Cryptocellus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 81 Treatments

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Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On Central American Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2711, pp. 1-13 : 12 12
Cryptocellus adisi     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, 2014, A new Colombian species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3814 (1), pp. 121-132 : 122 122
Ricinulei   new species  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Pérez, Gustavo A., 2009, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from the Kofán Territory in southwestern Colombia, Zootaxa 2050, pp. 56-64 : 57 57
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I., 1988, A new Cryptocellus (Arachnida: Ricinulei) from Brazil, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 96, pp. 363-366 : 363 363
Ricinulei   new species  Tourinho, Ana Lúcia & De Azevedo, Clarissa Salette, 2007, A new Amazonian Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei)., Zootaxa 1540, pp. 55-60 : 56 56
Ricinulei   new species  Coronado Gutiérrez, L., 1970, Estudio de un Cryptocellus de cavernas de Mexico (Arachn., Ricin.), Ciencia, Mexico City 27, pp. 47-62 : 48 48
Ricinulei   new species  Márquez Mayaudon, C. & Conconi, J. R. E. De, 1974, Un nuevo ricinulideo del Cryptocellus Westwood para la fauna de Mexico (Arthropoda, Arachnida), Journal of Arachnology 1, pp. 73-84 : 74 74
Ricinulei   new species  Goodnight, Clarence J. & Goodnight, Marie L., 1952, A new ricinuleid from Chiapas, Mexico (Arachnoidea, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 1583, pp. 1-5 : 1 1
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 22 22
Ricinulei   new species  De Armas, Luis F., 1977, Dos nuevas especies de Cryptocellus (Arachnida: Ricinulei) de Cuba, Poeyana, A 164, pp. 1-11 : 148 148
Cryptocellus islacolon   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 17-21 17-21
Cryptocellus key    Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Pérez, Gustavo A., 2009, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from the Kofán Territory in southwestern Colombia, Zootaxa 2050, pp. 56-64 : 63 63
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1977, On Amazonian Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2633, pp. 1-17 : 11 11
Ricinulei   new species  Ewing, Henry Ellsworth, 1929, A synopsis of the American arachnids of the primitive order Ricinulei, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22, pp. 583-600 : 592 592
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 9 9
Cryptocellus peckorum     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Flórez, Eduardo, 2017, Two new ricinuleid species from Ecuador and Colombia belonging to the peckorum species-group of Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Zootaxa 4286 (4), pp. 483-498 : 484 484
Ricinulei   new species  Merrett, P., 1960, A new ricinuleid from Panama, Annals and magazine of natural history, 13 3, pp. 241-245 : 241 241
Cryptocellus magnus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro, 2016, A remarkable new species of the magnus species-group of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ecuador, with observations on the taxonomy of the New World genera, Zootaxa 4107 (3), pp. 321-337 : 330 330
Cryptocellus jamari   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 11-17 11-17
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1979, On the Cryptocellus magnus group (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2677, pp. 1-9 : 4 4
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L., 1972, Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus, Journal of Zoology, London 151, pp. 31-42 : 40 40
Cryptocellus chimaera   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro, 2016, A remarkable new species of the magnus species-group of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ecuador, with observations on the taxonomy of the New World genera, Zootaxa 4107 (3), pp. 321-337 : 324-330 324-330
Cryptocellus iaci   sp. nov.  Tourinho, Ana Lúcia, Lo, Nancy F. & Bonaldo, Alexandre Bragio, 2010, A new species of Ricinulei of the genus Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida) from northern Brazil, Zootaxa 2684, pp. 63-68 : 64-67 64-67
Cryptocellus luisedieri   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Pérez, Gustavo A., 2009, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from the Kofán Territory in southwestern Colombia, Zootaxa 2050, pp. 56-64 : 57-60 57-60
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & García, Luis Fernando, 2008, I. and García, L. F. (2008). Taxonomic notes on Colombian Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Journal of Arachnology 36, pp. 145-149 : 145 145
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L., 1972, Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus, Journal of Zoology, London 151, pp. 31-42 : 37 37
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, 2014, A new Colombian species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3814 (1), pp. 121-132 : 122 122
Cryptocellus guaviarensis   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Flórez, Eduardo, 2017, Two new ricinuleid species from Ecuador and Colombia belonging to the peckorum species-group of Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Zootaxa 4286 (4), pp. 483-498 : 492-496 492-496
Ricinulei   new species  Bolívar y Pieltain, C., 1942, Estudio de un Ricinulideo de la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa, Guerrero, Mex., Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 2, pp. 197-209 : 203 203
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2025, Cryptocellus armasi, a new troglomorphic hooded tick-spider from Venezuela (Arachnida: Ricinulei), Zootaxa 5563 (1), pp. 96-108 : 98-105 98-105
Ricinulei   new species  Cokendolpher, James C., 2000, First Cryptocellus from Suriname (Ricinulei), Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Supplemento 78, pp. 515-520 : 516 516
Cryptocellus leleupi     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 26-33 26-33
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 17 17
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On the Cryptocellus centralis group (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 170, pp. 18-22 : 20 20
Ricinulei   new species  Westwood, John Obadiah, 1874, Thesaurus Entomologicus Oxoniensis; or, illustrations of new, rare, and interesting insects, for the most part contained in the collections presented to the University of Oxford by the Rev. F. W. Hope., Clarendon Press : 201 201
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L., 1972, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida: Ricinuleida) from Cuba, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 80, pp. 146-151 : 148 148
Ricinulei   new species  Roewer, Carl Friedrich, 1952, Neotropische Arachnida Arthrogastra, zumeist aus Peru, Senckenbergiana Biologica 33, pp. 37-58 : 39 39
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On Central American Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2711, pp. 1-13 : 11 11
Ricinulei   new species  Chamberlin, Ralph V. & Ivie, W., 1938, Arachnida of the orders Pedipalpida, Scorpionida and Ricinulida, Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 491, pp. 101-107 : 104 104
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On Central American Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2711, pp. 1-13 : 10 10
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On Central American Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2711, pp. 1-13 : 9 9
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 15 15
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro, 2016, A remarkable new species of the magnus species-group of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ecuador, with observations on the taxonomy of the New World genera, Zootaxa 4107 (3), pp. 321-337 : 323 323
Cryptocellus canutama   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 5-9 5-9
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Pérez, Gustavo A., 2009, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from the Kofán Territory in southwestern Colombia, Zootaxa 2050, pp. 56-64 : 57 57
Ricinulei   new species  Chamberlin, Ralph V. & Ivie, W., 1938, Arachnida of the orders Pedipalpida, Scorpionida and Ricinulida, Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 491, pp. 101-107 : 106 106
Ricinulei   new species  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Pérez, Gustavo A., 2008, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from northwestern Colombia., Journal of Arachnology 36, pp. 468-471 : 468 468
Ricinulei   new species  Tourinho, Ana Lúcia & Saturnino, R., 2010, On the Cryptocellus peckorum and Cryptocellus adisi groups, and description of a new species of Cryptocellus from Brazil (Arachnida: Ricinulei), Journal of Arachnology 38, pp. 425-432 : 425 425
Ricinulei   new species  Ewing, Henry Ellsworth, 1929, A synopsis of the American arachnids of the primitive order Ricinulei, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22, pp. 583-600 : 593 593
