Hoplandria (Genosema)
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1096-3642.2003.00060.x |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/3F272601-5046-FFEE-C1E5-F97DFC13FE5B |
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Carolina |
scientific name |
Hoplandria (Genosema) |
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Genosema Notman, 1920:720 . Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926:717. Scheerpeltz, 1934:1668. Blackwelder, 1944:164. Klimaszewski, 1984:10. Génier, 1989:17. Hanley, 2002a:307. Hanley, in press b.
Type species: Genosoma sexualis Notman, 1920 [= Hoplandria pulchra Kraatz, 1857 ] (designated by Génier, 1989 by subsequent designation).
Diagnosis: This subgenus is distinguishable from the other subgenera of Hoplandria by the following combination of characters: body small (2.8–3.4 mm); body colouration dark throughout or bicoloured; punctation on abdominal terga III – IV with lanceolate ridges impressed laterally and almost contiguous; males with prominent denticles on outer apical third on each elytron; abdominal tergum IV unmodified.
Description: In agreement with Hoplandria description, except for the following characters. [1] Lengths of adults 2.8–3.4 mm. [2] Body elongate, fusiform to nearly parallel; with [4] widely dispersed punctation and microsculpturing; pubescence generally dense on [5] head, [6] abdominal terga, [7] pronotum, [8] elytra, and [9] abdominal sterna.
Head: [10] Slightly longer than wide. [11] Eyes small, 0.25–0.4 times length of head. [13] Infraorbital carina absent to very weakly developed. Antenna with [16] article 4 quadrate to slightly longer than wide; [17] articles 5–10 short, 1.0–2.0 times wider than long, [18] coeloconical sensilla present in article 11.
Mouthparts: Labrum ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ) with epipharyngeal area with [19] medial pores large, more or less numerous, uniformly distributed, [21] pores between longitudinal sensory field and lateral sclerotized areas few, primarily basally arranged ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Mandible ( Fig. 4C,D View Figure 4 ) with [23] apex more or less acute and slightly curved adorally, dorsobasal ‘velvety patch’ [28] large, wider than half of mandibular base; [30] ventral aspect with outer basal angle without setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ) with [31] length of lacinia shorter than galea, [33] teeth on adoral margin moderately long, each about 4–5 times longer than wide, [35] positioned into three distinct regions; [37] galea moderately wide, wider than lacinea at widest area, and rounded apically. Labium ( Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ) with ligula [45] elongate, as long as labial palpal segments 1 + 2, with [47] slightly bifid to crescent-shaped apex, [48] with numerous spines at apex and two subapical spines; [49] two long medial setae of prementum present, longer than ligula, [50] insertion of setae almost adjacent; [54] lateral pore field with a single setose pore, one large asetose pore, and numerous small pseudopores; hypoglossal lobes ( Fig. 4G View Figure 4 ) [56] with long, comb-like internally curved setae, length about 6 times longer than width of lobe. Labial palpi ( Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ) [58] very long, overall length 8–10 times longer than greatest width, with [60] with distal pore field composed of numerous small sensory pegs; [61] article 1 about 7.0 times longer than article 2, [62] article 3 about 3.0–4.0 times longer than article 2. Mentum with [67] many sensory pores typically distributed in basal 2/3.
Thorax: Pronotum [68] transverse, variable in size, [69] typically 1.2–1.4 times wider than long, [70] more or less convex to flattened with rounded sides. Elytra [74] moderately broad, commonly wider apically than basally, and slightly wider than pronotum at widest area; [76] elytra together about 1.2–1.5 times as wide as long. Mesocoxal cavities ( Fig. 5A View Figure 5 ) [81] more or less widely separated by meso- and metasternal processes by about 1/8 length of coxal cavities. Mesosternal process [82] subequal in length to metasternal process; [83] meso- and metasternal processes separated by very short isthmus; [84] mesosternal process more or less rounded at apex. Metasternum [85] about as long as width of mesocoxae. Macrosetae [88] absent on metasternum. Legs with [93] empodial bristle distinctly longer than tarsal claws.
Abdomen: ( Fig. 5B View Figure 5 ) with [100] anterior corner of sternum III with distinct region of differentiated microsculpturing visible, generally delimited by very fine carina.
