Lupinus austrorientalis var. umidicola (C.P.Sm.) Planchuelo, 2022

Planchuelo, Ana María, 2022, New varieties and synonyms of Lupinus species (Fabaceae, Faboideae) of Northwestern Argentina, Phytotaxa 566 (2), pp. 143-170 : 163-164

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Lupinus austrorientalis var. umidicola (C.P.Sm.) Planchuelo

comb. et stat. nov.

3.2. Lupinus austrorientalis var. umidicola (C.P.Sm.) Planchuelo View in CoL comb. et stat. nov. Tables 1 & 2 (third column). Figs. View FIGURE 3 3 & 4 D View FIGURE 4 .

Basionym: Lupinus umidicola C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. View in CoL : 241 (1941). Type:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Jujuy: Dpto. Tilcara: Chorru Valley , near Tilcara , 12.500 ft., 13 Feb. 1930, E. Balls 6031 (holotype US!, isotypes F! MO!) .

= Lupinus jorgenseanus C.P.Sm. Sp. Lup. : 339 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Catamarca: Dpto. Andalgalá: El Candado, 16 Jan. 1915, Jörgensen 1122 (holotype DS!, isotype LIL!, cotype (3 Feb. 1916) BA!). No other Jörgensen 1122 at GH!, MO! and Jörgensen... US!, UC!). (See comments on L. hieronymi View in CoL above).

= Lupinus divorsus C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. View in CoL : 350. (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Tucumán: Dpto. Tafí: Río Churqui , 2000 m s.n.m., 3 Apr. 1926, Schreiter 4310 (holotype: DS! Isotype LIL!).

= Lupinus schickendantzii C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. View in CoL 352 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Catamarca: Dpto. Belén: Pie de sierra, cerca de Yacutula, Schickendantz 102 (holotype B, lost, isotype CORD!).

= Lupinus tucumanensis C.P.Sm., Sp. Lup. View in CoL : 355 (1944). syn. nov. Type:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Tucumán: Dpto. Tafí del Valle : La Queñoa: 2600 m s.n.m., 12 Mar. 1912, Rodriguez 407 (holotype DS!; isotypes BA!, CTES!, GH!, LIL!, SI! 068244 & 064628).

Etymology:— ” umidicola ”, from Latin, inhabits in wet places; “ jorgenseanus ” in homage to Jörgensen a botanical explorer in Argentina who collected the type specimen; “ catamarcensis ” a Latin version of the province where the type was collected; “ divorsus ” from Latin “ diversus ” used by Smith for his interpretation of the eccentric arrangement of leaflets in the petiole, a character perhaps due to growth after grazing damage. “ tucumanensis “ is a Latin version of the province where the type was collected.

Phenology:— Following the records of the collected specimens and observation on the field the plants regrow from the caudex in early spring and start blooming in Summer (January) that extends to middle February where the plants are with flowers in apical branches and fruits on the basal branches. Fruiting extends to March-April.

Distribution, Habitat and Red List of Endemic Species Category:— It is a variety distribute on the intermontane valleys and on a small portion of the High Montane Ecosystem of NOA provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca and Tucumán. In Córdoba it was collected in the summits of the Sierras de Comechingones belonging to the cordons of the Sierras Grandes included within the Departments of Calamuchita to the northeast, San Javier to the west and Río Cuarto to the South ( Fig. 4 D View FIGURE 4 ). It grows on steep slopes in wet valleys and stream banks between grass and other small herbaceous vegetation in sunny and moist places. In the vascular plants of Sierra de Famatina (La Rioja) this species as L. umidicola was cited as life form chamaephyte and status native in Puna Altoandina ( Barboza et al. (2016). The first collection record was in 1879 in La Rioja and the last in 1998 in Salta. Although it has a wide range of distribution in relation to the other varieties, more than 23 years have passed without any record of herbarium collection, in areas of frequent botanical expeditions. The lack of recent herbarium specimens could be related to the loss of population in places affected by climatic variabilities severe droughts, such as those indicated in L. burkartianus , or by wild herbivorous predators or domestic horses that have been seen grazing in the Enchanted Valley in Salta. Therefore, droughts and herbivores make it more difficult for plants to recover after losing vegetative and reproductive organs. This variety as specie level ( L. umidicola ) was assigned in 2010 the conservation status of Category 3 (PlanEAr, 2021), however considering all the negative factors that are affecting the area of distribution, this author assigned the variety, for first time, to Category 4 following the scale of PlanEAr and VU (Vulnerable) under the IUCN status.

