Zepedanulus armatipalpus Roewer, 1927

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R., 2024, Checklists of extant harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) species for all the countries of the world, Zootaxa 5515 (1), pp. 1-162 : 68-69

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5515.1.1

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scientific name

Zepedanulus armatipalpus Roewer, 1927


Zepedanulus armatipalpus Roewer, 1927 View in CoL ** Dentobunus magnificus Roewer, 1912 **

Mongolia Euboeorix gravelyi Roewer, 1912 View in CoL **

Bidentolophus bidens (Simon, 1880) View in CoL Eugagrella laticlavia ( Thorell, 1889) View in CoL **

Egaenus robustus (Kulczyński, 1901) View in CoL Eugagrella rufescens ( Thorell, 1889) View in CoL **

Egaenus zichyi Kulczyński, 1901 View in CoL Eugagrella stoliczkae (With, 1903) View in CoL **

Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901) Eupygoplus birmanicus Roewer, 1935 **

Homolophus consputus (Simon, 1895) View in CoL ** Gagrella aenescens Thorell, 1889 View in CoL

Homolophus gobiensis Tsurusaki, Chemeris & Logunov View in CoL , Gagrella albicoxata Roewer, 1954 View in CoL **

2000** Gagrella albimontis Kury, 2017 **

Homolophus nordenskioldi (Koch, 1879) View in CoL Gagrella armillata Thorell, 1889 View in CoL

Homolophus serrulatus (Karsch, 1881) View in CoL Gagrella aurispina Roewer, 1954 View in CoL **

Mitopus mongolicus mongolicus Roewer, 1912 View in CoL Gagrella auroscutata Roewer, 1954 View in CoL **

Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL Gagrella bamar Kury, 2017 View in CoL **

Scleropilio insolens (Simon, 1895) Gagrella binotata Simon, 1888 **

Myanmar (ren. Burma 1989) Gagrella carinia Roewer, 1935 **

Aboriscus singularis ( Roewer, 1912) Gagrella cervina Simon, 1888 **

Adungrella aenea Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella cruciata Roewer, 1923 **

Assamia bituberculata Thorell, 1889 ** Gagrella cuprinitens Roewer, 1954 **

Assamiella marginata ( Roewer, 1912) ** Gagrella delicatula Roewer, 1954 **

Aurivilliola ephippiata Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella disticta Thorell, 1889 **

Aurivilliola hirsuta Roewer, 1912 ** Gagrella erebea Thorell, 1889 **

Aurivilliola shanica Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella gravelyi Roewer, 1912 **

Aurivilliola tibialis Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella heinrichi Roewer, 1954 **

Biantes lecithodes Thorell, 1889 ** Gagrella histrionica Thorell, 1889 **

Biceropsis maculata Roewer, 1935 ** Gagrella lepida claducha Thorell, 1889 ** Bidentolophus adungius ( Roewer, 1956) ** Gagrella lepida dibelona Thorell, 1889 **

Boeorix manducus Thorell, 1889 ** Gagrella lepida lepida Thorell, 1889

Buparellus dibunichelis Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrella leucobunus Roewer, 1912 **

Buparellus mitylus ( Thorell, 1889) ** Gagrella magnifica Roewer, 1910 **

Buparellus patellaris Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrella ochroleuca Roewer, 1954 **

Bupares armatus Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrella parva Roewer, 1929 **

Bupares caper Thorell, 1889 Gagrella perfecta (Roewer, 1954) **

Bupares stridulator Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrella promeana Roewer, 1954 **

Bupares trochanteralis Roewer, 1949 ** Gagrella quadrimaculata Roewer, 1954 **

Buparomma capellum ( Thorell, 1889) ** Gagrella quadriseriata Roewer, 1954 **

Carinobius bicornutus Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella quadrivittata Simon, 1888 **

Ceratobunus annulatus Thorell, 1889 ** Gagrella sadona Roewer, 1954 **

Ceratobunus bimaculatus Thorell, 1889 ** Gagrella scabra Roewer, 1912 **

Ceratobunus gravelyi Roewer, 1912 ** Gagrella speciosa Roewer, 1911

Ceratobunus heinrichi Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella spinulosa Thorell, 1889

Ceratobunus lugubris Thorell, 1889 Gagrella sulphurea Roewer, 1912 **

Ceratobunus mertensi Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella tricolor Roewer, 1954 **

Ceratobunus popalus Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella varians With, 1903

Ceratobunus t-luteum Roewer, 1912 ** Gagrella victoria Roewer, 1954 **

Ceratobunus zilchi Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella viridargentea Roewer, 1954 **

Cervibunus ater Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella yodoensis Roewer, 1954 **

Cervibunus maculatus Roewer, 1912 ** Gagrellula bipunctata bipunctata Roewer, 1912 ** Chebabius angulatus Roewer, 1935 ** Gagrellula bipunctata maculata Roewer, 1912 ** Coleutus longipalpis Roewer, 1940 ** Gagrellula brunnea Roewer, 1935 **

Dawnabius pectinatus ( Roewer, 1912) ** Gagrellula crux (With, 1903)

Dentobunus chaetopus ( Thorell, 1889) ** Gagrellula cuprilucens Roewer, 1954 **

Dentobunus cupreus Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrellula heinrichi Roewer, 1954 **

Gagrellula laeviscutum Roewer, 1954 ** Psathyropus minax trispinosus ( Thorell, 1889) ** Gagrellula luteipalpis Roewer, 1954 ** Psathyropus niger ( Roewer, 1912) **

Gagrellula melanotarsus Roewer, 1911 ** Psathyropus sordidatus ( Thorell, 1889) **

Gagrellula niveata Roewer, 1954 Pygoplus ferrugineus Thorell, 1889 **

Gagrellula opposita Roewer, 1954 ** Pygoplus obscurus Thorell, 1889

Gagrellula rufoscutum Roewer, 1912 ** Pygoplus trifasciatus Thorell, 1889

Gagrellula simplex Roewer, 1954 ** Sacesphorus maculatus Thorell, 1889 **

Gagrellula trichopalpis Roewer, 1954 ** Scotomenia cetrata Thorell, 1889 **

Gnomulus leofeae Schwendinger & Martens, 2002 ** Systenocentrus galeatus ( Thorell, 1889) **

Harmanda caerulea (Roewer, 1910) Systenocentrus quinquedentatus Simon, 1886

Hehoa bunigera Roewer, 1929 ** Tetraceratobunus lithobius Roewer, 1955 **

Hexomma arthrocentrum (Roewer, 1910) ** Thobala lesserti Roewer, 1940 **

Hexomma feae bispinosum ( Thorell, 1889) ** Thyreotus bifasciatus Thorell, 1889 **

Hexomma feae feae ( Thorell, 1889) Thyreotus bimaculatus Roewer, 1912 **

Hexomma feae humerale ( Thorell, 1889) Tithaeomma tenuissimum Roewer, 1949 **

Hypsibunus aurotransversalis Roewer, 1955 ** Tithaeus birmanicus Roewer, 1949 **

Hypsibunus cupreus Roewer, 1955 ** Umbogrella minuta Roewer, 1955 **

Leiobunum heinrichi Roewer, 1957 ** Umbopilio paradoxus Roewer, 1956 **

Maracandellus rhinoceros ( Thorell, 1889) ** Verpulus marginatus Roewer, 1912

Marthana birmanica (Roewer, 1955) ** Verpulus peguensis Roewer, 1955 **

Marthana ferruginea (Roewer, 1911) Verpulus promeus Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa asperula Roewer, 1955 ** Yadoa feae Roewer, 1935 **

Melanopa atrata (Stoliczka, 1869) Zaleptus albimaculatus Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa diluta Roewer, 1929 ** Zaleptus auropunctatus Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa impressata Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus festivus Thorell, 1889

Melanopa laciniipes Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus gravelyi Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa nigra Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus heinrichi Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa peguana Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus lyrifrons Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa plebeja Thorell, 1889 ** Zaleptus niger Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopa tristis Thorell, 1889 ** Zaleptus rufipes Roewer, 1955 **

Melanopula crassitarsis Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus scaber Roewer, 1935 **

Melanopula shanensis Roewer, 1955 ** Zaleptus shanicus Roewer, 1955 **

Metapygoplus spinicoxa Roewer, 1940 ** Zaleptus subcupreus Thorell, 1889 **

Metassamia reticulata (Simon, 1888) Zaleptus sulphureus Thorell, 1889

Metassamia soerensenii ( Thorell, 1889) Zaleptus yodo Roewer, 1955 **

Metasyleus ephippiatus Roewer, 1955 ** Nepal

Metathyreotus aborensis Roewer, 1913 Assaphalla arunensis Martens, 2021 **

Microzaleptus quadratus Roewer, 1955 ** Assaphalla peralata Martens, 1977 **

Neassamia aborensis ( Roewer, 1913) Biantes annapurnae Martens, 1978 **

Obigrella nigra Roewer, 1955 ** Biantes brevis Martens, 1978 **

Opelytus spinichelis Roewer, 1938 Biantes dilatatus Martens, 1978 **

Parapygoplus variatus ( Thorell, 1889) ** Biantes gandaki Martens, 1978 **

Parassamia albimarginata Roewer, 1940 ** Biantes gandakoides Martens, 1978 **

Parassamia sexdentata ( Thorell, 1889) Biantes ganesh Martens, 1978 **

Pashokia rufa Roewer, 1935 ** Biantes godavari Martens, 1978 **

Pegulius parvulus Roewer, 1949 ** Biantes gurung Martens, 1978 **

Pentazaleptus adspersus Roewer, 1955 ** Biantes jirel Martens, 1978 **

Popassamia heinrichi Roewer, 1940 ** Biantes kathmandicus Martens, 1978 **

Prodentobunus tao Roewer, 1955 ** Biantes magar Martens, 1978 **

Psathyropus biseriatus ( Roewer, 1912) ** Biantes newar Martens, 1978 **

Psathyropus mandalayius (Roewer, 1954) ** Biantes pernepalicus Martens, 1978 **

Psathyropus minax minax ( Thorell, 1889) ** Biantes rarensis Martens, 1978 **














Zepedanulus armatipalpus Roewer, 1927

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R. 2024

Gagrella bamar

Kury 2017

Gagrella albicoxata

Roewer 1954

Gagrella aurispina

Roewer 1954

Gagrella auroscutata

Roewer 1954

Euboeorix gravelyi

Roewer 1912

Mitopus mongolicus mongolicus

Roewer 1912

Egaenus zichyi Kulczyński, 1901

Kulczynski 1901

Gagrella aenescens

Thorell 1889

Gagrella armillata

Thorell 1889

Phalangium opilio

Linnaeus 1758
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