Gerdesius paruensis, (H. SOARES, 1970)

Bragagnolo, Cibele, Hara, Marcos R. & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2015, A new family of Gonyleptoidea from South America (Opiliones, Laniatores), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 173 (2), pp. 296-319 : 310-315

publication ID 10.1111/zoj.12207


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gerdesius paruensis



( FIGS 3 View Figure 3 , 7 View Figure 7 , 10E–F View Figure 10 , 11C View Figure 11 )

Huralvioides paruensis H. Soares, 1970: 333 , fig. 19 (♂ dorsal habitus); Kury 1995: 316–318; Kury 2003: 173 [Pará, Rio Paru de Leste, 7.VIII.1952, J.C.M. Carvalho & F. Novais leg., ♀ holotype, 1 ♂ juv paratype (MNRJ 05.267), examined].

Material examined

BRAZIL. Pará: [unkown municipality], Rio Paru de Leste , 7.VIII.1952, J.C.M. Carvalho & F. Novais leg., ♀ holotype, 1 ♂ juv. paratype ( MNRJ 05.267 View Materials ) ; Almerin ( Jari ), 7–13.IX.2004, 1 ♂ ( MPEG-032 ) ; Breves , 4.XII. 2012, C. Sampaio leg., 3 ♂ ( MZSP 57279 View Materials ); (Reserva Extrativista Mapuá) , 4–8.XII.2012, C. Sampaio leg., 2 ♂, 1 ♀ ( MZSP 57191 View Materials ) ; idem, 3 ♂, 5 ♀ ( MZSP 57280 View Materials ) .


Gerdesius paruensis differs from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: entire scutal area I; complete groove II; free tergites II and III without cluster of setiferous tubercles on the corners; anal operculum with a stout apophysis; pedipalpal tarsal claw length approximately half of the tarsus length; male coxa IV with a retrolateral apical conical apophysis; male tibia IV straight, covered with similar sized tubercles; penis with subcylindrical stylus and a stem-less ventral process, its apex narrow and flabellum shaped.


Male ( MPEG 032): Dorsum ( Figs 3A, B View Figure 3 ; 11C View Figure 11 ): Measurements: DSL 5.45; DSW 5.0; LI 14.05; LII 21.35; LIII 16.0; LIV 21.05. Anterior margin of carapace with tuberculate frontal hump (two slightly enlarged, conical tubercles), transversal row of tubercles, two enlarged, pointed tubercles in the corners. Ocularium far from anterior margin of carapace, tuberculate, with a median spine. Scutal area I entire, areas II–IV with a paramedian pair of slightly enlarged tubercles. Scutal groove II sides curved anteriorly. Dorsal scutum outline type gamma, entirely tuberculate, lateral margins with an external row of enlarged tubercles increasing in size to the middle, and an internal irregular row of tubercles. One ozopore (anterior opening), covered by integumentary dome with inverted V-shape opening, obstructed by prolateral apophysis of coxa II. Posteri- or margin of dorsal scutum and free tergites I–III each with two rows of tubercles, posterior one with enlarged tubercules. Anal operculum tuberculate, with a median enlarged pointed apophysis.

Venter. Coxa I–IV, genital and free sternites tuberculate.

Chelicera. Normal sized. Segment I with three enlarged, pointed tubercles on posterior margin of bulla; segments II and III each with four teeth.

Pedipalp ( Fig. 3F, G View Figure 3 ). Trochanter inflated, dorsally with one enlarged, pointed tubercle, ventrally with one retrolateral tubercle and one prolateral enlarged tubercle. Femur dorsally with two or three tubercles, ventrally with two or three median tubercles and one enlarged basal tubercle. Tibia–tarsus dorsolaterally with scattered tubercles; tibial setation, mesal iiIiIi, ectal iiiiIi/iiiiiIi. Tarsal setation, mesal iiIiIi, ectal iIiIi/ iiIiIi. Basal small setae in tibia and tarsus thin and delicate. Claw short (approximately less than half of tarsus length).

Legs ( Figs 3C–E View Figure 3 ; 10E–F View Figure 10 ). Coxa I with one prolateral and one retrolateral apophyses; coxa II the same, with prolateral apophysis enlarged and in front of ozopore, and with retrolateral apophysis fused with prolateral apophysis of coxa III, and with a subasal retrolateral pointed, enlarged tubercle; coxa III with one prolateral and one retrolateral apophyses directed anteriorly and posteriorly, respectively; coxa IV tuberculate, with one short, spiniform prolateral apical apophysis and one short, spiniform retrolateral apical apophysis (largest). Trochanters–tibiae I–IV tuberculate, metatarsi I–III small tuberculate. Trochanters I–III with retrolateral enlarged tubercles; trochanter III with one enlarged prolateral apical tubercle; trochanter IV with two prolateral apical enlarged, pointed tubercles, one long (approximately podomere length) retrolateral apical apophysis, retroventral enlarged tubercles. Femora I and II unarmed; femora III and IV apically with a prodorsal, a dorsomedian, and a retrodorsal slightly enlarged tubercles, ventrally unarmed; femur IV curved dorsolaterally, the dorsoapical tubercles enlarged (retrodorsal largest). Basitarsus I slightly inflated. Tarsal counts: 6(3), 9(3), 6, and 6.

