Leandra amplexicaulis de Candolle (1828: 153)

Reginato, Marcelo, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Leandra sect. Leandra (Melastomataceae, Miconieae), Phytotaxa 262 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.262.1.1

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scientific name

Leandra amplexicaulis de Candolle (1828: 153)


1. Leandra amplexicaulis de Candolle (1828: 153) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: C.F.P. von Martius s.n. (holotype M!, isotypes B, destroyed, G image!). ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13 , 14 View FIGURE 14 , 15 View FIGURE 15 )

Leandra longistyla Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 80). Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: A.F.M. Glaziou 2994 ( BR 5193271 image!, isolectotypes C image!, P). Additional syntypes: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: A.F.M. Glaziou 6528 (BR image!, K image!); Widgren s.n. (not located).

Leandra pectinata Cogn. in Martius et al. (1888: 78). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo , 12 March 1870, A.F.M. Glaziou 3964 (holotype P image!, isotypes C image!, R! (×2)).

Leandra attenuata Cogn. in de Candolle & de Candolle (1891: 617) . Lectotype (second-step, designated here):— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Teresópolis , Serra dos Órgãos, 22 January 1888, A.F.M. Glaziou 16826 ( BR 5186402 image!, isolectotypes B, destroyed, BR 5186723 image!, K image!, P, R! (×2)).

Shrubs or treelets, (0.5)1–3(5) m tall. Branches, petioles, leaves, inflorescences and bracteoles covered by appressed, unbranched trichomes (0.4–1.5 mm), these sparser on leaf blade surfaces, denser on branches, inflorescences and hypanthia; seldom unbranched glandular trichomes (0.7–1 mm) mixed on the hypanthia. Leaves slightly anisophyllous in each pair (up to 6:8 ratio); petioles 0(–0.4) cm long; blades (12)15–25(30) × (3) 4–8 cm, lanceolate, seldom slightly obovate, apex acuminate, base amplexicaulous, margin entire or crenulate, ciliate (0.7–1 mm), chartaceous; 3–5 acrodromous nerves, plus 0–1 additional pair of faint veins, plinerved, distant (12)17–30(50) mm above the base, acrodromous nerves slightly printed, transversal not conspicuous on adaxial surface and acrodromous and transversal nerves prominent on abaxial, reticulation conspicuous or not.


Phytotaxa 262 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 21 Inflorescences terminal, 1–3(5) per node, (6.5)7.5–15(–20) cm long, (3)4–5 pairs of opposite paraclades, accessory branches absent,> 30 flowers per inflorescence, these in glomerules; bracteoles 5.5–8 × 3–5(7) mm, oblong or obovate, seldom elliptic or ovate, glabrous with a ciliate margin, involucral, persistent. Flowers 6-merous, sessile. Hypanthium 4–5 × 2.5–3 mm, tubular or slightly campanulate, torus indumentum absent. Calyx tube 0.3–0.6 mm long; inner lobes 1.5–2.5 × 1–1.5 mm, ovate to triangular with a rounded apex; external teeth 1–2.5 mm long. Petals white, 4–5 × 1–1.5 mm, linear to lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, glabrous or seldom with an apical glandular trichome (0.4–0.6), spreading or reflexed at anthesis. Stamens 12, opposite to the style; filaments geniculation present, the larger 4–6 mm long, the smaller 2.5–4.5 mm long; anthers pink, the larger 3.7–5 mm long, the smaller 2.8–3.8 mm long, linear-subulate, dorsally curved, pore 0.12–0.15 mm wide, connectives dorsally produced below the anthers 0.1–0.6 mm, appendage present in the larger anthers, as a basal-dorsal bifurcation in the connective. Ovary 4–celled, 2.5–3.5 × 1.5–2 mm, 20–40 % inferior, apex densely covered by unbranched trichomes (ca. 1 mm). Style ca. 12 mm long, sigmoid, opposite of the stamens, stigma ca. 0.25 mm diam. Berries black, 6–9 × 4.5–8 mm. Seeds 0.85–1 × ca. 0.5 mm, long-obpyramidal, hilum covering 9/10 of the seed length, anticlinal cell walls flat.

Notes:— Leandra amplexicaulis is readily identified by the leaves with amplexicaulous bases (but see notes of L. melastomoides ). Cogniaux (1888) placed L. amplexicaulis along L. pectinata and L. longistyla in his key. This author used the number of acrodromous nerves to separate L. longistyla from L. amplexicaulis , and the shorter external calyx teeth to identify L. pectinata . However, all specimens examined present the same number of veins (5 or 3+2), including the type of L. longistyla , and the external teeth length is variable. It is not clear which would be the diagnostic characters of L. attenuata , a third species described by the same author later ( Cogniaux 1891). Leandra attenuata and L. pectinata were suggested as potential synonyms of L. amplexicaulis by Baumgratz & Souza (2011).

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Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Cariacica, Goldenberg 1449 ( RB); Castelo, Kollmann 6414 ( RB); Divino de São Lourenço, Fontana 2264 ( RB); Itaguaçu, Brade 18288 ( RB); Iúna, Hatschbach 31347 ( MBM); Santa Teresa, Pizziolo 85 ( CEPEC); São Roque do Canaã, Reginato 1187 ( UPCB). Minas Gerais: Carangola, Leoni 707 ( SP); Catas Altas, Giacomin 192 ( UPCB); Coronel Pacheco, Heringer 1752 ( SP); Pedra Dourada, Fontana 3005 ( RB); Santa Bárbara, Barreto 6700 ( F, SP). Paraná: Adrianópolis, Camargo 60 ( UPCB); Bocaiúva do Sul, Hatschbach 61388 ( MBM); Campina Grande do Sul, Hatschbach 20778 ( MBM); Cerro Azul, Kummrow 1672 ( MBM); Guaratuba, Reginato 1236 ( UPCB); Tunas do Paraná, Reginato 740 ( UPCB). Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia, Silva Neto 615 ( RB); Nova Friburgo, Reginato 1124 ( UPCB); Petrópolis, Urbano 9909 ( RB); Resende, Martinelli 10802 ( RB); Rio Claro, Martinelli 4084 ( RB); Santa Maria Madalena, Reginato 1213 ( UPCB); Teresópolis, Saldanha 6818 ( RB). Santa Catarina: Brusque, Smith 7972 ( NY); Palhoça, Reitz 2434 ( M). São Paulo: Apiaí, Puiggari 3691 ( SP); Barra do Turvo, Ribas 4622 ( MBM); Guarulhos, Reginato 1313 ( UPCB); Ibiúna, Romaniuc Neto 940 ( SP); Mairiporã, Arzolla 865 ( UPCB); Paranapiacaba, Hoehne 4459 ( RB); Pindamonhangaba, Cordeiro 1344 ( SP); Queluz, Koch 467 ( SP); São Paulo, Simão-Bianchini 879 ( SP); Tapiraí, Mello-Silva 895 ( SP).


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals




Universidade Federal do Paraná


Instituto de Botânica


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Botanische Staatssammlung München

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