Heteropriapulus bitomus, Acosta, Aline Angelina, Franceschini, Lidiane, Zago, Aline Cristina, Scholz, Tomáš & Silva, Reinaldo José Da, 2017

Acosta, Aline Angelina, Franceschini, Lidiane, Zago, Aline Cristina, Scholz, Tomáš & Silva, Reinaldo José Da, 2017, Six new species of Heteropriapulus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from South American fishes with an amended diagnosis to the genus, Zootaxa 4290 (3), pp. 459-482 : 469-470

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Plazi (2017-07-15 09:30:20, last updated 2024-11-29 16:26:06)

scientific name

Heteropriapulus bitomus

sp. nov.

Heteropriapulus bitomus n. sp.

urn:lSid:zOObank.Org:act:F173F072-AD66-41F1-86B5-5D9E1A7D2A9D ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Type and only known host. Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii (HOlmberg) ( SilurifOrmeS : LOricariidae ).

Site of infection. GillS.

Type locality. Aguapeí RiVer , municipality Of CaStilhO (Paraná RiVer baSin) , SãO PaulO State , Brazil (21°3'36.20"S, 51°45'38.58"W) GoogleMaps .

Type specimens. HOlOtype (CHIOC 38806); 9 paratypeS in CHIOC (38807–38812a, b; 38813; 38814); 7 paratypeS in CHIBB (276–282L).

Etymology. The name iS frOm Latin and referS tO the preSence Of tWO SclerOtized patcheS aSSOciated With the baSe Of Ventral anchOr (bi = tWO + tomus = patch, piece).

Description. BaSed On 23 SpecimenS mOunted in HOyer’S medium. BOdy 208–456 (336; n=20) lOng, greateSt Width 49–123 (78; n=20), uSually near mid-length. AcceSSOry granuleS eXtending frOm leVel Of gOnadS tO cephalic lObeS. Male cOpulatOry cOmpleX cOmpriSing nOn-articulated cirruS and acceSSOry piece. CirruS delicate, tOtal curVed length 38–51 (45; n=23), Straight in anteriOr pOrtiOn ShOWing 2 cOunterclOckWiSe Spiral ringS neXt tO rOunded baSe. AcceSSOry piece 38–46 (43; n=22) lOng, cOmpOSed Of Single unit, rObuSt, cOnSpicuOuS and StrOngly SclerOtized ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C). Vaginal canal ShOrt and SclerOtized, Shaped aS gOblet, 8–16 (13; n=19) lOng, 10–18 (14; n=19) curVed length. Egg 112 (n=1) lOng, 44 (n=1) Wide, Operculate, One ShOrt pOlar filament On adOpercular end. HaptOr 37–57 (48; n=20) lOng, 75–125 (94; n=20) Wide, SubtrapezOidal. Ventral anchOrS 25–31 (29; n=23) lOng, length tO nOtch 27–32 (30; n=23), flattened baSe 9–13 (11; n=23) Wide, elOngate Shaft, pOint 27–33 (31; n=23) lOng With recurVed tip, pOintS eXtending pOSterOVentrally frOm haptOr; anchOr filament dOuble and Well-deVelOped; 2 SclerOtized patcheS preSent at baSe Of each Ventral anchOr: One Small and anOther cOnSpicuOuS, rObuSt and rOunded Shape. DOrSal anchOrS 14–17 (15; n=22) lOng, length tO nOtch 12–15 (13; n=22), Superficial rOOt 5–6 (5; n=22) lOng, incOnSpicuOuS deep rOOt 1–2 (2; n=22) lOng, eVenly curVed ShOrt Shaft, Straight pOint 6–9 (8; n=22) lOng. Ventral bar bent, rOunded endS, 65–97 (81; n=21) lOng, 6–8 (7; n=22) Wide, 12–31 (21; n=22) high. DOrSal bar Small, bent, 22–28 (25; n=18) lOng, 3–4 (3; n=18) Wide, 4–6 (5; n=18) high. SeVen pairS Of Similar hOOkS, 11–12 (12; n=22) lOng, FH lOOp abOut ½ Of Shank length.

Remarks. ThiS SpecieS can be eaSily diStinguiShed frOm cOngenerS by the fOllOWing characteriSticS: tWO SclerOtized patcheS aSSOciated With the baSe Of Ventral anchOr, a SclerOtized, ShOrt, gOblet-Shaped Vagina, and a lOng, rObuSt, cOnSpicuOuS and StrOngly SclerOtized acceSSOry piece cOmpOSed Of a Single unit that remarkably differS frOm that Of H. simplex in Shape (cOmpare Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C and 5C).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. (A – F) Sclerotized structures of Heteropriapulus simplex Li & Huang, 2012 from Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii (Holmberg) from the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. A, ventral anchor. B, dorsal anchor. C, male copulatory complex. D, dorsal bar. E, ventral bar. F, hook.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. (A – F) Sclerotized structures of Heteropriapulus bitomus n. sp. from Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii (Holmberg) from the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. A, ventral anchor. B, dorsal anchor. C, male copulatory complex. D, vagina. E, egg. F, dorsal bar. G, ventral bar. H, hook.