Eupholidoptera karatolosi, Mofidi-Neyestanak, Mohsen & Quicke, Donald L. J., 2007
publication ID | 10.5281/zenodo.178363 |
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Eupholidoptera karatolosi |
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Genus Eupholidoptera Maran, 1953 View in CoL
Type-species: Locusta chabrieri Charpentier, 1825 Eupholidoptera karatolosi sp.n.
( Figs 1, 2, 5 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 7, 14, 18, 21, 24 View FIGURES 7 – 24 , 25, 30 View FIGURES 25 – 35 )
Holotype: GREECE, Ellinoprigos, 39° 23' 59'' N, 21° 44' 8'' E, 600m, 15 June 2005, Col. Nikolaos Karatolos (sweep net) (HMIM).
Paratypes: 4 males and 2 females, same data as for holotype (1 male and 1 female BMNH; 3 males and 1 female HMIM).
Etymology: The new species is named after Nikolaos Karatolos, the collector of samples.
Diagnosis—differs from the type-species, E. chabrieri , as follows: Male: titillators longer, arms straight and parallel; cerci thinner, the basal tooth stronger; tergum 9 with a small emargination medially; tergum 10 deeply emarginated dorsal-medially with two posterior downwards-directed and bent blunt lobes. Female: sternum 7 with a small projection and subgenital plate with V-shaped excision.
Description—male (holotype): Fastigium frontal groove 0.68mm; upper fastigial width 2.0mm; pronotum length 11.6mm; metazona length 6.6mm; pronotal width at sulcus 5.0mm; prozona least width and metazona greatest width 3.3mm and 6.5mm respectively; tegmina length 5.9mm; wing length 0.8mm; longitudinal and transversal inner diameter of speculum 2.42mm and 2.25mm respectively; tegminal stridulatory pegs 95 with 26 on the middle third; fore femur 7.5mm long; hind femur 24.9mm long and 5.0mm maximally wide; subgenital plate 3.7mm long and 2.9mm wide; cercus 3.0mm long and 0.6mm wide medially; FFL 36.1mm. Head: slightly sloping in lateral view. Lateral margins of fastigium slightly curved; fronto-fastigial groove much narrower than width of the scapus. Pronotum elongated backwards, longitudinal median keel indistinct; discus more or less flattened; sulcus located proximally to middle; metazona longer than prozona, very slightly elevated, without lateral edge, hind margin round; discus very smoothly dotted; humeral notch very shallow. Fore tibiae with 3 dorsal spines, with 6 anterior-ventral and 6 posterior-ventral spines. Tibial tympana slit shape, similar externally and internally. Fore femur armed with 3 spines anterior-ventrally; mid femur unarmed; hind femur armed with 3 spines internal-ventrally, tip with four spurs ventrally, internals shorter and externals not particularly long; hind metatarsal flap (pulvillus) slightly more than half of metatarsus length. Micropterous, tegmina slightly visible, covered mostly by pronotum. Stridulatory file on the upper side of left tegmen on a raised swelling, the portion with widest pegs proximally to the mid. Wings very small. Hind margin of tergum 9 with shallow emargination medially; hind margin of tergum 10 emarginated deeply dorsalmedially with two posterior downwards-bent-extended lobes. Cercus at distal half bent inwards, without apical spine and with strong basal internal tooth that is shorter than width of cercus at point of emerging. Subgenital plate keeled medial-longitudinally, bilobate with deep excision, with two long styles longer than half of length of subgenital plate, at base of each with a long projection ending to two sharp backwardly pointing spines. Titillators long, collar thickened, arms without spines, elongated, parallel, with sharp ends and with wrinkled surface basad, base significantly without spines, the fused half (next to arms) not thickened basad and the free half bent upwards, long and reaching to the collar.
Coloration: Frons and genae pale yellowish-brown; clypeus with four dark spots; frons with four vertically-elongated spots; fastigium with horizontally-elongated dark marks laterally; vertex pale creamy brown. Prozona and metazona pale cream-brown, lateral lobes dark with scattered pale dark marks, ventrally and caudally with wide yellow bands, the caudal narrower. Tegmina brown. Fore and mid legs more or less pale cream-brown with scattered dark marks; hind tibiae dark at proximal seventh part; hind femur with dark brown feather-shaped pattern laterally, dark at distal seventh part. Tergites 1 and 10 dark dorsally, other terga pale castaneous without dark brown marks. Abdomen shiny pale brown dorsally and yellow ventrally except for subgenital plate that is dark laterally. Cercus unicoloured, black, slightly whitened distally.
Female (paratype): Approximately the same size as holotype but tegmina much shorter (1.9mm); subgenital plate much longer and wider (8.8mm and 6.0mm respectively); cercus shorter and more slender (2.2mm long and 0.35mm wide medially); ovipositor length 21.4mm. Approximately the same shape as holotype but head in lateral view some how more sloping, lateral margins of fastigium more curved. Tegmina squamiform, lateral, fully covered by pronotum, overlapping. Hind margin of tergum 10 slightly emarginated, without extended posterior lobe. Cercus more slender and curved inwards than male. Fifth, sixth and seventh sterna approximately the same length, seventh sternum with very small protuberance medially. Subgenital plate without mid-longitudinal keel or groove, with very narrow deep V-shaped excision on hind margin. Ovipositor not very wide at basal third, straight, sword-shaped, tip slightly up-curved; gonagulum soft and smooth.
Coloration: Similar to male but the four dark spots of head weaker; frons with four horizontally elongated spots, the lateral ones smaller. Tenth sternum darkened only laterally. Distal darkening of hind femur shorter. Hind tibiae with shorter and more indistinct proximal dark pattern. Cercus less whitened at apex and at most part dark. Ovipositor pale brown, darker at apex; gonagulum dark, distally bright.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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