Penis ( Fig. 7 View Figure 7 ). Ventral plate reduced, placed between glans and apically inflated truncus, with three apical pairs of long, straight setae. Truncus apex inflated, with subapical constriction, four pairs of straight, spatulate, long (slightly shorter than distal pairs of setae on ventral plate) setae organized in a dorsoventral row (in lateral view). Glans sac with basal constriction (pentagonal shaped in dorsal view), apex dorsoventrally flattened, laterally widened. Stylus short, curved dorsally. Ventral process without stem, with narrow flabellum.

Coloration. Background colour yellowish brown. Clear brown pedipalps.

Female (holotype): Measurements: DSL 5.85; DSW 5.25; LI 13.7; LII 20.3; LIII 16.05; LIV 21.7. Dorsum: Scutal areas I–IV with a paramedian pair of conspicuously enlarged tubercles; anal operculum unarmed with a median tuberculate elevation. Pedipalp: tarsal setation, mesal iIiIi/iiIiIi, ectal IiIi/iiIiIi. Legs: coxa I–IV idem male, but coxa I with bifid retrolateral apophysis, coxa IV with retrolateral apical apophysis smaller than male (as long as prolateral apophysis). Trochanter I ventrally with enlarged tubercles, basal and proapical tubercles very large; trochanter III with enlarged tubercles on prolateral face; trochanter IV with enlarged tubercles on prolateral and retrolateral faces, retroapical short, blunt apophysis. Femur I ventrally with two rows of slightly enlarged tubercles. Metatarsus IV tuberculate, as tibia IV. Basitarsus I not inflated. Tarsal counts: 6(3), 9–10(3), 6, and 6.

Variation in males (N = 9): Measurements: DSL 4.6– 5.45; DSW 3.8–5.0; LI 10.9–14.05; LII 15.6–21.35; LIII 12.3–16.0; LIV 16.6–21.3. Pedipalpus: tibial setation, mesal iIiIi/iiIiIi/iIiiIi/i-IiiIi, ectal iiiIi/iiiiIi/iiiiiIi/iiiiiIii/ iiiiiiIi; tarsal setation, mesal IiIi/iIiIi/iiIiIi/iiIi-Ii, ectal iIiIi/iIiIii/iiIiIi/iiIiIii/iiiIiIii. Paramedian pair of slightly enlarged tubercles on scutal areas II–IV inconspicuous in some specimens. Coxa IV prolateral apical apophysis curved more laterally or more posteriorly. Tibia IV straight or slightly sinuous. Tarsal segmentation: 6(3), 7–9(3), 6, and 6.

Variation in females (N = 5): Measurements: DSL 4.4– 5.85; DSW 3.65–5.25; LI 10.4–13.7; LII 15.0–20.3; LIII 11.6–16.05; LIV 14.7–21.7. Pedipalp: tibial setation, mesal iIiIi/iIiiIi/iiIiIi, ectal iiIi/iiiIi/iiiiIi/iiiiiIi; tarsal setation, mesal iIiIi/iiIiIi/iiIiiIi, ectal IiIi/iIiIi/iiIiIi/ iiIiIii. Tarsal segmentation: 6(3), 8–10(3), 6, and 6.


( FIGS 4 View Figure 4 , 8A–C View Figure 8 )

Gerdesius peruvianus Roewer, 1952: 50 View in CoL , fig. 14; Kury 2003: 170 [ Peru, (Junin), Palca, Rio Tarma, + 2900 m a.s.l., ♂ holotype (SMF 9572/ 120), examined; idem, 1 ♀ paratype (SMF 59681), examined].

Material examined

PERU. Junin: Palca, Rio Tarma , + 2900 m a.s.l., ♂ holotype ( SMF 9572 About SMF /120); idem, 1 ♀ paratype ( SMF 59681) .


Gerdesius peruvianus differs from other members of the genus by: scutal area IV with a conspicuous pair of enlarged, pointed tubercles; unarmed free tergite I and anal operculum with an enlarged median tubercle on an prominence.


