Melanastera trematos, Serbina & Malenovský & Queiroz & Burckhardt, 2025
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Plazi (2025-02-19 21:57:27, last updated 2025-03-11 17:30:23) |
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Melanastera trematos |
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sp. nov. |
27 Melanastera trematos sp. nov.
( Figs 5D View FIGURE 5 , 10G View FIGURE 10 , 17A View FIGURE 17 , 27M–R View FIGURE 27 )
Type material. Holotype ♂: Brazil: MINAS GERAIS: Patos de Minas, Parque Mocambo , S18.5836, W46.5053, 840 m, 27.x.2012, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #48(6) ( UFPR; dry). GoogleMaps
Paratypes. Brazil: MATO GROSSO DO SUL: 2 ♀, Ponta Porã, Fazenda Mariana, Conflora , S22.0027, W55.5658, 590 m, 12.ix.2013 (D. L. Queiroz) #573 ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007695) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, same but S22.0325, W55.518, 560 m, #575 ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007696) GoogleMaps .— MINAS GERAIS: 2 ♂, 14 ♀, 4 immatures, same as holotype but ( MMBC, NHMB, UFPR; dry, slide, 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007666, NMB-PSYLL0007698, NMB-PSYLL0007706 [LSMeltre-8], NMB-PSYLL0007707 [LSMeltre-8], NMB-PSYLL0007708, NMB-PSYLL0007704) ; 3 ♂, 8 ♀, 8 immatures, same but 21.ii.2018, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #278(1) ( NHMB; dry, 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007690, NMB-PSYLL0007667, NMB-PSYLL0008298) .— PARANÁ: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Amaporã, Parque Estadual de Amaporã , S23.0835, W52.7938, 340 m, 10.viii.2019, cf. Ossaea sp. , border of river (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #341(2) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007692) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Campina da Lagoa, Beira de estrada, S24.9727, W51.5517, 630 m,, degraded vegetation (D. L. Queiroz) #512 ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007694) GoogleMaps ; 5 ♂, 6 ♀, 10 immatures, Cerro Azul , BR- 476 km 69, S25.0685, W49.0877, 1080 m, 18–19.iv.2013, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #106(3) ( NHMB; dry, slide, 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007685, NMB-PSYLL0007699, NMB-PSYLL0007700, NMB-PSYLL0007701) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Colombo, Embrapa campus, S25.3215, W49.1579, 920 m, 1.v.2019 (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #339 ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007691) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, 3 immatures, Foz do Iguaçu, Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Trilha do poço preto, S25.5969, W54.3921, 180 m, 7.vii.2021, Trema micranthum (D.L. Queiroz) #1002(1) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0008326) GoogleMaps ; 4 ♀, same but Parque das Aves, sede até trilha da onça, S25.6138, W54.4822, 225 m, 9.vii.2021, Trema sp. (D. L. Queiroz) #1006(3) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0008327) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 6 ♀, 1 immature, Irati , S25.4278 /4883, W50.6096 / 6451, 770 m,, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #230(1) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007687) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 3 immatures, Londrina, Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy , S23.4428, W51.2423, 630 m, 12‒14.viii.2019, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #343(5) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007693) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, 4 ♀, 4 immatures, Mallet, ARIE Serra do Tigre , S25.9465, W50.8069, 1010 m, 13‒, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #228(6) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007688) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Morretes, Embrapa campus, S25.4515, W48.8723, - 30 m, 28.viii.2018 (D. L. Queiroz) #885 ( NHMB; dry; NMB-PSYLL0007697) GoogleMaps ; 5 ♂, 4 ♀, 18 immatures, 3 skins, Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de Vila Velha , S25.22384 /24645, W49.99272 / W50.03994, 750‒870 m, 12‒14.vii.2017, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #246(7) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007689) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, same but S25.22384 /24645, W49.99272 / W50.03994, 750‒870 m, 12‒14.vii.2017, Trema micranthum (L. Serbina) ( MMBC; slide) GoogleMaps .— SANTA CATARINA: 2 ♂, 4 ♀, 1 immature, Florianópolis, Praia da solidão, S27.7911, W48.5320, 30 m, 13.i.2019 (D. L. Queiroz) #920(3) ( NHMB; 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007705) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 6 ♀, Indaial , S26.9316, W49.2883, 70 m, 30.iv.2013, Trema micranthum (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) #118(2) ( NHMB; slide, 70% ethanol; NMB-PSYLL0007709, NMB-PSYLL0007710 [LSMeltre-8], NMB-PSYLL0007711 [LSMeltre-8], NMB-PSYLL0007686) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 4 ♀, Nova Teutônia , S27.1650, W52.4211, 320 m, 8.vii.1943 ( F. Plaumann) 1957-341 ( BMNH; dry, slide) GoogleMaps .— SÃO PAULO: 1 ♀, São Paulo , 1.iv.2007 ( P. Yamamoto) ( FSCA; 70% ethanol) ; 1 ♀, same but 29.ix.2006 ( FSCA; 70% ethanol) ; 1 ♀, same but 1.x.2007 ( FSCA; 70% ethanol) ; 1 ♂, same but 23.x.2007 ( FSCA; slide) .