Comments:— The description L. jorgenseanus was based solely on the holotype specimen Jörgensen 1122 at DS, as was explained above the Jörgensen collection with the number 1122 or without numbers were distributed by the curators of LIL to different herbaria with specimens bellowing to different taxa. Consequently, only the specimens at DS and at LIL should be considered holotype and isotype of L. jorgenseanus . One specimen at BA collected on the same place and with the same collector number but on 3 Feb. 1916 could be a cotype of L. jorgenseanus which is a synonym of L. austrorientalis var. umidicola . The other specimens Jörgensen 1122 or Jörgensen wthou/# at GH, MO and US that were cited by Smith as paratypes of L. lilloanus are treated here as representatives of L. hieronymi .

The holotype of L. schickendantzii from B herbarium was lost on the WWII fire, the isotype at CORD is a young plant with the inflorescence not elongated, however C. P. Smith (Sp. Lup. 352, 1944) described the characteristics of the fruit. Considering that, usually the institute that donate specimens always keep the best samples for the own collection it is very improbable that the specimen at B were a mature plant with flowers and fruits, consequently, Smith probably described the pod from the paratype Hieronymus 645 at K that is bearing flowers and fruits.

“La Queñoa”, which was indicated as a place of collection L. tucumanensis by Rodríguez in 1912, does not appear as a town or place on past and current maps of Tucumán. It is possible that queñoa means an area where grows Polylepis australis Bitter , a native tree from the Mountain Forest of Tucumán above 2000 m s.n.m. whose common name is queñoa.

Seed samples of this variety under the name L. umidicola was part of analyses of sterol and fatty acid patterns (Fuentes & Planchuelo, 1999) crude protein, crude oil, fatty acid and seed flour thermic properties (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). Moreover, leaves and photosynthetic stems were analyzed for flavonoid profiles ( Fuentes & Planchuelo, 2006). Also, this variety was part of a phylogenetic study on representative species of Old World and New World by nucleotide sequences from rbcL and ITS 1+2 gene, (Merino et al., 2000) and molecular evolution of Lupinus ( Wink et al., 2000) .

