Empis (Polyblepharis) turkestanica Shamshev, 2023

Shamshev, I. V., 2023, Dance flies (Diptera: Empididae) in A. P. Fedtschenko’s Collection from Turkestan: Empis subgenus Polyblepharis, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 221-233 : 230-233

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.13

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Empis (Polyblepharis) turkestanica Shamshev

sp. nov.

Empis (Polyblepharis) turkestanica Shamshev View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 18–23 View Figs 18–23 .

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂, labels as in Fig. 23 View Figs 18–23 , [ Uzbekistan] [printed in Cyrillic, Russian] Tashkent / 25.iv.[1]925 / Dobzhansky // aryk Bos-su ( ZISP, INS _DIP_0000624).

Paratypes. Uzbekistan: same data as holotype (4 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀, ZISP) ; Tashkent 22.iv.1925 Dobzhansky (6 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀, ZISP) ; same locality, [A. Fedtschenko]: 25.iii.1871 (2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 26.iii.1871 (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 27.iii.1871 (2 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 28.iii.1871 (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 1.iv.1871 (4 ♂♂, 9 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 2.iv.1871 (1 ♀, ZMMU) , 3.iv.1871 (2 ♂♂, ZMMU) , 10.iv.1871 (2 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 11.iv.1871 (1 ♀, ZMMU) ; same locality, 11.iv.1923, E. Smirnov (1 ♂, ZMMU) ; same locality, 4.iv.1929, B. Rohdendorf (1 ♂, ZISP) ; same locality, 17.iv.1929, L. Zimin (1 ♀, ZISP) ; Tashkent , environs of Min-Bulak, 7.vi.1922, N. Kuznetsov (1 ♂, ZISP) ; same locality, 15.vi.1922, N. Kuznetsov (1 ♂, ZISP) ; Kuram Ridge , environs of Angren, 1100 m, 18.iv.1958, Sychevskaya (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, ZISP) ; Ugam Ridge , 20 km S Khumsan, 1200 m, 16-17.v.1963, Sugonyaev (3 ♂♂, ZISP) ; Pskem Ridge , near Nanay, 3000 m, 23–25.v.1963, Gurjeva (4 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) ; Karzhan- Tau Ridge , 5 km N of Khumsan, 12.v.1963, Sugonyaev (1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, ZISP) . Kazakhstan. Chak-pak , village Vysokoe, 960 m, 6.v.1907, A. Jacobson // coll. A. Semenov-Tian-Shansky (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP) . Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve , 24.v.1965, L. Zimina (1 ♂, 1 ♀ on one pin, ZMMU) ; same locality and collector, 14.v.1965 (1 ♂, ZMMU) , 14.v.1965 (2 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 21.v.1965 (1 ♂, ZMMU) , 23.v.1965 (1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, ZMMU) , 11.vi.1966 (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZMMU) , 26.v.1966 (1 ♀, ZMMU) , 30.v.1966 (1 ♂, ZMMU) ; same locality, 30.vi.1977, A. Shatalkin (8 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, ZMMU) . Kyrgyzstan. Kyrk-Kichiktau Mts. , 27.v.1925, Dobzhansky (1 ♂, ZISP) ; Aktash , 30.iv.1925, Dobzhansky (2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, ZISP) ; Mikhaylovka , valley of Kugart River, 25.v.1925, Dobzhansky (1 ♂, ZISP) ; shore of Kugart-su River , 8.v.1925, Dobzhansky (1 ♀, ZISP) ; Chatkal Nature Reserve , 2000 m, 9.vi.1963, Gurjeva (2 ♂♂, ZISP) ; Kamchik Pass , 2300 m, Kuram Ridge, 18.vi.1966, V. Zaitsev (1 ♂, ZISP) ; Chatkal Ridge , Sary-Chilek, 2000m, 29.v.1952, Zhelokhovtsev (5 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, ZMMU) ; Chatkal Ridge , Arkit, 6.vi.1952, Zhelokhovtsev (1 ♀, ZMMU) .

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. Uzbekistan. Tashkent, [A. Fedtschenko]: 25.iii.1871 (1 ♀), 27.iii.1871 (1 ♀), 28.iii.1871 (1 ♀), 5.iv.1871 (1 ♂), 10.iv.1871 (2 ♀♀), 1.iv.1871 (1 ♀), 2.iv.1871 (2 ♀♀) (mostly eaten by dermestids) .

