Heredia, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 9 Treatments

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Flintiella heredia     Armitage, Brian J., Harris, Steven C., Blahnik, Roger J. & Thomson, Robin E., 2016, The Trichoptera of Panama IV. New records for caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Republic of Panama, Insecta Mundi 2016 (511), pp. 1-13 : 7 7
Stethantyx heredia   sp. nov.  Khalaim, Andrey I. & Broad, Gavin R., 2013, Tersilochinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Costa Rica, part 2. Genera Megalochus gen. nov. and Stethantyx Townes, Zootaxa 3693 (2), pp. 221-266 : 243-246 243-246
Fortipalpa heredia   sp. nov.  Supeleto, Fernanda A., Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2022, Revision of Fortipalpa Kasparyan & Ruíz-Cancino, (Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), Zootaxa 5219 (6), pp. 501-533 : 512-515 512-515
Aulacus heredia   sp. nov.  Smith, David R., 2008, Aulacidae of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Hymenoptera), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2), pp. 267-355 : 284-285 284-285
Stethantyx heredia     Khalaim, Andrey I. & Ruiz-Cancino, Enrique, 2013, Mexican species of the genus Stethantyx Townes (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Tersilochinae), ZooKeys 360, pp. 83-94 : 86 86
Stethantyx heredia     Khalaim, Andrey I., Sääksjärvi, Ilari E. & Bordera, Santiago, 2015, Tersilochinae of Western Amazonia (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Genus Stethantyx Townes, part 2, Zootaxa 3981 (1), pp. 95-106 : 105-106 105-106
Stethantyx heredia     Khalaim, Andrey I., Sääksjärvi, Ilari E. & Bordera, Santiago, 2013, Tersilochinae of Western Amazonia (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Genus Stethantyx Townes, part 1, Zootaxa 3741 (3), pp. 301-326 : 309 309
Stenoeurilla herediana   sp. nov.  Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2019, A revision of the Costa Rican species of Stenoeurilla Brailovsky & Barrera (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Stenoscelideini), with the description of two new species, new distributional records, synonymical note, and key to the known species, Zootaxa 4550 (4), pp. 545-556 : 547-552 547-552
Stenus heredianus   sp. nov.  Puthz, V., 2014, Neue und alte neotropische Stenus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 339. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1671-1736 : 1686-1687 1686-1687