Representative Specimens:— ARGENTINA: Prov. Catamarca: Dpto. Andalgalá: El Candado, 16 Jan. 1915, Jörgensen 1122 (DS, LIL, 3 Feb. 1916 BA, L. jorgenseanus types, not other Jörgensen 1122 or Jörgensen wout/# in other herbaria); Río Pisavil, 1850 m, 13 Jan. 1952, H. Sleumer 2214 (LIL, US). Dpto. Ambato: Sierra de Ambato, falda E, alrededor de casa de cubas 3000 m s.n.m., 28/ 30 Jan. 1968, A.T. Hunziker & T. Di Fulvio 19829 (CORD); subiendo desde la casa de cubas hacia el crestón del cerro Manchado, ca 3100–3200 m s.n.m, 28/ 30 Mar. 1968, A.T. Hunziker & A. Cocucci 19976 (CORD); subiendo desde El Rodeo hacia el cerro Manchado, 2900–3100 m s.n.m., 23/ 25 Feb. 1967, A.T. Hunziker 19236 (CORD); ídem, cerca de la casa de piedra, ca 3500 m s.n.m., 22 Feb. 1971, A.T. Hunziker 20947 (CORD). Dpto. Belén: Pie de sierra, cerca de Yacutula, Schickendantz 102 (CORD, L. schickendantzii isotype). Prov. Córdoba: Dpto. Calamuchita: Cumbre de los Comechingones, Jan. 1945, Gavio Zotta wout/# BA 26407 (BA); cerro Champaquí, 2.000 m s.n.m., 14 Feb.1952, A. Krapovickas 7738 (LIL). Dpto. Río Cuarto: Pampa de Ortiz, Alpa Corral, 23 Nov.1993, J.J. Cantero wout/# RIOC 4574 (RIOC). Dpto. San Javier: Sierra Grande, falda oeste, Cuesta de las cabras, 12 Jan. 1952, A.T. Hunziker 9527 (CORD, MBM); al pie del cerro Champaquí, frente a San Javier, 18 Jan. 1952, A.T. Hunziker 9710 (CORD); subiendo al cerro Champaquí por Cuesta de las Cabras a 1.800 m s.n.m., 9 Feb. 1966, A.T. Hunziker 18636 (CORD). Prov. Jujuy: Dpto. Tilcara: Chorru Valley, near Tilcara, 12.500 ft., 13 Feb. 1930, E. Balls 6031 (US, F, MO, L. umidicola types); Maimará: Hutchín (should be Huichaira) 3000 m s.n.m., 17 Jan. 1912, Budin 11793 (A now GH, F, LIL plants B1, B2, B3 & B4; UC, not L. opertospicus types). Prov. La Rioja: Dpto. Chilecito: pie de la cuesta más arriba del vallecito, Sierra de Famatina , 15-20 Jan. 1879, G. Hieronymus & G. Niederlein 645, plants A2, A4, B4 only (CORD) and Hieronymus 645 (H–82/77–4 H-82/77-4 (K, as paratype of L. schickendantzii ) no type of L. hieronymi plants samples A1, A3, B1, B2 & B3 CORD). Dpto. Famatina: Sierras de Famatina, La Mesada , 3400- 3500 m s.n.m., 29 Apr. 1951, Sparre 8892 (LIL); El Rodado, 30 Jan. 1928, Castellanos 28/197 (BA). Prov. Salta: Dpto. Cachi: Cuesta del Obispo, 20 Mar. 1982, F. Varela & Otero 170 (MCNS); ídem, inmediaciones de La Herradura, 3000 m s.n.m, 27 Feb. 1987, L. Novara 6232 (MCNS); Valle Encantado, Chicoana por Cachi, 6 Feb. 1981, L. Novara 1567 (MCNS); ídem, 3000 m s.n.m, 18 Mar, 1981, F. Varela 69 (MCNS); 24 Apr. 1980, L. Novara et al. 1020 (MCNS); al fondo del Valle, ladera Sur, 27 Feb 1996, A.M. Planchuelo 958 (ACOR), ídem, debajo de La Laguna, 27 Feb. 1996, A.M. Planchuelo 960 (ACOR); ídem, subiendo al Balcón, 27 Feb. 1996 A.M. Planchuelo 962 (ACOR); entrando al Valle Encantado, ladera izquierda de la casa destruida, 27 Mar. 1998, A.M. Planchuelo1309, 1310 (ACOR); saliendo del Valle Encantado a ruta 33, 27 Mar. 1998, A.M. Planchuelo1313 (ACOR). Dpto. Chicoana: Cuesta del Obispo, 3100 m s.n.m, 26 Feb. 1987, E. Nicora 9211 (SI); El Candado, 6 Dec. 1986, C. Bruch wout/# LP 014561 (LP). Dpto. La Caldera: Cuesta del Carancho, arriba del Potrero del Castillo, 13 Mar. 1952, H. Sleumer & R. Vervoorst 2884 (LIL, US). Prov. Tucumán: Dpto. Tafí del Valle: Río Churqui, 2000 m s.n.m., 3 Apr. 1926, Schreiter 4310 (DS, LIL, L. divorsus types); El Churqui, 2000 m s.n.m, Dec. 1917, Schreiter 408, LIL plants A, B only; SI plants A, B only, non isotype of L. amnis-churquis ); La Queñoa: 2600 m s.n.m, 12 Mar. 1912, Rodriguez 407 (DS, BA, CTES, GH, LIL, SI 068244 & 064628, L. tucumanensis types); Peña de la Flora, cerro del Cajón, 3700 m s.n.m., 19 Feb. 1927, Schreiter 4750 (LIL).


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