Hyalella wangarie, Reis & Bueno & Araujo, 2023
publication ID |
https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5319.3.3 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A49DC362-B429-4817-944A-CA459A5A02AA |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8202952 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03898794-FFA3-837C-FF18-66E5FC7496D3 |
treatment provided by |
Plazi |
scientific name |
Hyalella wangarie |
status |
sp. nov. |
Hyalella wangarie sp. nov.
( Figs. 9 –14 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 )
Type material. Holotype male, body length = 5.23 mm, head length = 0.77 mm, flooded area, on road SC135, municipality of Campos Novos (27°19′29″S 51°12′28″W), May /2013, MZUSP 44142 View Materials GoogleMaps . Paratypes: UFRGS 6938 View Materials - thirty eight whole males, four whole ovigerous females and twenty one whole juveniles; CCUFLA-450 four males and four females in slides .
Diagnosis. Antenna 1 with pappose setae. Antenna 2 with serrate setae. Upper lip and lower lip with simple setae. Maxilla 1 with abundant setules with different calibers. Maxilla 2 with several simple setae on the inner face. Gnathopod 1 with serrate setae with accessory seta on basis, ischium, merus, carpus and propodus; palm slightly serrated on female. Gnathopod 2 basis, ischium, merus and carpus with serrate setae with accessory seta; palm slope oblique, not sinuous, with margin inconspicuously serrated. Female gnathopod 2 coxal plate with two lateral serrate setae and several setules on inner face. Pleopod with simple setae on the inner face of the peduncle and inner ramus. Uropod 3 peduncle with two dorsal simple setae. Microtrichs present on antenna 1 and 2, maxilliped, gnathopods 1 and 2, pereopods, uropods 1 and 3 and telson.
Description of paratypes males. Mean body length: 5.8 ± 0.6 mm (N = 9, from 4.7 to 6.8 mm); mean head length: 0.6 mm ± 0.1 mm (N = 9, from 0.5 to 0.8 mm). Body surface smooth. Eyes round and pigmented. Coxae 1–3 subequal in size and shape, slightly overlapping. Coxa 1 on gnathopod 1 is similar to 2 on gnathopod 2 and 3 on pereopod 3 ( Figs. 11A, B View FIGURE 11 and 12A View FIGURE 12 ). Coxa 3 wider than 4 ( Figs. 12A, B View FIGURE 12 ). Coxa 4 1.1x longer than wide, excavated posteriorly ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ). Coxa 5 posterior lobe narrower than anterior lobe ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ). Coxa 6 is 0.98x wider than long ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ). Coxa 7 reduced ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ). Head about 1.3x smaller than the first two thoracic segments. Epimeral plates accuminated.
Antenna 1 ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ) about 2.2x smaller than body length, 1.6x smaller than antenna 2, 1.3x longer than peduncle of antenna 2; peduncle 1.2x longer than head; article 1 with one pappose seta and 1.1x longer than 2, article 3 1.4x shorter than article 1 and 1.3x shorter than article 2; flagellum with 9–11 articles, 1.4x longer than peduncle; aesthetascs ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ) occurring on flagellum from the article 5 to 9 distally. Microtrichs occurring from article 1 to 11, except on article 5.
Antenna 2 ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 ) 1.4x smaller than body length; peduncle slender, 2.3x longer than head; article 3 with one apical serrate seta and simple seta; article 4 1.5x shorter than article 5 with two inner serrate setae; microtrichs occurring on article 5; flagellum with 13–16 articles, 1.1x longer than peduncle.
Mandible without palp; incisor toothed; left mandible ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ) lacinia mobilis with five teeth and setal row with six papposerrate setae and setules, molar process with accessory seta; right mandible ( Fig. 10D View FIGURE 10 ) with four papposerrate setae and setules, molar process broad and cylindrical with accessory seta.
Upper lip ( Fig. 10E View FIGURE 10 ) margin rounded; distal border covered by setules and simple setae on ventral and dorsal faces. Lower lip ( Fig. 10F View FIGURE 10 ) outer lobes rounded and distally notched, with simple setae and setules on dorsal and ventral faces.
