Encyclia osmantha (Barb.Rodr.) Schlechter (1914: 210)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den, 2018, A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian species of Encyclia (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Epidendreae), Phytotaxa 342 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.342.1.1

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scientific name

Encyclia osmantha (Barb.Rodr.) Schlechter (1914: 210)


28. Encyclia osmantha (Barb.Rodr.) Schlechter (1914: 210) View in CoL . Basionym: Epidendrum osmanthum Barbosa Rodrigues (1882: 134) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: São João del Rey, September, Barbosa Rodrigues s.n. (holotype: lost; lectoype designated by Meneguzzo et al. 2010: illustration by Barbosa Rodrigues (AMES) published in Iconographie des orchidées du Brésil: t. 783, reproduced in Sprunger et al. 1996: 277, t. 14B) ( Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 26B View FIGURE 26 ).

Heterotypic synonyms:

Encyclia cardimii Pabst & Mello (1977: 183) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Montes Claros, 1 November 1976, Melo EM-42A (holotype: HB 68939 !).

Encyclia lutzenbergeri Menezes (1990d: 7) View in CoL . Encyclia lutzenbergeri Menezes (1991a: 24) View in CoL , nom. superfl. Type:— BRAZIL. Distrito Federal: Brasília, July 1990, Miranda sub Menezes UB2 (holotype: UB!).

Encyclia lutzenbergeri var. major Menezes (1992d: 20) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Vitória da Conquista, no date, Menezes UB20 (holotype: UB!; epitype designated by Meneguzzo et al. 2010 due to the fragmentary nature of the type specimen: photograph published on the right at the bottom in Menezes 1992d: 21!).

Epiphytic, sometimes rupiculous herbs, 15.0−56.0 cm tall. Pseudobulbs conical, 5.0−11.0 × 1.0− 1.5 cm. Leaves 2−3, oblanceolate, 12.0−45.0 × 1.0− 2.5 cm, apex obtuse. Inflorescence a densely 7−25-flowered, compound raceme; peduncle 26.0−50.0 cm long; rachis 20.0−40.0 cm long. Floral pedicel 2.4−2.9 × 0.3−0.4 cm, warty; sepals brownish green, dorsal lanceolate, 2.0−2.5 × 0.7 cm, laterals lanceolate, 1.9−2.5 × 0.6−0.8 cm, pendent, margin entire, apex acute; petals brownish green, spatulate, 1.8−2.6 × 0.8−2.0 cm, pendent, margin entire, apex acute; lip with claw 0.15−0.2 × 0.3−0.4 cm, lateral lobes free in relation to the oval midlobe, 0.7−1.2 × 0.5−0.6 cm, yellowish, at a ˂45° angle with the midlobe (in the flattened lip), sometimes overlapping it, margin entire, apex obtuse, midlobe deltoid, 0.9−1.2 × 1.2−1.8 cm, white with few pinkish traces, flat, margin gently undulate, apex emarginate, callus cymbiform, acute; column clavate, 1.0−1.2 × 0.4−0.5 cm, clinandrium apex tridentate, lateral teeth triangular, apex acute, arms of the column quadrate, 0.15−0.20 × 0.20 cm, apex obtuse; stigma rounded, with basal hooks; anther one, yellow.

Distribution and habitat:— Endemic to cerrado in the north, central west and southeast ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ).

Phenology:— Flowering May–February.

Etymology:— From Latinized Greek “osmos”, perfume, and “anthus”, flower, referring to the fragrant flowers.

Taxonomic notes:— Encyclia osmantha has been commonly confused in herbaria with E. advena and E. alboxanthina . However, E. osmantha differs from these in its deltoid lip midlobe, which is is reniform and rounded in E. advena and E. alboxanthina , respectively. In addition, when flattened, the lateral lip lobes in E. osmantha form a <45° angle with the midlobe, whereas in the other two species this angle is about 90°. Some other nomenclatural questions involving E. osmantha were included in the notes for E. advena .

