Fryerius (Dentitrella) dilucidus, Gorochov, 2023

Gorochov, A. V., 2023, Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 16: the genera Fryerius and Stenotrella from Madagascar, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 129-137 : 130-132

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.01

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scientific name

Fryerius (Dentitrella) dilucidus


Fryerius (Dentitrella) dilucidus Gorochov, sp.n.

Figs 1–6 View Figs 1–15 , 16 View Figs 16–18 , 19–25 View Figs 19–41 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype — ♂, Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Moramanga Distr., Analamazaotra Forest Station near Andasibe Vill . (18°56´S, 48°25´E), ~ 900 m, primary forest, at light, 8–20.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) GoogleMaps . Paratype — 1 ♂, same province and district, ~ 10 km NW of Andasibe Vill., Torotorofotsy

Forest Reserve, ~ 1000 m, secondary forest, at light, 22.II— 11.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN).

DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). Body coloration yellowish with whitish tinge and following marks: head with dark brown both area between lateral ocelli and a pair of stripes on dorsum along posteromedial edges of eyes, brown dorsum of rostrum and short longitudinal stripe on each gena behind upper half of eye, blackish dot very near anteroventral edge of each eye, small darkenings in dorsolateral corners of clypeus and on distal parts of some other mouthparts (labrum, mandibles, maxillae and each of three last segments of their palpi), and light brown antennal flagellum and areas on pedicel ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ); pronotum with almost light brown disc and light brown longitudinal stripe on middle part of each lateral lobe ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ); tegmina with light brown to yellowish most part of venation, whitish some crossveins in basal area of dorsal field and in lateral field as well as membranes between R and M, and more or less transparent other membranes ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–18 ); hind wings also with transparent membranes and light brown to yellowish venation; legs with brown small spot on each (inner and outer) surfaces of fore and middle femora near their apices, two longitudinal lines on outer surface of hind femur (on its middle and ventral parts) and apical areas of this femur, as well as with light brown reticular pattern on dorsal surface of this femur, large inner area on fore tibia, smaller one on middle tibia, distal two thirds of hind tibia and most part of all tarsi (but hind tibia with a pair of longitudinal dark brown stripes on proximal part of this tibia and few brown spots on its rest part having also dark brown to blackish articulated spines and spurs, and hind tarsus with distinct dark and light marks; Fig. 6 View Figs 1–15 ); other parts of body with a pair of brown posterodorsal spots on ninth abdominal tergite, almost dark brown paraprocts and anal plate having very large reddish brown median area on dorsum of latter plate, and brown longitudinal median band on ventral surface of genital plate ( Figs 4, 5 View Figs 1–15 ). Epicranium distinctly depressed dorsoventrally, with very large and vertical eyes, very narrow and rather long rostrum between antennal cavities (scape almost 3.5 times as wide as apex of this rostrum), rather small and not deep concavity on dorsum behind ocelli, and with these ocelli as in Fig. 1 View Figs 1–15 ; mouthparts short, with maxillary palpi also rather short (apical segment of these palpi as long as scape and pedicel together and gradually widening to rounded apex). Pronotum also depressed dorsoventrally, barely narrowing to head, with straight anterior and slightly sinuate posterior edges of disc as well as with barely concave ventral edge of each lateral lobe; metanotal gland with anterodorsal edge of median process almost angular in dorsal view and with small but distinct apical notch ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–15 ); tegmina with dorsal field as in Fig. 16 View Figs 16–18 , and with lateral field having very narrow areas between Sc and M, 18–19 oblique and slightly sinuate branches of Sc, sparse crossveins between these branches in proximal half of this field and in R-M area, but lacking crossveins in Sc-R area; legs with large oval outer tympanum, slightly narrower and insignificantly immersed inner tympanum, and hind tibia having some spine-like denticles between articulated spines as long as half of latter spines ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–15 ). Anal plate as in Fig. 4 View Figs 1–15 ; genital plate approximately three times as long as previous plate, with distal half gradually narrowing to almost angular apex ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–15 ); genitalia and spermatophore ( Figs 19–25 View Figs 19–41 ): epiphallus slightly asymmetrical, with short anterior part strongly curved backwards and having well projected lateral corners, and with posteroapical lobules rather small but having wide notch between them; right lateral ectoparamere long and rather narrow (almost knife-like) as well as approximately 2.2 times as long as shortened left one; rachis symmetrical, long and moderately wide (having rather wide bilobate apex), mostly membranous but with a pair of thin longitudinal sclerotized stripes and semimembranous area between them; medial ectoparameres also rather long (but somewhat shorter than right lateral ectoparamere) and well sclerotized as well as slightly asymmetrical and more or less hooked in distal parts but connected with each other in middle parts by distinct sclerotized transverse ribbon (this ribbon arcuate and with median part moderately projected backwards); formula moderately large but not long, in form of clearly asymmetrical and somewhat corrupted plate having rather small and also asymmetrical apodeme-like sclerotization; rami very short, triangularly plate-like; spermatophore with ampulla clearly longer than anchor and tube together ( Fig. 25 View Figs 19–41 ).

Variation. Paratype ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–15 ) distinguished from holotype by somewhat different shape of median process of metanotal gland having more or less widely rounded anterodorsal edge lacking any apical notch (this male possibly belonging to new subspecies of this species), and by slightly lighter and less contrast coloration of ninth abdominal tergite, anal plate and legs.

Female unknown.

Length in mm. Body 23–25; body with wings 35–38; pronotum 3.4–3.8; tegmina 24–27; hind femora 13–14.5.

COMPARISON. Differences of this species from two other new species of this subgenus will be given after their descriptions. From all other congeners, it is distinguished by the characters listed in the subgeneric diagnosis (see the previous comparison).

ETYMOLOGY. This species name is the Latin word “dilucidus ” (light) due to the light body coloration.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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