. 22 View Fig ).

ALLoTYPF (J): ʻMoravia [p] mer. Lužní / les, Pohansko [hw] / J. Macek lgt. [p] 8.5.90 [hw] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label] // Allotypus P [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]92[hw, red label]ʼ ( Fig. 22 View Fig ).

PARATYPF (♀): ʻPolonia, Podkowa L. / Rez. B. Hryniewieckiego [p] / 29.8.-4.9.[hw] 198[p]4[hw] / leg.Ekipa IZ PAN [p] // Potentillo albae- / Quercetum [p] // Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (1 J 1 ♀): ʻPolonia, Podkowa L. / Rez. B. Hryniewieckiego [p] / 29.8.-4.9.[hw] 198[p]4 [hw] / leg.Ekipa IZ PAN [p] // Potentillo albae- / Quercetum [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBohemia mer. / Purkarec [p], [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 19[p]83[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻPolonia, Warzsawa / Rez. J. Sobieskiego [p] / 17.-26.6. [hw] 198[p]2[hw] / leg. Ekipa IZ PAN [p] // Potentillo albae- / Quercetum / Quercus robur / yellow pan-trap [p] Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻÓcsa Nagyerdö / 195[p]2.x.28.[hw, blue ink] / leg. [p] Kaszab [hw, blue ink] // Korhadrieger- / fa rostalva [hw, blue ink] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det.19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻD, BY, Hohen- / schwangau / Säulinweg / 1120–1300m / 16. 7. 1974 / Haeselbarth [p] / Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻDiscöSztMárt. / Csiki [p] // Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (1 ♀ 1 J): ʻPolonia cen., 8.6. / Warszawa-Wilanow / Macek, leg.1989 [p] / Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻPolonia centr. / Klembow, res., 30.5. / Macek, leg.1989 [p] / Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det.19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻMoravia mer. [p] 21.6. / Okříšky [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[p] // Paratypus A [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBohemia c. / Mníšek ok / Masner lgt. [hw] / Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBohemia [p] cen., 17.5. / Mořinka, BE [hw] / J. Macek lgt. [p], 1988 [hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBoh. m., Třeboň distr. [p] / Hamr 3.5. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[hw] // Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBohemia c. [p], 31.v. [hw] / Praha - [p] Nebušice [hw] / J. Macek lgt. 19[p]82[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻMoravia [p] mer. Lužní / les. Pohansko [hw] / J. Macek lgt. [p] 8.5.90. [hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (2 ♀♀ 2 JJ): ʻBohemia mer [p] 10.6. [hw] / Stará obora 198[p]2[hw] / env Hluboká n. Vlt. // Exk. N. Mus. Praha / J Macek / M. Mašínová [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBoh. C. Hřebeny Mt. [p] / Voznice, 9.6. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]8[hw] // Paratypus L [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (♀): ʻBoh. m., Třeboň distr. [p] / Třeboň 31.v. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (2 JJ): ʻBohemia [p] Křivoklát env.[hw] / J.Macek lgt. [p] 1984 [hw] // Paratypus [p] hadrosoma [hw, pencil] / J.Macek det. 19[p, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia cent. / Onen Svět 27 9 / J Macek lgt 1983 [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ. (Locality label difficult to read and partially erased.)

PARATYPF (J): ʻBoh. C. Hřebeny Mt. [p] / Stožec, 30.6. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]1[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (2 JJ): ʻBohemia c. [p], 31.v. / Praha – [p] Nebušice [hw, blue ink] / J. Macek lgt., 19[p]82[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBoh. c., Příbram env. [p] / Květná 12.ix. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]1[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia mer [p] 10.6. [hw] / Stará obora 198[p]2[hw] / env Hluboká n. Vlt. // Exk. N. Mus. Praha / J Macek / M. Mašínová [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia mer. [p] 11.6. [hw, blue ink] / Purkarec [p] Olešník [hw, blue ink] / J. Macek lgt., 19[p]82[hw, blue ink] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia [p] cen. /▲ Medník, [hw] / J. Macek lgt. [p] 1985 [hw] // Paratypus [p] hadrosoma [hw, pencil] / J.Macek det. 19 [p, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (2 JJ): ʻBoh. c., Příbram env. [p] / Brzína, 6.10 [hw] J. Macek., 198[p]5[hw] // Paratypus [p] hadrosoma [hw, pencil] / J.Macek det. 19 [p, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻPolonia, Radziejowice [p] / 23.8. [hw] 19[p] 77[hw] / leg. Ekipa IZ PAN [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻSm [p] Lamhult [hw] / J [hw, pencil] 16.8.66 [hw] / coll A. Sundholm [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia [p] mer. / Dívčice, 22.5. [hw] / J Macek leg. 19[p]82[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same labelʼ. (Head mounted on the bottom of the same card.)

PARATYPF (J): ʻBohemia [p] mer., 8.7. / Ležnice riv. [hw] / J. Macek lgt. [p], 1985 [hw] / Bechyně [hw, reverse side of the same label] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det.19[p]93 [hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBoh. m., Třeboň distr. [p] / Hamr 31.5. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻBoh.m., Třeboň distr.[hw] / Třeboň 31.v. [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93 [hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same labelʼ. (Left forewing mounted on the bottom of the same card.)

PARATYPF (J): ʻPolonia bor. 3.6. / Pucza Borecka / Macek, leg., 1989 [p] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPF (J): ʻMoravia mer. [p] 21.6. [illegible crossed-out word] Slavětice [hw] / J. Macek lgt., 198[p]3[hw] // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

PARATYPFs (2 JJ): ʻBohemia b. / Uhošť res. [p] 3.6. [hw] env. Kadaň 198[p]2[hw] // Exk. N. Mus. Praha / J Macek / M. Mašínová // Paratypus [p] / hadrosoma [hw] / J.Macek det. 19[p]93[hw, red label] / Pantolyta [hw, reverse side of the same label]ʼ.

Current status. Valid species (CHFMYRFvA & KoLYADA 2019a).

Distribution. Palaearctic, known from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden (MACFĸ 1993, CHFMYRFvA & KoLYADA 2019a).














Pantolyta hadrosoma Macek, 1993

Hovorka, Tomáš & Macek, Jan 2024

Pantolyta hadrosoma

MACEK J. 1993: 49
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