Ommatoiulus malleatus, Akkari, Nesrine & Voigtländer, Karin, 2007

Akkari, Nesrine & Voigtländer, Karin, 2007, Ommatoiulus malleatus n. sp., a new Tunisian millipede, with notes on the punicus species group of Ommatoiulus (Diplopoda, Julidae), Zootaxa 1400, pp. 59-68 : 60-63

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scientific name

Ommatoiulus malleatus

sp. nov.

Ommatoiulus malleatus View in CoL n. sp.

Figs 1–5 View FIGURES 1 – 5

Material examined: Holotype: Ichkeul National Park (North Tunisia), 24.09.2005, 1 ɗ, leg. N. Akkari.

Paratypes: 14 ɗ (all investigated for external characteristics, 9 for gonopods), 16 Ψ (10 investigated), 3 juveniles (not investigated), same location and date, leg. N. Akkari.

Deposition: State Museum of Natural History Görlitz, Germany (SMNG): the whole type series (Catalog no. 13657) with exception of 2 ɗ and 2 Ψ deposited in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, France (MNHN) and 2 ɗ, 2 Ψ deposited in the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia (FST). Further material from the type locality: 0 7.10.0 5, 1 ɗ, 2 f and 6 juveniles, leg. N. Akkari deposited in SMNG.

Locus typicus: Ichkeul National Park, plain of Mateur, governorate of Bizerte, Northern Tunisia.

Latitude: 37° 9' 18"N (37.155°), longitude: 9° 39' 37"E (9.661°).

Altitude: 11 m.

Bioclimatic zone: sub humid with warm winters.

Soil: Outcrops mainly composed of shales and limestone.

Vegetation: Tree groups of Olea europea and maquis of Pistacia lentiscus with Phillyria angustifolia , Smilax aspersa and Juniperus phoenicia .

Habitat: Under stones.

Etymology: The species name refers to the special hammer­like structure of the mesomerite process in the posterior gonopod.

Description: Body length: 15.8–28.3 mm (measured laterally along the line of ozopores); body vertical diameter 1.6–2.8 mm (at the 15th body ring); ratio length/width: 9.9–10.1/1; females longer and broader, body more compact than in males ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

Color: Grey­reddish brown on a yellowish background. Head with reddish brown apex, darker medially, showing 2 larger oval (lateral) and 2 smaller (central) brighter and circular spots between the antennae; mouthparts lighter. Antennae dark chocolate brown. Collum with darker spots at the anterior and posterior borders (from above), all edges pale. Prozonite with numerous rounded to oval reddish­brown spots on darker brown background; mid­laterally with black irregular stains above the ozopores. Dorsally, posterior portion of the prozonite pale, surrounding quite large upturned triangular stain crossing the suture and pointing towards the border of the following trunk segment. Bright pale­yellowish metazonites finely striated showing slightly thickened mid­dorsal lines in continuation with the mid­dorsal peaks. Dark brown pre­anal ring, paler on the edge and showing a yellowish projection ending with a bright hyaline structure. Ventral scale blackish. Anal valves dark brown, paler on the border. Legs pale reddish with darker border.

Head and collum: Head with 21–35 clearly visible hexagonal ocelli in 6–8 horizontal rows, occipital furrow distinct and narrow, no occipital setae; collum with 0, seldom 1–3 fine lateral striae.

Prozonite and metazonite: Prozonite finely pinstriped; ventrally with sturdier and narrower striation. Metazonite with longitudinal fine and complete striation and moderately spaced striae. At the level of ozopores, ratio length of metazonite / width of the space between striae: 3.5–5/1. Ozopores in metazonites, their diameter as large as their distance from the suture along the whole body. The suture complete, rectilinear or rarely slightly curved at the ozopore level.

Telson: Pre­anal ring with a pointed triangular tail slightly upturned, with very small hyaline structure and showing 2–5 pairs of setae on the top and 2 lateral setae at each side; ventral scale with 2–4 pairs of setae; each anal valve with 1–5 setae on disc, 6–10 (mostly 7) long submarginal setae and 20–34 half as long densely set marginal setae.

Secondary sexual characters of males

Head: Stipes of mandible with well­developed rounded lobe ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ).

Body ring 7: Pleuro­tergal lobe cone­like with an upturned edge.

Legs: 1st pair of legs modified into a hook­like structure ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ); postfemoral pads on legs from the 2nd pair up to those of the 30th–35th podous rings; tibial pads from the 2nd pair up to those of the 33rd–40th podous rings, pads best developed in anterior part of trunk.

Gonopods: Anterior gonopod: promerite ( Fig. 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ) simple, voluminous, half as wide as long [length: width = 1: 0.47 (0.44–0.49)] with parallel margins and a posterior concavity; divided in a median ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , m) and lateral lobe ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , l) by a curved notch ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , n) showing a little bump ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , p2).

Large, but individually variable number of very small setae scattered in different arrangements over the posterior surface (sparsely over the whole surface or more or less concentrated and located close to the internal edge). 1–6 (mostly 3) rigid setae placed in a vertical row close to the internal edge of the promerite. Number of the large setae with individual variations between the left and the right side of the gonopods ( Fig. 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ).

In posterior view, the median lobe with wave­shaped apex and two orthogonally oriented bumps, one median rounded bump ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , mrb) and one lateral pointed one ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , lpb). Two small rounded protuberances ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , p1) laying in the concavity of the wave. The lateral lobe large, rounded with many striations marginally. The internal apical side of the promerite with 2–3 irregular shaped folds ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , fd) reaching the lateral lobe by a deep curve.

Posterior gonopod ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ) with three branches: The anterior process (mesomerite; Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , ms) long and presenting a characteristic hammer­like structure on the apex. The posterolateral process (paracoxite; Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , px) simple and long, slightly curved on the top. The posteromesal process (opisthomerite; Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , op) deeply divided into 3 parts at its distal third: The anterior part a hyaline sheet ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , hy) with jagged edges; the middle part (solenomerite; Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 , s) a straight stem, inclined mesad and containing the seminal groove; the posterior part large, lobed and jagged on the top with many serrations.

The anterior and posterior gonopods are the same length.

TABLE 1. General characters of males and females in O. malleatus n. sp.

  males females
body length (mm) 15. 8–25.2 18.9–28.3
body vertical diameter (mm) 1.6–2.1 1.9–2.8
ratio length/width 9.9–12/1 10–10.1/1
number of podous rings 38–45 42–45
number of apodous rings 1–3 2–3
Telson (number of setae)    
pre­anal ring (at the tip) 2–3 2–5
pre­anal ring (lateral on each side) 2 2
ventral scale 2–3 3–4
anal valves (on disc) 2–5 1–4
anal valves (submarginal and marginal) 6–8 and 20–34 7–10 and 24–32
number 21–35 27–35
number of rows 6–8 6–7













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