Although the type of E. cardimii is incomplete, with only a portion of the inflorescence and two flowers, we conclude that E. cardimii corresponds to a variant of E. osmantha , as previously explained in the notes on E. oncidioides . Our only concern in making this decision is the statement that is has a rupicolous habit, whereas E. osmantha is often reported as an epiphyte. There is, however, at least one collection of E. osmantha (Forster & Mazine 818, ESA 86119), also from Minas Gerais, that was collected growing on rocks, so we know that occasionally E. osmantha can be rupicolous.

Selected specimens examined: BRAZIL. Alagoas: no locality, 21 February 1980, Pereira E-2 ( HB) . Bahia: Alagoinhas , 3 km west of the town, 170−220 m, 29 January 2000, França 3221 ( CEPEC, HUEFS) . Distrito Federal: Brasília, Botanical Garden ecological station, 1025−1150 m, 16 July 1998, Nobrega 940 ( HEPH) ; Gama, between Gama and Corumbá River , 6 October 1963, Pires 5117 ( UB) ; Guará , 1091 m, September 1990, Miranda & Menezes 2 ( UB) ; Riacho Fundo, Sucupira Farm , 23 August 2000, Walter et al. 4477 ( CEN) ; Setor de Mansões do Lago Norte, Tamanduá Stream , 20 October 1991, Bianchetti & Batista 1178 ( CEN) ; Taguatinga, Pequeno Saltador Farm , 25 August 1992, Batista 207 ( CEN) . Espírito Santo: Ibiraçu, Pendanga , 19 October 2004, van den Berg 1414 ( HUEFS) . Goiás: Anápolis , 14 October 1959, no collector ( ESA 5375 About ESA ) ; Formosa, near the waterfall on the Bezerra River , 829 m, 3 July 2003, Santos & Pereira 2086 ( CEN) ; Pirenópolis , 29 August 2009, Proença & Harris 3623 ( UB) ; Sítio d’Abadia , 18 September 2009, Peres Jr. et al. 12 ( UB) ; Planaltina, Lagoa Formosa , 1080 m, 24 October 1977, no collector ( ESA 22896 About ESA ) . Mato Grosso: Mariana, Serra Antônio Pereira , 1500−1772 m, 30 September 1999, Leão 4D ( VIC) . Mato Grosso do Sul: Bataguassu, Invinheima River , 3 November 1999, Bicalho s.n. ( SP 342967 ) . Minas Gerais: Alto Caparaó, Caparaó National Park , 10 December 2000, Forster & Mazine 818 ( ESA) ; Cabeceira Grande, São Bento Farm , 14 March 2003, Santos & Pereira 1944 ( CEN) ; Carrancas, Guilherme Quarry , 22 May 1997, Singer & Simões s.n. ( UEC 140085 About UEC ) ; Delfinópolis, Serra da Canastra National Park , 834 m, October 2002, Pacheco et al. 249 ( UB) ; Joaquim Felício, Serra do Cabral , 21 October 1999, Hatschbach et al. 69406 ( ALCB, MBM) ; Paraopeba , 27 October 1962, no collector ( ESA 9411 About ESA ) ; Pedro Leopoldo, Jaguara Farm , 7 November 1968, Duarte 11242 ( HEPH) ; Cabral Mountains , 19 October 1962, no collector ( ESA 6246 About ESA ) ; Espinhaço Mountains , 28 September 1970; no collector ( ESA 30629 About ESA ) . Paraná: Campina Grande do Sul, Jaguatirica , 10 January 1965, Hatschbach 12080 ( HB, MBM) ; Jundiaí do Sul, Monte Verde Farm , 5 July 1997, Carneiro 345 ( MBM) . Tocantins: Alto Paraíso , Tocantins National Park , Set. 1967, Haas et al. 402 ( HB) .


Herbarium Bradeanum




Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Jardim Botânico de Brasília


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals














Encyclia osmantha (Barb.Rodr.) Schlechter (1914: 210)

Bastos, Cláudia A., Meneguzzo, Thiago E. C. & Berg, Cássio Van Den 2018

Encyclia lutzenbergeri var. major

Menezes, L. C. 1992: )
Menezes, L. C. 1992: 21

Encyclia lutzenbergeri

Menezes, L. C. 1991: )
Menezes, L. C. 1990: )

Encyclia cardimii

Pabst, G. F. J. & Mello, A. F. 1977: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF