Mortoniella (Mortoniella) angulata Flint, 1963

Blahnik, Roger J. & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2017, Revision of the northern South American species of Mortoniella Ulmer 1906 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) *, Insecta Mundi 2017 (602), pp. 1-251 : 14-15

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Mortoniella (Mortoniella) angulata Flint, 1963


Mortoniella (Mortoniella) angulata Flint, 1963

Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , 106 View Figures 106-107

Mortoniella angulata Flint 1963: 468 ; Sykora 1999: 386 [member of bilineata subgroup]; Blahnik and Holzenthal 2008: 70 [member of the bilineata group].

This species is best diagnosed by several features of the male genitalia considered collectively, including an apically truncate tergum X, with a ventral margin that converges to form a linear seam (as in members of the bilineata subgroup), absence of an angular ventral projection on the dorsal phallic spine, paired ventromesal lobes on the inferior appendages, short paramere appendages, and a relatively short tergum X. Like M. apiculata , it has the dorsal margin of tergum VIII extended, and thus lacks an elongate dorsal membrane connecting terga VIII and IX. It differs from that species in lacking a distinctly enlarged apex on the dorsal phallic spine.

Adult —Length of forewing: male (pharate adult) ca. 4.0 mm; female (not developed enough to measure). Wing venation not determined. Apex of forewing angulate. Spur formula 0:4:4. Overall color (in alcohol) yellowish brown. Legs yellowish, tibial spurs dark brown, contrasting with legs. Wing without evident bar at anastamosis.

Male genitalia —Ventral process of segment VI posteriorly projecting, very short, narrow basally, length only slightly greater than width at base. Tergum VIII distinctly elongate dorsally, membranous connection to tergum IX only moderately developed. Segment IX with anterolateral margin rounded and produced in ventral half, posterolateral margin with rounded (subangular) projection in dorsal half; segment deeply mesally excised dorsally and ventrally, forming lateral lobes, separated dorsomesally by more than ½ width of segment. Tergum X moderately elongate, bulbous, lateral margins rounded, laterally with subacute lateral lobes, each with prominent apical seta; apex of tergum distinctly sclerotized, subtruncate, with ventrolateral margins incurved and converging mesally to form linear “seam,” apicodorsally with lightly sclerotized connection (mesal notch absent); tergum ventromesally with paired, rounded, lightly sclerotized, ventromesal lobes at about midlength, each with short setae. Inferior appendages with short rounded dorsolateral lobes and paired, apically rounded, ventromesal lobes. Mesal pockets of inferior appendage with relatively short, spine-like, posteriorly-directed, apicoventral projections. Paramere appendage short, linear, slightly widened preapically, apex acute. Phallobase with evident rounded, laterally compressed, dorsomesal apodeme. Dorsal phallic spine, as viewed laterally, with undulate contour, strongly curved basally, ventral margin only slightly produced and rounded in middle (not angulate), nearly rectilinearly upturned in apical third, apex rounded (flattened and compressed as viewed dorsally). Phallicata with distinctly sclerotized basodorsal projection and paired, lightly sclerotized, ventral lobes; ventral lobes, as viewed ventrally, relatively short, broad, rounded apically. Endophallic membrane simple in structure, without evident lateral lobes or spines; phallotremal spines absent.

Material examined — ECUADOR: 11 mi. W of Pujili, 12500 ft., 15.iii.1958, RW Hodges, male Holotype (pharate adult, USNM type # 66019)– 3 males, 1 female Paratypes (pharate adults, in alcohol) (NMNH).

Distribution — Ecuador.














Mortoniella (Mortoniella) angulata Flint, 1963

Blahnik, Roger J. & Holzenthal, Ralph W. 2017

Mortoniella angulata Flint 1963: 468

Blahnik, R. J. & R. W. Holzenthal 2008: 70
Sykora, J. 1999: 386
Flint, O. S., Jr. 1963: 468
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