Encephalitozoon hellem

Hinney, Barbara, Sak, Bohumil, Joachim, Anja & Kva ́ ̆ c, Martin, 2016, More than a rabbit's tale - Encephalitozoon spp. in wild mammals and birds, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 5 (1), pp. 76-87 : 77-78

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2016.01.001

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Encephalitozoon hellem


2.1.2. Encephalitozoon hellem View in CoL

E. hellem View in CoL was first described as the cause of keratoconjunctivitis in a human AIDS patient but its broadest distribution can be found amongst birds. Monkeys, carnivore and rodents can also be infected by this species ( Tables 1, 2, 4 and 5). Different genotypes can be distinguished using three different gene loci: Mathies distinguished three genotypes (named 1,2,3) using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences (Mathies et al., 1999). Later Xiao et al. (2001) could further distinguish these genotypes by additionally targeting the polar tube protein gene locus and the small subunit rRNA gene: The former genotype 1 could be distinguished in 1A, 1B, 1C; genotype 2 was distinguished into 2A and 2B moreover genotype 3 was suggested to be renamed 2C. There are further intraspecies variations so that more genotype variants can be described ( Haro et al., 2003). Distinguishing the genotypes could be helpful to exclude or suggest infections of a common origin ( Haro et al., 2006a).

Encephalitozoon spp . identified in wild Aves View in CoL . PCR — polymerase chain reaction; M — Microscopy; IF — immunofluorescence; FISH — fluorescent in situ hybridization; S — serology; seq — sequencing; * — captive wild.

Taxa diagnosed Host (scientific name) Country Substrate Techniques Reference (genotype)


Encephalitozoon View in CoL Blue-masked lovebird ( Agapornis personatus View in CoL ) USA * Tissue M Kemp and Kluge 1975 Encephalitozoon Double View in CoL yellow-headed Amazon parrot ( Amazona ochrocephala View in CoL ) USA * Tissue M Poonacha et al., 1985

E. hellem Budgerigar View in CoL ( Melopsittacus undulatus View in CoL ) USA * Tissue M + PCR Black et al., 1997 E. hellem View in CoL Eclectus View in CoL parrots ( Eclectus roratus View in CoL ) USA * Tissue M + PCR Pulparampil et al., 1998 E. hellem View in CoL Peach-faced lovebird ( Agapornis roseicollis View in CoL ) USA * Faeces M + IF + PCR Snowden et al., 2000

E. hellem Umbrella View in CoL cockatoo ( Cacatua alba View in CoL ) USA * Conjunctival M + PCR Phalen et al., epithelium 2006

E. hellem (I) Yellow-streaked lory ( Chalcopsitta scintillata ) Switzerland * caught Intestinal PCR/seq Suter et al., 1998; in the wild in content Mathis et al., Indonesia 1999

E. hellem (I) Lovebirds ( Agapornis spp. ) USA * Faeces M + Barton et al., culture + 2003


E. hellem Galah ( Eolophus roseicapillus ); Superb parrot Polytelis swainsonii Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., 2009

E. hellem (1A) Festive amazon ( Amazona festiva ); Yellow-crowned amazon ( Amazona Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., ochrocephala ); White cockatoo ( Cacatua alba ); Little corella ( Cacatua sanguinea ); 2009

Elegant parrot ( Neophema elegans ); Red-rumped parrot ( Psephotus haematonotus )

E. cuniculi Mealy amazon ( Amazona farinosa ); Tucuman ́amazon ( Amazona tucumana ); Red- Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., crowned amazon ( Amazona viridigenalis ); Bronze-winged parrot ( Pionus 2009

chalcopterus); Scaly-headed parrot ( Pionus maximiliani ); Dusky parrot ( Pionus fuscus ); Major Mitchell's Cockatoos ( Cacatua leadbeateri ); Green rosella

( Platycercus caledonicus ); Parakeets ( Pyrrhura sp. ); Monk parakeet ( Myiopsitta monachus )

E. cuniculi (I) Solomons cockatoos ( Cacatua gof fi ni) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., 2009

E. cuniculi (II) Red-fan parrot ( Deroptyus accipitrinus ); Red-crowned parakeet ( Cyanoramphus Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., novaezelandia); Senegal parrot ( Poicephalus senegalus ); African grey parrot 2009

( Psittacus erithacus ); Crimson rosella ( Platycercus elegans )

E. cuniculi (III) Cockateel ( Nympicus hollandicus ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., 2009

E. hellem , E. Fischer's lovebird ( Agapornis fi scheri) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., cuniculi 2009

(I + II)

E. hellem (1A), Rosy-faced lovebirds ( Agapornis roseicollis ); Rose-ringed parakeet ( Psittacula Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi krameri ) 2009

(I + II)

E. hellem (1A), Yellow-collared lovebirds ( Agapornis personata ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi (I) 2009

E. hellem (2C), Red-lored amazon ( Amazona autumnalis ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi 2009

E. hellem (1A), Budgerigar ( Melopsittacus undulates ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi (II) 2009

E. hellem (1A), Australian ringneck ( Barnardius zonarius ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi 2009

E. cuniculi (II, Cockatiel ( Nymphicus hollandicus ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al.,

III) 2009

E. hellem (1A), Turquoise parrot ( Neophema pulchella ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi (II) 2009

E. hellem (1A), Eastern rosella ( Platycercus eximius ) Czech Republic * Faeces PCR/RFLP Kăsĭckováet al., E. cuniculi 2009

(I + II)

E. hellem (1A, Budgerigars ( Melopsittacus undulatus ) Czech Republic * Tissue, PCR/RFLP Sak et al., 2010 2C), faeces

E. cuniculi (II)

E. hellem (1A, Parrots: African grey parrot ( Psittacus erithacus ); Blue-streaked lory ( Eos reticulata ); South Korea * Faeces PCR/RFLP Lee et al., 2011 2B), Chestnut-fronted macaw ( Ara severus ); Eclectus parrot ( Eclectus roratus ); Green-

E. cuniculi (II) cheeked parakeet ( Pyrrhura molinae ); Red-shouldered macaw ( Diopsittaca nobilis );

Rose-ringed parakeet ( Psittacula krameri )

E. hellem (1A) Blue-fronted parrot ( Amazona aestival ); Mealy parrot ( Amazona farinose ); Peach- Brazil confiscated Faeces M + PCR/seq Lallo et al., 2012b fronted parakeet ( Aratinga aurea ); Scaly headed parrot ( Pionus maximiliani ); (illegal trafficking)

Budgerigar ( Melopsittacus undulates )

E. hellem (2C) Blue-and-yellow macaw ( Ara ararauna ); Blue-headed parrot ( Pionus menstruus ) Brazil confiscated Faeces M + PCR/seq Lallo et al., 2012b (illegal trafficking)


E. hellem (I) Hummingbirds ( Calypte anna ; Archilochus alexandri ; Selasporus sasin) USA (migratory birds Tissue, M + PCR/seq Snowden et al.,

in rescue facility) faeces 2001














Encephalitozoon hellem

Hinney, Barbara, Sak, Bohumil, Joachim, Anja & Kva ́ ̆ c, Martin 2016

Agapornis personatus

Reichenow 1887


Wagler 1832


Linnaeus 1758
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