Male (holotype): Dorsum ( Fig. 4A, B View Figure 4 ): Measurements, DSL 4.7; DSW 4.75; LI 11.15; LII 16.5; LIII 13.05; LIV

17.25. Anterior margin of carapace with frontal hump, three or four enlarged, pointed tubercles on each side. Ocularium far from anterior margin of carapace, tuberculate, with a median spine slightly pointed anteriorly. Scutal area I entire; area IV with a paramedian pair of enlarged tubercles. Scutal groove II sides curved anteriorly, inconspicuous near lateral grooves of dorsal scutum. Dorsal scutum outline type gamma, entirely tuberculate, lateral margins with an external row of tubercles increasing in size to the middle and an internal irregular row of tubercles. One ozopore (anterior opening), covered by integumentary dome with inverted V-shape opening, obstructed by prolateral apophysis of coxa II. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum tuberculate with a posterior row of enlarged tubercles. Free tergites I–III tuberculate; free tergites I and II with a posterior row of enlarged tubercles. Anal operculum tuberculate, with a median enlarged tubercle on an elevation.

Venter ( Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ). Coxa I–IV, genital and free sternites tuberculate.

Chelicera. Normal sized. Segment I with three enlarged, pointed tubercles on posterior margin of bulla (retrolateral largest), six or seven tubercles on prolateral to dorsal face, decreasing in size apically; segment II with five teeth; segment III with three teeth.

Pedipalp ( Fig. 4G, H View Figure 4 ). Trochanter inflated, dorsally with three pointed tubercles, ventrally with one retrolateral tubercle and one enlarged prolateral tubercle. Femur dorsally with between five and seven tubercles, ventrally with one basal and one median enlarged tubercles. Tibia dorsolaterally with scattered tubercles; tibial setation, mesal iiiiIi/iIiIi, ectal iiiIi. Tarsus dorsolaterally smooth; tarsal setation, mesal IiIi/iIiIi, ectal IiIi. All small setae in tibia and tarsus thin and delicate. Claw short (approximately less than half of tarsus length).

Legs ( Fig. 4C–F View Figure 4 ). Coxa I with one prolateral and one retrolateral apophyses; coxa II the same, with prolateral apophysis enlarged and in front of ozopore, retrolateral apophysis with a basal enlarged tubercle; coxa III with one prolateral and one retrolateral apophyses directed anteriorly and posteriorly, respectively; coxa IV tuberculate, with one short, spiniform prolateral apical apophysis and one short, spiniform retrolateral apical apophysis (visible in ventral view). Trochanters – tibiae I–IV tuberculate, metatarsi I–III small tuberculate. Trochanters I and II ventrally with enlarged tubercles; trochanter III with one enlarged latero-apical tubercle; trochanter IV with two prolateral apical enlarged, pointed tubercles fused at the base and one retrolateral apical long (approximately half podomere length) apophysis, retrolateral enlarged tubercles. Femur IV strongly curved dorsally, apically with a prodorsal (largest), a dorsomedian, and a retrodorsal enlarged tubercles, ventrally unarmed. Tibia IV slightly swollen basally. Metatarsus IV tuberculate, as tibia IV. Basitarsus I slightly inflated. Tarsal counts: 6(3), 8–9(3), 6, and 6.

Penis ( Fig. 8A–C View Figure 8 ). Ventral plate reduced, placed between glans and apically inflated truncus, with three apical pairs of long, straight setae and one median pair of short setae. Truncus apex inflated with six pairs of straight, long (slightly shorter than the distal pairs of setae on ventral plate) setae organized into two dorsoventral rows (in lateral view). Glans sac slightly curved dorsally and cylindrical, apex dorsoventrally flattened, laterally widened. Stylus short, its apex laterally compressed and dorsoventrally inflated. Ventral process without stem, with a triangular shaped, laterally flattened projection.

Coloration. Background colour dark brown, slightly clear brown on trochanter IV apex. Clear brown pedipalps.

Female (paratype): Measurements: DSL 4.75; DSW 4.15; LI 10.25; LII leg missing; LIII 11.8; LIV 15. Anal operculum tuberculate, without median enlarged tubercle. Pedipalp: tibial setation, mesal IiiIi, ectal iiii-i; tarsal setation, mesal IiIi, ectal iIiIi. Basitarsus I normal. Leg IV: coxa IV unarmed retrolateral apically; trochanter IV with prolateral apical tubercles and retrolateral apical apophysis smaller than in male.


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg














Gerdesius paruensis

Bragagnolo, Cibele, Hara, Marcos R. & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo 2015

Huralvioides paruensis H. Soares, 1970: 333

Kury AB 2003: 173
Kury AB 1995: 316
Soares HEM 1970: 333

Gerdesius peruvianus

Kury AB 2003: 170
Roewer CF 1952: 50
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