Maxilla 1 ( Fig. 10G View FIGURE 10 ) inner plate slender, 2.4x shorter than outer plate, with two apical papposerrate setae and abundant setules with different caliber. Outer plate with nine apical serrate setae and setules with different caliber. Palp short, uniarticulate, 1.7x longer than wide, reaching less than half of the distance between the base of the palp and base of setae on outer plate, with one distal long seta and setules on margin.
Maxilla 2 ( Fig. 10H View FIGURE 10 ) inner plate with subequal length to the outer plate, with 7 apical serrulate, one apical papposerrate and several simple setae on inner face; outer plate with two apical serrulate setae, several simple setae on apex, on inner face and margin; inner and outer plates covered by several setules.
Maxilliped ( Fig. 10I–K View FIGURE 10 ) inner plate 2.8x longer than wide, with three apical cuspidate setae, 11 pappose setae and several setules, without comb-scales; outer plate 1.2x longer than inner plate, with four serrate and several simple setae, without comb-scales; palp 5.4x longer than inner plate, with four articles; article 1 1.3x longer than wide, outer margin with one simple setae; article 2 1.1x longer than wide, inner margin several long simple setae; article 3 1.5x longer than wide, inner margin with several long simple setae, outer margin with eight serrate setae, long simple setae and setules, without comb-scales; article 4 unguiform, 1.3x shorter than third article, 3.3x longer than wide, 1.3x longer than nail, with distal simple seta, with comb-scales, and distal nail present. Microtrichs present on inner and outer plate, articles 1 and 2 of palp.
Gnathopod 1 ( Fig. 11A–C View FIGURE 11 ) subchelate; coxal plate 1.5x wider than long, with several simple setae on the margin, microtrichs present; basis with dorsal and apical serrate setae with accessory seta, apical simple setae with accessory seta and several comb-scales; ischium with several apical simple setae with accessory seta, with comb-scales; merus with simple setae with accessory seta and comb-scales on distal margin; carpus and propodus with similar length, lateral distal lobe produced with two serrate setae with accessory seta and one simple seta on inner margin, distal anterior margin with several serrate setae with accessory seta, comb-scales and polygonal pattern present; propodus 1.8x longer than wide, hammer-shaped, with several simple long setae on disto-anterior margin, comb-scale present on disto-anterior and disto-posterior margins, inner margin with two serrate setae with accessory seta, with few simple setae on the disto-posterior margin, with comb-scales; palm slope transverse, with many simple setae and comb-scales, margin slightly convex, posterior distal angle with two long and strong cuspidate setae with accessory seta; dactylus claw-like, comb-scales present on inner and outer margin, with one plumose seta dorsally.
Gnathopod 2 ( Fig. 11D–F View FIGURE 11 ) subchelate; coxal plate 1.8x wider than long, with simple setae on the margin and microtrichs present on inner face; basis with two apical serrate setae with accessory seta, one apical and four simple setae with accessory seta on disto posterior margin; ischium with several simple setae with accessory seta and comb-scales on disto-posterior margin, microtrichs present; merus with few simple setae with accessory seta on posterior margin, with comb-scales; carpus 2.1x wider than long, posterior lobe slim produced between merus and propodus, forming scoop-like structure, margin with comb-scales, several serrate setae with accessory seta and polygonal pattern; propodus ovate, 1.3x longer than wide, comb-scales present on margin distal posterior; palm 1.3x smaller than posterior margin of propodus, slope oblique, margin slightly irregular with one row of several cuspidate setae with an robust accessory seta and several simple setae, posterior distal angle with two strong cuspidate setae and with a cup for dactylus; dactylus claw-like, congruent with palm, plumose seta dorsally, comb-scales absent.