Secondary sexual characteristics: Males highly variable, including more or less distinct major and minor forms. Minor forms generally similar to females and typically indistinct externally. Major forms between species highly variable with morphological modifications on the elytra in the form of [102] without humeral carina or bump; [103] without denticle, carina or conical process on the medioapical region; [104] with well-developed denticle on the outer apical third ( Fig. 5F View Figure 5 ). Abdomen: posterior corners of [105] sternum III and [106] IV produced into a long spines often reaching the posterior quarter of tergum IV and V, respectively; [107] carina on tergum IV absent; [108] strong posteromedian conical process on tergum VII; [109] without two transverse rows of large macrosetae near apex of tergum VIII.
Aedeagus: ( Fig. 5C View Figure 5 ) Bulb of median lobe [110] slightly longer than wide, length shorter than tube; parameres ( Fig. 5D View Figure 5 ) [114] with 2 long and 2 short setae at apex; [115] paramerite anterior margin slightly concave; condylite with [116] apex more or less unmodified, [117] shorter than paramerite.
Spermatheca: ( Fig. 5E View Figure 5 ) [118] Simple, with distinct angle and three primary divisions, neck [120] distinctly bent, commonly at 45∞ angle.
Habitat: Specimens of H. (Genosema) pulchra have been collected from human faeces, alder litter, and in flight-intercept traps in second growth hardwood forests. Other species, especially Neotropical ones, are commonly taken using flight-intercept traps.
Comments: Génier (1989) reassigned Genosema as a subgenus of Hoplandria based on the lack of modification on tergum IV, the shape and the location of tubercules of the elytra, and the shape of the genitalia. The recently completed phylogenetic analysis of the Hoplandriini ( Hanley, 2002a) confirm Génier’s assertion that Genosema derserves subgeneric status within Hoplandria s.l., but also shows that the characters Génier relied upon in this conclusion are shared among members of other subgenera and genera within the Hoplandriina . Genosema contains three species from southern North America and Central America.
Distribution: NEARCTIC REGION. United States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana). NEOTROPICAL REGION. Cuba, Guatemala, Panama.
(FIGS 6,7)
Hoplandria Kraatz, 1857:4 View in CoL . Blackwelder, 1952:191. Génier, 1989:10. Hanley, 2002a:304. Hanley, in press b.
Type species: Hoplandria ochracea Kraatz, 1857 [= Hoplandria lateralis ( Melsheimer (1844)] (designated by Casey, 1910 by subsequent designation).
Diagnosis: This subgenus is distinguishable from the other subgenera of Hoplandria by the following combination of characters: body small to moderate in size (1.7–4.5 mm); body colouration pale throughout or more or less bicoloured; pronotum evenly and densely pubescent; punctation on abdominal terga III – IV with lanceolate ridges not impressed laterally; males with elytra with prominent denticles on medioapical margins; abdominal tergum IV with more or less U-shaped, narrow longtitudinal carina or crescentshaped elevations, often appearing iridescent; abdominal tergum VII with narrow posteromedian longtitudinal carina.
Description: In agreement with Hoplandria description, except for the following characters. [1] Lengths of adults 1.7–4.5 mm. [2] Body ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ) fusiform to narrowly elongate; with [4] more or less distinct punctation and microsculpturing; pubescence variably dense on [6] abdominal terga, [7] pronotum, [8] elytra, and [9] abdominal sterna.
Head: ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ) [10] Slightly to distinctly transverse. [11] Eyes size moderate, 0.4–0.5 times length of head. [13] Infraorbital carina absent to weakly developed. Antenna with [15] articles 1–3 elongate, 2.5–3.2 times longer than wide; [16] article 4 more or less quadrate; [17] articles 5–10 short, 1.5–2.0 times wider than long, [18] coeloconical sensilla present in article 11.