Description. Adult. Coloration. Orange; vertex brownish yellow. Antennal segments 1–3 yellow, segments 4–8
brown, segments 3–8 with dark brown apices, segments 9–10 entirely dark brown. Brown patches on pronotum and mesopraescutum; mesoscutum with brown longitudinal stripes. Forewing ( Fig. 17A View FIGURE 17 ) amber-coloured, transparent, often with only a few scattered indistict brown dots; apex of pterostigma and apices of veins Rs, M 1+2, M 3+4, Cu 1a and Cu 1b more or less distinctly dark brown. Hindwing pale yellow. Abdominal sternites and basal half of female subgenital plate brown.
Structure. Forewing ( Fig. 17A View FIGURE 17 ) oval, broadest in the middle, broadly, relatively evenly rounded apically; wing apex in cell r 2 near apex M 1+2; C+Sc weakly curved in distal portion; pterostigma distinctly narrower in the middle than cell r 1, slightly convex in apical two thirds; Rs relatively straight in basal two thirds, obliquely curved to fore margin apically; M longer than M 1+2 and M 3+4; Cu 1a weakly and irregularly curved, ending proximal of M fork; surface spinules present in all cells, forming hexagons of a single row of spinules, almost absent in basal half of c+sc; spinules leaving narrow spinule-free stripes along the veins in apical part. Hindwing with 6–8 costal setae, somtimes grouped 3–4 + 3–4. Metatibia bearing posteriorly grouped 5–6 apical spurs, arranged as 2–3 + 3, anteriorly separated by 4–5 bristles.
Terminalia ( Fig. 27M–R View FIGURE 27 ). Male. Proctiger narrowly tubular; densely covered with long setae in apical two thirds. Subgenital plate, in lateral view, irregularly ovoid; dorsal margin strongly curved, posterior margin weakly curved; with long setae. Paramere, in lateral view, irregularly spatular, rounded apically; apex with small, strongly sclerotised tooth, in dorsal view, subacute, directed inwards and slightly posteriad; outer face with dense long setae in apical half; inner face with dense, moderately long setae; posterior margin with long setae. Proximal segment of aedeagus with apical part strongly subdivided. Distal segment of aedeagus weakly curved in basal two thirds; ventral process situated in apical two fifths of the segment, in lateral view, short, simple, lacking lateral lobes, in dorsal view, ovoid, broadest in basal third; apical dilation broad, in lateral view, with subparallel margins, curved, bean-shaped, apex irregularly rounded, dorsal part slightly expanded and membranous at base; sclerotised end tube moderately long, weakly sinuous.—Female terminalia cuneate; densely covered with setae. Dorsal margin of proctiger, in lateral view, almost straight, apex pointed; in dorsal view, apex blunt; circumanal ring, in dorsal view, cruciform. Subgenital plate, in lateral view, irregularly narrowing to apex, pointed apically; in ventral view, apex blunt.
Fifth instar immature. Coloration. Bright yellow; caudal plate pale brown.
Structure. Eye with one long simple ocular seta dorsally. Antennal segments with following numbers of pointed sectasetae: 1(0), 2(1), 3(0), 4(2), 5(0), 6(2), 7(0), 8(1), 9(0), 10(0). Forewing pad with 10–14 marginal pointed sectasetae and ca. 25–30 pointed sectasetae or lanceolate setae dorsally; hindwing pad with 3 marginal and 4–5 dorsal pointed sectasetae. Metatibiotarsus long; tarsal arolium broadly triangular apically,> 1.5 times as long as claws. Abdominal tergites anterior to caudal plate with four rows of 8–10, 6, 8 and 16 pointed sectasetae or lanceolate setae dorsally, respectively. Caudal plate dorsally with one row of 16–22 pointed sectasetae along anterior margin, a row of 15–16 pointed setae submedially, one group of 3–4 pointed sectasetae on each side in the middle and one group of 9–12 pointed sectasetae on each side subapically, anterior to circumanal ring, and with several long, normal setae on either side ventrally. Extra pore fields forming continuous outer and inner bands, consisting of several large oval and rounded patches; outer band relatively long medially, end pointing outwards. Circumanal ring ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ) moderately elongate.
