Hyalistata emas, Costa & Pirani & Oliveira, 2022

Costa, Sávio Cunha, Pirani, Gabriela & Oliveira, Sarah Siqueira, 2022, On the uncommon genera Pseudiastata Coquillett and Hyalistata Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae: Steganinae): new species and additional records from the Neotropical Region, Zootaxa 5116 (3), pp. 334-350 : 342-347

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5116.3.2

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scientific name

Hyalistata emas

sp. nov.

Hyalistata emas View in CoL sp. nov.

Material Examined. Holotype ♂ labelled as follows: Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Malaise-Parcela 12 Campo Cerrado /-52.9957°-17.9111°/ 10.vi.2018 – 10.vii.2018 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes /. Specimen in good condition with terminalia cleared and stored in a microvial pinned below the source specimen. Deposited in MZUSP . Paratype 5 ♂ and 14 ♀ labelled as follow: 4 ♀ and 1 ♂ Brasil, MG, Perdizes / EPDA, Galheiro, céu do // cavalo -19.2252° -47.1486°/malaise. 23.ix.–5.xi.2020 // 1 ♂ Brasil: SP, Sertãozinho / Res. Biol. Aug. Ruschi / Malaise— Fragmento 1 (interior)/ 10–24.xi.2010 / Silva, V. C; Donda, P. F. & Ignácio, G. leg. // 1 ♂ Brasil, GO, Mineiros/ Parque Nacional de Emas / Parcela 4— Cerrado s.s./-52.9890° -17.9124°/ 08.x. 2017 – 11.xi.2017 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♂ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Parcela 4— Cerrado s.s./ -52.9890° -17.9124°/ 11. xi.2017 – 12.xii.2017 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♀ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Malaise-Parcela 12 Campo Cerrado / -52.9958° -17.9111°/ 09.ix.2018 – 12.x.2018 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♀ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas /Malaise-12 Campo Cerrado /-52.99575° -17.9111°/ 23.v.2017 – 12.vii.2017 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♀ and 1 ♂ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Malaise-Parcela 4 Cerrado s.s./-52.9891° -17.9125°, 12.xii.2017 – 09.i.2018 / Cols Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♀ Brasil, SP, Sertãozinho / Res. Biol. Augusto Ruschi S // -21.1805° -48.0911°, 529 m / Malaise / 24.xi.2008 – 08.xii.2010 / Brian Brown col. // 1 ♀ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Malaise-Parcela 12 Campo Cerrado / -52.9958° -17.9111°/ 09.ix. 2018 – 12.x.2018 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // 1 ♀ Brasil, GO, Silvânia / Floresta Nacional de Silvânia / Malaise—Cerrado s.s. 1/ -16.6403 - 48.6559 / 27.ix.2019 – 24.x.2019 / Cols. Oliveira, R. S. & Lopes, W. R.(terminalia in microvial)// GoogleMaps 2 ♀ Brasil, GO, Mineiros / Parque Nacional de Emas / Malaise-Parcela 12 Campo Cerrado / -52.9958 -17.9111 / 09.ix.2018 – 12./x.2018 / Cols. Oliveira & Lopes // GoogleMaps 2 ♀ Brasil, MG, Perdizes / EPDA, Galheiro, céu do // cavalo -19.2253 -47.1486 /malaise. 5–23.ix.2020 / RS Capellari & Seike leg. GoogleMaps // All deposited in MZUSP .

Male description. Head ( Fig. 5a–c View FIGURE 5 ): slightly wider than thorax. Eye large, bare, and dark red. Antenna: scape light brown; pedicel light brown with a small seta and several setulae covering its entire surface; first flagellomere light yellow, wider and slightly longer than pedicel; arista micropubescent. Frons brown, darker medially; ocellar triangle brown, with two ocellar setae arise from within the ocellar triangle, and several postocellar setulae; various interfrontal setulae. Three subequal fronto-orbital seta: one anterior and one posterior reclinate orbital seta and one proclinate orbital seta at mid frons, the latter slightly shorter than the two reclinate setae. Inner vertical seta convergent, from slightly longer to ca. two times longer than outer vertical seta; outer vertical seta divergent. Postocellar setae convergent and cruciate, close almost as long as outer vertical seta; ca. 20 reclinate postorbital setulae present. Facial carina very narrow, confined to the dorsal portion of face; parafacial light brown, slender than gena; gena whitish; vibrissa present, with a row of 5–10 subvibrissal setae. Proboscis: light yellow; palpus light yellow with various setulae; labrum light yellow, with ca. 20 setae. Thorax ( Fig. 5d View FIGURE 5 ; Fig. 7c–d View FIGURE 7 ): mesonotum entirely dark yellow. Anterior dorsocentral seta ca. ½ of length of posterior dorsocentral seta. The latter closer to anterior dorsocentral than to scutoscutellar suture. Acrostichal setulae not in rows; two prescutellar acrostichals of equal length; scutellum light yellow; apical scutellar seta convergent or cruciate, slightly shorter than basal scutellar seta; one postpronotal seta and six postpronotal setulae (four ventrally and two dorsally); two ventral notopleural setae of equal length; dorsal notopleural seta absent; one supra-alar setae present; two katepisternal setae present, with unequal length; proepisternal seta present. Legs: homogeneously pale yellow; forefemur with a row of 11 anteroventral setulae, without setae; midfemur with a lateral row of seven setae; preapical and apical seta present on midtibia, cuneiform setation on tibia present. Wing ( Fig. 7–f View FIGURE 7 ): membrane completely hyaline; Sc faint, incomplete. CI (ending in M 1) with a row of stout black setae; CII (between apices R 1 and R), CIII (between apices R 2+3 and R 4+5) with a row of equidistant setulae; R and R 4+5 parallel; R 4+5 ending at wing tip; r–m perpendicular to M 4. Halter: light yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 5e–f View FIGURE 5 ): tergites I–III completely yellow; tergites IV – V with 3 round black spots each (lateral ones often extending ventrally to tergite V). Male terminalia ( Fig. 6a–d View FIGURE 6 ): epandrium complex with an inverted U-shape, wider than long, almost entirely covered with microtrichia; surstylus fused to epandrium; epandrium with strong setae at apex; cercus lobes with setae. Phallus complex: phallus indistinguishable; postgonite short in relation to phallus, with a row of ca. 8 peg-prensisetae; phallapodeme membranous, longer than wide, not fused to hypandrium. Hypandrium Y-shaped, pregonites with three sockets; ejaculatory apodeme racquet-like.



Female. External morphology similar to male.

Etymology. The species epithet is a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality, the Parque Nacional de Emas, Mineiros, state of Goiás.

Distribution. Neotropical— Brazil (Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo).

Remarks. This pattern of spots on the tergites is very similar to that described for the fossil species H. vitrea Grimaldi (from the Lower Miocene), and it may indicate a very close relationship between the two species.

Delimitation of species of the genus Hyalistata . The species of Hyalistata can be identified by the pattern of spots on the abdominal tergites and features of the male genitalia. The two new species described here have unique patterns on the tergites, differentiating them from the previously living described species ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museum of Zoology


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile















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