Pereopods 3 to 7 ( Fig. 12A–E View FIGURE 12 ) simple. Pereopod 3 and 4 with several simple setae with accessory seta on basis posterior margin, pereopod 3 with two serrate setae; merus, carpus and propodus posterior margin with several cuspidate and simple setae with accessory seta; dactylus 2.1x shorter than propodus, in both, with one plumose seta dorsally. Pereopods 5 to 7 merus, carpus and propodus posterior margin with several cuspidate setae some of them with accessory seta, dactylus 2.4x, 2.8x and 2.4x shorter than propodus, respectively, with one plumose seta dorsally. Pereopods 3 and 4 similar sizes; pereopod 5 smaller than others; pereopod 6 longer than pereopod 7. Microtrichs present on coxal plates of pereopods 3 to 6, on basis of pereopods 5 to 7, on ischium of pereopods 3, 4, 6 and 7, on merus of pereopods 3, 4 and 6, on carpus of pereopods 3, 5, 6 and 7 and on propodus of pereopods 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Pleopods ( Fig. 13A View FIGURE 13 ) peduncle 2.9x longer than wide, 1.6x the mean size of rami, with two coupling spines and one simple setae on inner face; both rami with several plumose setae, inner ramus with one simple setae on inner face.
Uropod 1 ( Fig. 13B View FIGURE 13 ) 1.31x longer than uropod 2; peduncle 1.4x longer than outer ramus and 1.3x to inner ramus, with six cuspidate setae, some of them with accessory seta; inner ramus slightly longer than outer ramus, 5.3x longer than wide, with two dorsal cuspidate setae with accessory seta on the margin and six apical cuspidate setae with accessory seta, with curved seta; outer ramus 5.4x longer than wide, with three dorsal cuspidate setae with accessory seta and four apical cuspidate setae, one with accessory seta. Microtrichs present on peduncle and outer ramus.
Uropod 2 ( Fig. 13C View FIGURE 13 ) 1.4x smaller than uropod 1, peduncle 1.2x longer than outer ramus and 1x than inner ramus, 2.0x wider than outer ramus and 1.7x than inner ramus, with four cuspidate setae with accessory seta; inner ramus with two dorsal cuspidate setae with accessory seta and seven cuspidate setae apically; outer ramus with two dorsal cuspidate setae and four apical cuspidate setae. Microtrichs present on peduncle and outer ramus.
Uropod 3 ( Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ) 1.9x shorter than peduncle of uropod 1 and 1.2x than peduncle of uropod 2; peduncle 1.6x longer than wide, with five apical long cuspidate setae with accessory seta and two simple setae on inner face; inner ramus absent; outer ramus uniarticulate, subequal in length to the peduncle, 3.6x longer than wide, with three cuspidate setae and two simple setae. Microtrichs present on peduncle.
Telson ( Fig. 13E, F View FIGURE 13 ) entire, 1.2x longer than wide, apically rounded, with four apical cuspidate setae with accessory seta, with one lateral serrate seta; microtrichs present ( Fig. 13E View FIGURE 13 ). Variations: telson subequal in length and wide, with three simple setae on inner face and one lateral pappose setae ( Fig. 13F View FIGURE 13 ).
Coxal gills sac-like present on pereonites 2 to 6. Sternal gills tubular present on pereonites 2 to 7.
Female ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ). Mean body length: 5.19 ± 0.89 mm (N = 10), minimum body length = 4.22 mm, maximum body length = 7.10 mm; mean head length: 0.54 ± 0.55 mm (N = 10), minimum head length = 0.48 mm, maximum head length = 0.83 mm.
Gnathopod 1 ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ) similar to male Gnathopod 1; basis with one serrate with accessory seta on inner face and several apically; ischium, merus and carpus with several simple setae with accessory seta, comb-scales present; carpus 1.7x longer than wide, posterior lobe produced and forming scoop-like structure, with pectinate margin, with several serrate setae with accessory seta and comb-scales; propodus 1.3x longer than wide, hammer-shaped, with comb-scales, palm 2.7x shorter than posterior margin of propodus, inner margin with five serrate setae with accessory seta, palm slope transverse slightly irregular; dactylus claw-like, with plumose seta and comb-scales. Microtrichs present on coxal plate, ischium and propodus.