Host plant. Trema micranthum (L.) Blume ( Cannabaceae ).
Distribution. Brazil (MG, MS, PR, SC, SP).
Derivation of name. Named after its host, Trema .
Comments. Melanastera trematos sp. nov. and M. virolae sp. nov. differ from other members of the trematos - group in the spatulate (versus lanceolate) paramere. Melanastera trematos differs from M. virolae in the following characters: body and forewing with faint (versus distinct) pattern; dark dots absent (versus present) from antero-basal part of the forewing; PtL/PtW> 4.6 (versus <4.6); Cu 1a L/cu 1 W> 3.2 (versus <3.2); paramere, in lateral view, strongly (versus weakly) convex anteriorly; distal segment of aedeagus with short (versus long) ventral process; apical dilation, in lateral view, curved (versus straight); dorsal margin of female proctiger, in lateral view, almost straight (versus sinuate); FP/SP <1.7 (versus> 1.7).
Melanastera trematos sp. nov. shares the host plant species, Trema micranthum , with M. maculipennis (Brown & Hodkinson) , which was described and is so far only known from Panama. Both species are also similar in size, the forewing shape, venation and pattern, and the structure of the female terminalia ( Brown & Hodkinson 1988). Melanastera trematos differs from M. maculipennis by a much broader, spatulate paramere (as opposed to narrow, elongate) and the distal segment of the aedeagus, which is relatively slender, elongate, only weakly sinuate dorsally in its basal portion and with a ventral process well-separated from the apical dilation (versus relatively thick, short, strongly sinuate dorsally in its basal portion and with ventral process that lies button-like against the base of apical dilation).
Brown, R. G. & Hodkinson, I. D. (1988) Taxonomy and Ecology of the Jumping Plant-lice of Panama (Homoptera, Psylloidea). Entomonograph. Vol. 9. E. J. Brill / Scandinavian Science Press, Leiden, 304 pp.
FIGURE 5. Morphology and measurements of immatures of Melanastera spp.A, B, M. eremanthi sp. nov.; C, M. moquiniastri sp. nov.; D, M. trematos sp. nov. A, caudal plate, dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views; B, tarsal arolium with claws, ventral view; C, D, circumanal ring, ventral view. For abbreviations see Table 1. The width of circumanal ring (RW) is indicated only for the ventral side.
FIGURE 10. Melanastera spp., head, dorsal view. A, M. roraima sp. nov.; B, M. tubuligera sp. nov.; C, M. umbripennis sp. nov.; D, M. nasuta sp. nov.; E, M. australis sp. nov.; F, M. obscura sp. nov.; G, M. trematos sp. nov.; H, M. virolae sp. nov.; I, M. inconspicuae sp. nov.; J, M. dimorpha sp. nov., ♂.
FIGURE 17. Melanastera spp., forewing. A, M. trematos sp. nov.; B, M. virolae sp. nov.; C, M. inconspicuae sp. nov.; D, M. dimorpha sp. nov., ♂; E, M. dimorpha sp. nov., ♀; F, M. cabucu sp. nov.; G, M. itatiaia sp. nov.; H, M. pusilliflorae sp. nov.; I, M. goldenbergi sp. nov.; J, M. clavata sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
FIGURE 27. Melanastera australis sp. nov. A, ♂ terminalia, lateral view; B, paramere, inner face, lateral view; C, distal segment of aedeagus, lateral view; D, distal segment of aedeagus, dorsal view; E, paramere, dorsal view; F, ♀ terminalia, lateral view.—M. obscura sp. nov. G, ♂ terminalia, lateral view; H, paramere, inner face, lateral view; I, distal segment of aedeagus, lateral view; J, distal segment of aedeagus, dorsal view; K, paramere, dorsal view; L, ♀ terminalia, lateral view.—M. trematos sp. nov. M, ♂ terminalia, lateral view; N, paramere, inner face, lateral view; O, distal segment of aedeagus, lateral view; P, distal segment of aedeagus, dorsal view; Q, paramere, dorsal view; R, ♀ terminalia, lateral view.—M. virolae sp. nov. S, ♂ terminalia, lateral view; T, paramere, inner face, lateral view; U, distal segment of aedeagus, lateral view; V, distal segment of aedeagus, dorsal view; W, paramere, dorsal view; X, ♀ terminalia, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.
L |
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch |
Natural History Museum Bucharest |
Moravske Muzeum [Moravian Museum] |
F |
Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department |
P |
Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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