Mouthparts: Labrum ( Fig. 6B View Figure 6 ) with epipharyngeal area ( Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ) with [19] medial pores large, numerous, uniformly distributed in [20] longitudinal sensory field with no discernible borders. Mandible ( Fig. 6D,E View Figure 6 ) with [24] condylar molar patch small, width about 1/4 of basal mandibular width; dorsobasal ‘velvety patch’ [28] large, wider than half of mandibular base; [30] ventral aspect with outer basal angle with no setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 6F View Figure 6 ) with [33] teeth of adoral margin of lacinia short, about 3 times longer than wide, and [34] closely placed, into [35] three more or less distinct regions; [37] galea moderately narrow, narrower than lacinia at widest area, and rounded apically, [38] membranous in apical 1/3, [39] densely covered with rows of very short, fine hairs giving mostly stubble appearance. Labium ( Fig. 6G View Figure 6 ) with ligula [46] broadened apically with [47] moderately forked apex, [48] with two spines at apex and two subapical spines, [49] two more or less short medial setae of prementum present, subequal to length of ligula, [50] insertion of setae almost adjacent; [53] median pseudopore field very narrow and more or less linear, with few small pores; [54] lateral pore field with a single setose pore and two asetose pores; [55] hypoglossal lobes ( Fig. 6H View Figure 6 ) long, typically reaching beyond base of ligula, [56] with moderately long, about 4–5 times longer than width of lobe, comb-like internally curved setae along. Labial palpi ( Fig. 6G View Figure 6 ) [58] elongate, overall length 4.5–6.0 times longer than greatest width, [60] with distal pore field composed of one spine and two large pores with small sensory pegs inside; [61] article 1 about 2.0 times longer than article 2, [62] article 3 about 2.3 times longer than article 2. Mentum with [66] antero-lateral angles obtusely rounded; [67] many sensory pores typically distributed in basal 2/3.
Thorax: Pronotum ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ) [68] distinctly transverse, [69] typically 1.2–1.4 times wider than long, [70a] with sides evenly rounded. Setae [71] densely distributed, [72] typically directed posteriorly. [76] Elytra together about 1.4–1.6 times as wide as long. Mesosternal process ( Fig. 7A View Figure 7 ) [82] longer than metasternal process, extended to basal 1/4 of coxal cavities; [83] meso- and metasternal processes separated by very short isthmus, [84] mesosternal process generally flattened at apex. Metasternum [85] shorter than width of mesocoxae. Macrosetae [88] present on metasternum. Legs with [91] tarsal claws ( Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ) moderately long and slender, [93] empodial bristle slightly shorter to subequal to length of tarsal claws, [94] article 1 of hind tarsus about 1.1–1.3 times length of article 2.
Abdomen: ( Figs 6A View Figure 6 , 7B View Figure 7 ) [97] Fusiform, tapering apically to apex; [98] terga III – V with moderately deep transverse basal depressions on anterior portion. [100] Anterior corner of sternum III with distinct region of differentiated microsculpturing visible, generally delimited by very fine carina, area appearing irridescent.
Secondary sexual characteristics: Males highly variable, including more or less distinct major and minor forms. Minor forms generally similar to females and typically indistinct externally. Major forms between species variable with morphological modifications on the elytra in the form of [102] without humeral carina or bump; [103] with distinct denticle on the medioapical region ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ); [104] with carina or denticle on the outer apical third. Abdomen: posterior corners of [105] sternum III and [106] IV not produced into a long spines; [107] more or less U-shaped ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ), narrow longtitudinal carina or crescent-shaped elevations on tergum IV, often appearing iridescent; [108] narrow posteromedian longtitudinal carina on tergum VII ( Fig. 6A View Figure 6 ); [109] two transverse rows of macrosetae near apex of tergum VIII.
Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ) With bulb of median lobe [110] more or less elongate, subequal to length to tube, internal sac [112] typically with large spinules and sclerites; [113] parameres ( Fig. 7E View Figure 7 ) with apical lobe of parmerite not prominent or extended beyond velum, [114] with 2 setae at apex; [115] paramerite anterior margin distinctly concave; condylite with [116] apex generally unmodified, [117] generally subequal to shorter in length to apex of paramerite.
Spermatheca: ( Fig. 7F View Figure 7 ) [118] L-shaped with tube [121] membranous.
Habitat: Species of the subgenus Hoplandria have been collected from human faeces, on carrion of various animals (bat, fish, mouse, chicken) and other undetermined carcasses, in malt traps, in pitfall traps baited with soybean, in unbaited pitfall traps, from leaf litter, and by sifting wood chips. Other specimens were collected using various other methods, including at UV light traps and on mud near rivers.