Gnathopod 2 ( Fig. 14B View FIGURE 14 ) similar in size and shape to Gnathopod 1; coxal plate with two serrate setae on posterior margin and several setules on inner face; basis, ischium and merus with several simple setae with accessory seta; basis, merus and carpus with several serrate setae, comb-scales preset on merus; posterior lobe on carpus with comb-scales, several serrate setae and polygonal pattern; propodus 1.7x longer than wide, with comb-scales on disto-anterior and disto-posterior margin, inner margin with three cuspidate setae with robust accessory seta; palm slightly irregular, transverse with several long simple setae; dactylus with plumose setae and several comb-scales. Microtrichs present on coxal plate, ischium and propodus.
Telson ( Fig. 14C, D View FIGURE 14 ) 1.2x longer than wide, similar in shape to male, with three apical cuspidate setae, one lateral serrate and three serrate on inner face, microtrichs present. Variations: telson 1.2x longer than wide with four apical cuspidate setae with accessory seta and three simple setae on inner margin( Fig. 14 C View FIGURE 14 ).
Taxonomical remarks. The new species H. wangarie sp. nov. sp. nov., share some characters with H. carsone sp. nov. sp. nov. like absence of flanges, epimeral plates accuminated, plumose setae on antenna 1 and pappose setae on antenna 2, five teeth on lacinia mobilis and papposerrate setae on mandibles, simple setae on maxilla 1 and 2, palp of maxilliped with comb-scales on article 4, presence of serrate setae with accessory seta on gnathopods, polygonal pattern on posterior lobe of carpus of gnathopods, palm slope oblique on gnathopod 2, simple setae on inner face of peduncle of uropod 3. Additionally, both new species present microtrichs in the same articles.
In the comparison between the aesthetascs present on antennae 1, it was possible to determine that the species differ in morphology (see Figs. 3B View FIGURE 3 and 10B View FIGURE 10 ). Hyalella wangarie sp. nov. sp. nov. shows setules with different calibers on the inner and outer plates on maxilla 1, in addition present pappose setae on the outer plate of maxilla 2. H. wangarie sp. nov. presents microtrichs on inner/outer plates, on article 1 and article 2 of palp on maxilliped, in contrast H. carsone sp. nov. present microtrichs only on article 2. H. wangarie sp. nov. has microtrichs only on the coxal plate of gnathopod 2, but H. carsone sp. nov. has them on propodus as well. The same situation occurs in relation to pappose setae on the coxal plate of gnathopod 2, H. wangarie sp. nov. and H. carsone sp. nov. exhibit them, but H. carsone sp. nov. presents them on basis, merus, carpus and propodus as well. When comparing both species, H. wangarie sp. nov. has comb-scales on ischium, merus and propodus on gnathopod 2, while H. carsone sp. nov. also having on the coxal plate and merus. H. wangarie sp. nov. exhibits the palm slightly serrated on gnathopod 1 (female) and 2 (male), while H. carsone sp. nov. has the proximal margin of dactylus on gnathopod 2 strongly serrated. H. wangarie sp. nov. exhibit simple seta on peduncle and on inner ramus of pleopod, as well present a curved seta on inner ramus of uropod 1, differing from H. carsone sp. nov..
Hyalella wangarie sp. nov. shares the presence of curved seta in the inner ramus of uropod 1 with 20 epigean registered in Brazil, especially those found in the state of Santa Catarina. In this group, the new species differs from its members by having pappose setae on antenna 1, serrate setae on antenna 2 (except from H. catarinensis ), palm with slightly serrated margin on female gnathopod 1, serrate setae on coxal plate, simple setae on peduncle and inner ramus of pleopods, microtrichs on antennae 1 and 2, maxilliped, gnathopods 1 and 2, pereopods (except from H. sambaqui ), uropods 1 and 3, telson. The new species differs from H. catarinensis and H. sambaqui by the presence of simple setae on upper lip, serrulate setae on maxilla 2 and palm slightly serrated on gnathopod 2.
Habitat. Epigean.
Etymology. The species epithet “ wangarie ” is in honor to Wangari Muta Maathai, an environmental leader and the first African woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 2014), for her career and activism in defense of the environment, human rights and justice. Wangari created the organization Green Belt Movement, which aimed to plant trees by women on the outskirts of Nairobi as a way to protect the soil from erosion.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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