DIAGNOSIS. Mid-sized species (body length 6–6.5 mm); eyes dichoptic, palpus black; postpronotal lobe shiny on outer side; acrostichal and presutural dorsocentral setae very short, the former biserial, the latter uniserial, presutural supra-alar seta present; femora entirely black; hind femur strongly thickened, hind tibia geniculate; abdominal tergites extensively shiny.

DESCRIPTION. Body length 5.9–6.6– mm, wing 6.0– 6.4 mm. Male ( Fig. 18 View Figs 18–23 ). Head with occiput, postgena and gena densely greyish pruinose; ocellar triangle subshiny, clypeus shiny, frons and face (except shiny lower margin) densely brownish pruinose; head setation mostly black. Dichoptic, ommatidia equally small. Frons broad, nearly as broad as distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli, almost parallel-sided, with marginal setulae. Face broader than frons, bare. Ocellar setae long, strong. Postocular setae long, strong on upper portion and very short on lower portion; occiput with almost regular transverse row of long, strong setae (more numerous laterally); postgena with yellowish, mostly fine setae. Antenna with scape and pedicel brownish, postpedicel and stylus black; scape nearly 2X longer than subglobular pedicel, both with short setulae; postpedicel 3–3.5X as long as basal width; stylus long, only slightly shorter than postpedicel. Proboscis with labrum brownish, paler apically; nearly 2X longer than eye height; palpus short, black; bearing sparse, long, black, fine setae.

Thorax almost entirely black in ground-colour, postalar tubercle somewhat yellowish brown translucent; mostly densely greyish pruinose and black setose (except noted); postpronotal lobe shiny on outer side; mesoscutum ( Fig. 19 View Figs 18–23 ) with 4 brown vittae (median vittae usually more distinct). Prosternum bare. Proepisternum with tuft of 4–5 strong setae and usually a few pale fine setae on lower part, bare on upper part (rarely 1 black fine seta present). Antepronotum with 5–6 short, spine-like setae. Postpronotal lobe with 7–10 strong, moderately long setae anteriorly (number, length, robustness and position variable); postpronotal seta usually nearly as long as longest anterior setae (sometimes slightly longer). Mesonotal setae: acrostichals irregularly biserial, mostly very short and fine (2 anteriormost setae spine-like and somewhat longer), absent on prescutellar depression; dorsocentral setae uniserial, presuturals similar to acrostichals, postsuturals becoming longer towards scutellum, 2 pairs of long, strong prescutellars; 1 fine presutural intra-alar (sometimes absent), 1 moderately long presutural supra-alar; 3 notopleurals, 1 postsutural supra-alar, 1 long and 1 minute postalars, 4 scutellars (setae of lateral pair slightly shorter); in addition, a few setulae present on anterior half of notopleuron. Laterotergite with 3–5 strong, long and a few short, fine setae (at least 3 strong setae always black, fine setae varying from black to pale). Anterior and posterior spiracles brownish.

Legs with coxae densely greyish pruinose, remaining podomeres subshiny; black setose. Legs colour: coxae, trochanters, femora and tarsi entirely dark brown; fore tibia mostly brown, brownish yellow near base; mid and hind tibiae extensively yellow, narrowly brownish on apex. Coxae and trochanters with simple setae. Fore femur with row of anteroventral setae, which are moderately long, spine-like on apical 1/2 to 2/3 and short, fine closer to base; row of short, fine posteroventral setae; short, strong setae closer to apex anteriorly. Fore tibia with row of 5–6 short, strong anterodorsal and 2–3 similar posterodorsal setae closer to apex; ventral setulae somewhat longer on about basal half. Fore basitarsus slender, mostly covered with simple setulae; with short, strong, anteroventral and posteroventral setae. Mid femur without whitish ventral pubescence; with row of short setae on about apical half anteriorly; rows of anteroventral and posteroventral, short, mostly strong setae (shorter and finer near apex); covered with spinule-like setulae on ventral surface; 1 short, strong anterior subapical seta. Mid tibia with reduced setulae (denser ventrally); 3–4 short, spine-like anterodorsal, 1 dorsal near base and 1–2 posterodorsal setae on basal half. Mid tarsus as fore tarsus. Hind femur strongly thickened, nearly 2X broader than mid femur; with moderately long, spine-like anteroventral and posteroventral setae; dense spines on ventral face; 1 short, strong anterior subapical seta. Hind tibia geniculate, slightly arcuate (anterior view); with reduced setulae; bearing 4–5 short setae of different robustness dorsally; sparse erect setulae ventrally; very short, fine seta in posteroapical comb. Hind basitarsus slightly thickened; setation as in fore basitarsus.

Wing membrane faintly brownish infuscate; entirely covered with microtrichia; veins mostly brownish, brownish yellow near base, well-sclerotized (except noted). Veins R 5 and M 1 strongly divergent towards wing margin; radial fork acute; R 5 meeting costa before wing apex; CuA+CuP (anal vein) complete but slightly weakened beyond middle. Cell dm moderately large, with elongate apex; apical portion of M 4 nearly 3X longer than its middle portion. Pterostigma absent. Basal costal seta absent. Anal lobe well-developed; axillary incision obtuse. Squama yellow, pale fringed. Halter pale yellow.

Abdomen black to dark brown in ground colour. Tergite 1 shiny along posterior margin; tergites 2–5 extensively shiny, narrowly densely grey pruinose along anterior margin and somewhat broader laterally; tergites 6 and 7 with brownish grey iridescent spot dorsally, shiny laterally; tergite 8 hidden by tergite 7; tergites with greatly reduced setation, mostly covered with sparse, fine, black setulae; tergites 1–5 with long, strong, black posteromarginal setae laterally. Sternites 1–6 densely grey pruinose, sternites 7–8 subshiny; sternite 1 bare, sternites 2–6 with sparse black and pale setulae; sternites 7–8 black setose, with moderately long posteromarginal setae. Pregenital segments: segment 6 unmodified; tergite 7 broadly concave posteriorly; sternite 7 with somewhat produced posterior corners; small, isolated sclerite just beyond posterior margin of pleuron 7; segment 8 with separated tergite and sternite; tergite 8 somewhat flattened, represented by two subtriangular sclerites separated mid-dorsally, with several short setae posteriorly; sternite 8 scoop-shaped, somewhat constricted anteriorly, with 3 lateral projections and concavity between them (anterior projections small; posterior projection large, subglobular).

Hypopygium ( Fig. 20 View Figs 18–23 ) moderately large; epandrial lamella and cerci dark brown; hypandrium pale brown; phallus mostly yellow, curved slender apical portion dark brown. Epandrium entirely broadly divided (epandrial bridge absent); epandrial lamella rather subrectangular (lateral view); with short, fine, black setae, more numerous along lower margin.Hypandrium separated from epandrium; mostly membranous, undivided, narrowly sclerotized along margin, with rounded apex; bare; gonocoxal apodeme small. Cerci ( Fig. 21 View Figs 18–23 ) separated with each other and from epandrium; cercus elongate ovate (lateral view), slightly shorter than epandrial lamella, with additional lobe dorsally, smoothed on inner margin; with dense black setulae. Phallus ( Fig. 22 View Figs 18–23 ) almost entirely hidden; zigzag bent, strongly constricted beyond middle; basal portion thick, gently curved and becoming narrower distad (lateral view); apical, bend portion broader proximally, its subapical part slender, with tip pointing to rear. Ejaculatory apodeme moderately large, extended far beyond basal curvature of phallus, with lateral wings.

Female. Similar to male except as follows. Fore tibia with 6 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 4–5 finer anteroventral and 4–5 posteroventral setae. Mid femur with minute anteroventral and posteroventral setae. Mid tibia with 4 anterodorsal, 1 dorsal near base, 2 posterodorsal, 2–3 anteroventral and 2 posteroventral setae. Abdominal tergites 2–5 somewhat broader pruinose laterally; only tergites 1–3 with strong posteromarginal setae; sternite 6 faintly pruinose, tergite 6 entirely shiny, segments 7–10 shiny; cercus black, long, slender, with scattered setulae.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. The new species resembles very much the species of the E. albicans group sensu Chvála [1999] occurring in stepper regions of Central Europe and the European part of Russia. The new species can be readily distinguished from all species of this group primarily by black palpus. Amongst species of Polyblepharis known from Middle Asia, the new species is most similar to E. saltans Engel, 1946 . The new species differs from E. saltans primarily by partly shiny postpronotal lobe, presence of a presutural supra-alar seta and by entirely dark brown femora (in E. saltans all femora are brownish yellow on apex).

ETYMOLOGY. The epithet refers to the name of a historical region, where the new species was collected, partly coinciding with an area now commonly called Central Asia or Middle Asia.

DISTRIBUTION. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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