Comments: Based on my examination of unidentified material of Hoplandria s.s., many species await description especially from the Neotropics. Hoplandria s.s. currently contains three species, all from North America.
Distribution: NEARCTIC REGION. Canada (Ontario, Quebec), Mexico (Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Sonora, Tamaulipas), United States (Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia).
( FIGS 8,9)
Lophomucter Notman, 1920:722 . Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926:714. Blackwelder, 1952:227. Klimaszewski, 1984:10. Génier, 1989:23. Hanley, 2002a:314. Hanley, in press b.
Type species: Lophomucter laevicollis Notman, 1920 by monotypy.
Diagnosis: This subgenus is distinguishable from the other subgenera of Hoplandria by the following combination of characters: body small to moderate large in size (2.4–5.4 mm); body colouration pale throughout or more or less bicoloured; pronotum unevenly and generally weakly pubescent, with six large setiferous pores; males with each elytron with humeral carina, lateral carina and medioapical denticle; abdominal tergum IV with distinct, flat elevation, often appearing iridescent; abdominal tergum VII with moderately elevated carina.
Description: In agreement with Hoplandria description, except for the following characters. [1] Lengths of adults 2.5–5.4 mm. Body with [4] more or less widely spaced punctation and microsculpturing; [5] pubescence generally sparse on head, variably dense on [6] abdominal terga, [7] pronotum, [8] elytra, and [9] abdominal sterna.
Head: [10] Typically as wide as long. [11] Eyes generally large, 0.4–0.7 times length of head. [13] Infraorbital carina strongly developed and complete. Antenna with [15] articles 1–3 elongate, 2.0–3.5 times longer than wide; [16] article 4 generally quadrate; [17] articles 5–10 short, 1.1–2.0 times wider than long, [18] coeloconical sensilla present in article 11.
Mouthparts: Labrum ( Fig. 8A View Figure 8 ) with epipharyngeal area with [19] medial pores small, numerous, more or less uniformly distributed in [20] well-delimited, longitudinal sensory field; [21] few pores present between longitudinal sensory field and lateral sclerotized areas ( Fig. 8B View Figure 8 ) Mandible ( Fig. 8C,D View Figure 8 ) with [23] apex acute and curved adorally; dorsobasal ‘velvety patch’ [28] large, wider than half of mandibular base; [30] ventral aspect with outer basal angle without setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 8E View Figure 8 ) with [31] length of lacinia shorter than galea, [32] lacinia more or less acute apically, [33] teeth on adoral margin short, about 3 times longer than wide, and [34] more or less closely placed, into [35] two regions; [37] galea moderately narrow, narrower than lacinia at widest area, [38] membranous in apical 1/3. Labium ( Fig. 8F View Figure 8 ) with ligula with [47] forked apex, [48a] medial spines on ligula typically heavy, peg-like; [49] two long medial setae of prementum present, longer than ligula, [50] insertion of setae widely separated; [53] median pseudopore field wide and more or less rectangular; [55] hypoglossal lobes ( Fig. 8G View Figure 8 ) very long, typically reaching middle of ligula, [56] with long, about 5–7 times longer than width of lobe, comblike internally curved setae. Labial palpi ( Fig. 8F View Figure 8 ) [58] long, overall length 5–7 times longer than greatest width, [60] with distal pore field composed of two large pores with small sensory pegs inside; [61] article 1 about 3.5 times longer than article 2, [62] article 3 about 3.0 times longer than article 2. Mentum with [66] antero-lateral angles obtusely rounded and extended anteriorly; [67] many sensory pores typically distributed in basal 2/3, with pores distrubuted along each side of midline.
