Leptodromia immaculata, Barros & Sinclair & De Freitas-Silva & Ale-Rocha, 2024

Barros, Luana M., Sinclair, Bradley J., De Freitas-Silva, Rafael A. P. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2024, Revision of the genus Leptodromia Sinclair & Cumming, 2000 (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae), with the description of six new species, Records of the Australian Museum 76 (3), pp. 133-150 : 140

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3853/j.2201-4349.76.2024.1897

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scientific name

Leptodromia immaculata

sp. nov.

Leptodromia immaculata

Barros, Freitas-Silva & Sinclair sp. nov.


Figs 11–21 View Figures 11–16 View Figures 17–20 View Figures 21–22 , 42 View Figure 42

Diagnosis. Antenna brown. Scutum, pleura and mediotergite yellow, dark brown above halter. Legs yellowish, hind femur with brown subapical band on anterior face.Abdomen yellow with broad, brown anterior half with medial extension.

Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 11 View Figures 11–16 ). Body length: 3.5 mm. Wing length: 3.3 mm ( Fig. 41 View Figures 36–41 ). Head. Ocellar triangle shiny, with 1 pair of short, slender proclinate ocellar setae. Frons shiny, dark brown with pruinosity on lower half. Face with dense grey pruinescence. Antenna ( Fig. 12 View Figures 11–16 ) brown, except inner margin of scape and pedicel paler and shiny; postpedicel elongate, lanceolate, about 2.5 times length of scape and pedicel combined, covered with dense brown microtrichia; arista-like stylus brown, with microtrichia, slightly shorter than length of postpedicel. Proboscis yellow; palpus oval, covered with dense pale pruinosity and 1 long, slender yellow seta near middle. Occiput dark brown, shiny ( Figs 13, 14 View Figures 11–16 ); two rows of short, slender yellow setae, 1 row postoculars and 1 row occipital, lower setae slightly longer. Thorax. Prosternum narrow (prosternum is not fused to the proepisternum not forming a precoxal bridge). Antepronotum yellow with row of short, slender yellow setae. Scutum yellow ( Fig. 14 View Figures 11–16 ). Scutellum, mediotergite and pleura yellow with brown spot above halter. Postalar callus with 1 long, strong seta and 1 short, slender anterior setula. Wing ( Fig. 21 View Figures 21–22 ). Broad, membrane slightly infuscate; pterostigma brown, elongated, and narrow, situated at apex of cell c. Cell dm approximately 4 times longer than wide, M 1 very short, longer than crossvein r-m, M 2 and M 4 ending at wing margin; cell cua two-thirds length of cell bm. Halter whitish yellow. Legs. Slender, yellowish brown, except apex of mid and hind femora black, tarsi slight darker. Mid and hind tarsomeres 3–5 slightly broader than fore tarsomeres, ventrally flattened. Hind femora with brown subapical band on anterior face ( Figs 11, 15 View Figures 11–16 ). Fore femur with row of pale anteroventral setae. Mid femur with row of pale anteroventral setae; 1 long, dark subapical anterodorsal seta. Hind femur with rows anteroventral and posteroventral of pale and slender setae. Fore tibia without outstanding setae. Mid tibia with 2 anterodorsal setae: 1 near base and 1 near mid-length and 1 posterodorsal seta near mid-length; apex of 1 strong anteroventral and 1 strong posteroventral setae. Hind tibia with 2 anterodorsal black and strong setae: 1 near base and 1 near mid-length; apex with 1 strong posteroventral seta. Abdomen ( Fig. 16 View Figures 11–16 ). Covered with short, yellow, slender setae. Yellow, with broad brown anterior band on syntergite 1+2 and tergites 6–7, tergite 3–5 with broad anterior band with short medial extension. Male terminalia ( Figs 17–20 View Figures 17–20 ): Hypandrium short, small, slightly narrowing toward apex, with deep concavity in middle on apical margin forming bilobed apex and several short, slender setae. Phallus short, about same length as epandrial lamella; phallic shaft strongly curved near base, cylindrical, without protuberances; apex expanded, cup-like.Articulated distiphallus as long as phallic shaft with single dorsal sclerite with bifid apex; ejaculatory apodeme one-third length of hypandrium. Epandrial lamella subtriangular, with several short and slender setae on surface, longer on apical margin; right epandrial lamella 1.5 longer than wide, with several thickened setae on inner margin near cercus; left epandrial lamella 1.5 longer than wide with slight concavity and expanded section laterodorsally, bearing several thickened setae; dorsal connection between lamellae short and very narrow. Right surstylus longer than left, 3x longer than wide, apex attenuated; left surstylus shorter than left, strongly bent, with sharp apex; several short, slender setae on both surstyli. Cerci symmetrical short, digitiform-like, weakly sclerotized, covered with short and slender setae. Bacilliform sclerite asymmetrical, with short, slender setae on inner margin. Basal margin of subepandrial sclerite truncate, deeply split forming rounded concavity at middle; hypoproct divided in two small, narrow sclerites. Female. Similar to male, except mid and hind tarsomeres not expanded and flattened. Abdominal tergites 2–6 with dark medial extension. Female terminalia: not dissected.