Thorax: Pronotum [68] generally transverse, [68a] outer apical angles very slightly sinuate, with [68b] apical area along midline extended posteriorly, [70] sides evenly rounded, more or less convex to flattened, [70a] not with areas near lateral margins distinctly flattened. Setae [71] generally scarcely to sparsely distributed, [71a] typically not evenly distributed, often with narrow longitudinal bare area on disc, [72] setae typically directed posteriorly on disc; [72a] six relatively large setigerous pores on disc. Elytra with [75] apico-lateral angles slightly to not distinctly sinuate; [76] elytra together about 1.3–1.5 times as wide as long; [77] microsetae moderately numerous, [79] directed posterolaterally. Mesosternal process ( Fig. 9A View Figure 9 ) [82] subequal in length to metasternal process, extended to basal 1/2 of coxal cavities; [83] meso- and metasternal processes separated by short isthmus; [84] mesosternal process generally flattened at apex. Metasternum [85] typically longer than width of mesocoxae. Macrosetae [88] present on metasternum. Legs with [91] tarsal claws more or less long and slen- der, [93] empodial bristle subequal to length of tarsal claws; [94] article 1 of hind tarsus about 1.1 times length of article 2; [96] article 5 slightly shorter than combined lengths of articles 2–4.
Abdomen: ( Fig. 9B View Figure 9 ) [97] More or less broadly oval, tapering apically to broadly pointed apex; [98] terga III ( VI – V indistinct) with moderately deep transverse basal depression on anterior portion. [99] Terga and sterna with sparcely distributed macrosetae. [100] Anterior corner of sternum III with distinct region of differentiated microsculpturing visible, generally delimited by very fine carina, often area appearing irridescent.
Secondary sexual characteristics: Males variable, including major and minor forms. Minor forms generally similar to females and typically indistinct externally. Major forms with morphological modifications on the elytra in the form of [102] distinct humeral carina or bump; [103] denticle, carina or conical process on the medioapical region; [104] without denticle, carina or bump on the outer apical third; [104a] distinct carina on lateral margins. Abdomen: posterior corners of [105] sternum III only slightly modified and extended, generally not as a long spine, and [106] sternum IV not produced; [107] highly variable, raised flat area on tergum IV often appearing irridescent; [108] moderately elevated carina on tergum VII; [109] two transverse rows of large macrosetae on near apex of tergum VIII.
Aedeagus: ( Fig. 9C View Figure 9 ) With bulb of median lobe [110] broadly oval, length subequal to greater in length of tube, [111] with moderately developed ventral projection; [113] parameres ( Fig. 9D View Figure 9 ) with apical lobe of parmerite not extended beyond velum, [115] paramerite anterior margin typically straight to slightly concave; condylite with [116] apex typically heavily sclerotized.
Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9E View Figure 9 ) Neck [120] significantly bent, typically at 90∞ angle; [122a] vaginal sclerite typically heavily sclerotized.
Habitat: Various species of Lophomucter have been collected using traps baited with human faeces, various carrion types, rotting mushrooms, and from leaf litter and flight-intercept traps.
Comments: Génier (1989) diagnosed three informal species groups within the subgenus Lophomucter : the ‘ klimaszewskii group’ containing H. klimaszewskii Génier ; the ‘ laevicollis group’ containing H. sanbornei Génier , H. kisatchie Génier , H. alterans Génier , and H. laevicollis (Notman) ; and the ‘ okaloosa group’ containing H. okaloosa Génier , and H. oconee Génier. Based on Hanley (2002a), Lophomucter and Platonica have a sister-group relationship, and together have a sister-group relationship with the rest of Hoplandria s.l. It seems likely that with the inclusion of additional specimens of Lophomucter in systematic studies of Hoplandria s.l., Lophomucter + Platonica may be elevated to generic-level status. Lophomucter currently contains seven species, all from North America.
Distribution: NEARCTIC REGION. Canada (Quebec), United States (Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia).
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
UV |
Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle |
VI |
Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Genus |
Hoplandria (Genosema)
Hanley, Rodney S. 2003 |
Hanley RS 2002: 307 |
Genier F 1989: 17 |
Klimaszewski J 1984: 10 |
Blackwelder RE 1944: 164 |
Scheerpeltz O 1934: 1668 |
Bernhauer M & Scheerpeltz O 1926: 717 |
Notman H 1920: 720 |
Hanley RS 2002: 314 |
Genier F 1989: 23 |
Klimaszewski J 1984: 10 |
Blackwelder RE 1952: 227 |
Bernhauer M & Scheerpeltz O 1926: 714 |
Notman H 1920: 722 |
Hanley RS 2002: 304 |
Genier F 1989: 10 |
Blackwelder RE 1952: 191 |
Kraatz G 1857: 4 |