Type material. Holotype ♂, labelled: “ Australian Museum / K 608799”; AUSTRALIA: Tasm. [Tasmania]:/ Mt. Barrow Rd. 890m [41°22'3"S 147°25'50"E]/ 15–17.ii.1980 / Nothofagus, etc./ A. Newton, R. Thayer”; “ HOLOTYPE / Leptodromia / immaculata / Barros, Freitas-Silva & Sinclair [red label]” ( AMS) GoogleMaps . Holotype in good condition. Paratypes: Australia. Tasmania: same data as holotype (1 ♂ K 608309, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Arve R., 43°09'S 146°48'E, 3.ii.1983, ypans, I.D. Naumann, J.C. Cardale (1 ♀ K 608801, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Cradle Mtn cpgd, 880 m [41°34'38"S 145°56'6"E], alpine forest, ypans, 20–22. ii.1994, B.J. Sinclair (1 ♂, CNC) GoogleMaps ; Franklin River crossing, Lyell Hwy [-42.215, 146.019], 16.i.1960, D.K. McAlpine (1 ♂ K 608299, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Frodshams Pass [42°49'6"S, 146°23'20"E], nr. Mt. Wedge , 4–5.ii.1989, rainforest, ypans, D.J. Bickel (2 ♂ K 608297, K 608298, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Hartz Mtns [43°14'S, 146°45'E], 800 ft, 20.i.1960, D.K. McAlpine (2 ♂ K 608294, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Hellyer Gorge , 41°16'S 145°37'E, 17.i.1983, ypans, I.D. Naumann, J.C. Cardale (1 ♀ K 608306, AMS) GoogleMaps ; 10 kmS Hellyer River [41°19'S, 145°35'E], 10.i.1984, L. Masner (2 ♂, 1 ♀, CNC; 1 ♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; Lake St. Clair NP [-42.122, 146.216], 750 m, 12.i.1984, L. Masner (2 ♂, 4 ♀, CNC) GoogleMaps ; Mt. Barrow , 1500 ft, 24.i.1960, D.K. McAlpine (1 ♂ K 608295, AMS) ; same data except, 3000 ft, 25.i.1960 (1 ♂ K 608296, AMS) ; Mt. Barrow , 11 km E by N Nunamara, 41°23'S 147°25'E, 30.i.1983, I.D. Naumann, J.C. Cardale (2 ♀ K 608305, K 608304, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Mt. Field NP, 3–16.i. 1984, 200 m, L. Masner (7 ♂, 6 ♀, CNC) ; Mt. Field NP [42°40'S, 146°42'E], riparian veg., 180 m, 18.ii.1994, B.J. Sinclair (1 ♀, CNC) GoogleMaps ; Mt. Field NP, Mariette Falls [-42.71, 146.65], 13.i.1984, L. Masner (2 ♂, 2 ♀, CNC) ; 5 km SEbyE Redpa , 40°57'S 144°49'E, 18.i.1983, I.D. Naumann, J.C. Cardale (1 ♀ K 608300, AMS) GoogleMaps ; Shoobridge Bend, Mt. Wellington , 42°54'S 147°15'E, 5.ii.1983, I.D. Naumann, J.C. Cardale (1 ♂ K 608302, 1 ♀ K 608301, AMS) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. This species is known only from Tasmania, where it is widely distributed ( Fig. 42 View Figure 42 ).

Etymology. From Latin im (without) and macula (spot), in reference to the absence of a spot on the scutum.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia













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