Ricinulei   new species  González-Sponga, M. A, 1998, Arácnidos de Venezuela. Cryptocellus lisbethae nueva especie de Ricinulei del Estado Bolívar (Arachnida: Ricinulidae), Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle 57, No. 148, pp. 49-54 : 50 50
Cryptocellus sofiae   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, 2014, A new Colombian species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3814 (1), pp. 121-132 : 123-129 123-129
Cryptocellus tarsilae   sp. nov.  Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2007, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Oriental Amazonia, Zootaxa 1386, pp. 47-51 : 48-50 48-50
Ricinulei   new species  Gertsch, Willis J., 1971, Three new ricinuleids from Mexican caves (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 4, pp. 127-135 : 130 130
Ricinulei   new species  Gertsch, Willis J., 1971, Three new ricinuleids from Mexican caves (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 4, pp. 127-135 : 128 128
Ricinulei   new species  Gertsch, Willis J., 1971, Three new ricinuleids from Mexican caves (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 4, pp. 127-135 : 134 134
Ricinulei   new species  Fage, Louis, 1921, Sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Cryptocellus (Arach.: Ricinulei), Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, [Série 1] 27, pp. 526-530 : 527 527
Cryptocellus icamiabas   sp. nov.  Tourinho, Ana Lúcia & Azevedo, Clarissa Salette De, 2007, A new Amazonian Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Zootaxa 1540, pp. 55-60 : 56-59 56-59
Ricinulei   new species  Gertsch, Willis J. & Mulaik, Stanley B., 1939, Report on a new ricinuleid from Texas, American Museum Novitates 1037, pp. 1-5 : 2 2
Cryptocellus boneti     Baumann, Julia, 2018, Tiny mites on a great journey - a review on scutacarid mites as phoronts and inquilines (Heterostigmatina, Pygmephoroidea, Scutacaridae), Acarologia 58 (1), pp. 192-251 : 227 227
Cryptocellus macagual   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 21-26 21-26
Ricinulei   new species  Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2007, A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Oriental Amazonia., Zootaxa 1386, pp. 47-51 : 47 47
Ricinulei   new species  De Armas, Luis F., 1977, Dos nuevas especies de Cryptocellus (Arachnida: Ricinulei) de Cuba, Poeyana, A 164, pp. 1-11 : 2 2
Ricinulei   new species  Ewing, Henry Ellsworth, 1929, A synopsis of the American arachnids of the primitive order Ricinulei, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22, pp. 583-600 : 591 591
Cryptocellus iaci     Salvatierra, Lidianne, Tourinho, Ana Lúcia & Giribet, Gonzalo, 2013, Description of the male, larva and nymphal stages of Cryptocellus iaci (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with an overview of tarsal sensilla and other integumental structures, Zootaxa 3709 (2), pp. 149-161 : 151-156 151-156
Cryptocellus muiraquitan   sp. nov.  Tourinho, Ana Lúcia, Lo-Man-Hung, Nancy França & Salvatierra, Lidianne, 2014, A new Amazonian species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with descriptions of its integumental structures and all free-living life stages, Zootaxa 3814 (1), pp. 81-95 : 83-93 83-93
Ricinulei   new species  Hansen, Hans Jacob & Sörensen, William, 1904, On two orders of Arachnida, Cambridge University Press : 156 156
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1977, On Amazonian Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2633, pp. 1-17 : 13 13
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 19 19
Ricinulei   new species  Bonaldo, Alexandre B. & Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo, 2003, On a new species of Cryptocellus from the Brazilian Amazon (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 7, pp. 103-108 : 103 103
Ricinulei   new species  Gertsch, Willis J., 1977, On two ricinuleids from the Yucatan Peninsula (Arachnida: Ricinulei), Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 6, pp. 133-138 : 137 137
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, Carvalho, Leonardo S., Florez D., Eduardo & Prendini, Lorenzo, 2021, Four New Species of “ Hooded Tick-Spiders ” (Ricinulei, Ricinoididae) from South and Central America, with Clarification of the Identity of Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976, American Museum Novitates 2021 (3976), pp. 1-36 : 4 4
Cryptocellus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Flórez, Eduardo, 2017, Two new ricinuleid species from Ecuador and Colombia belonging to the peckorum species-group of Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Zootaxa 4286 (4), pp. 483-498 : 484 484
Ricinulei   new species  Ewing, Henry Ellsworth, 1929, A synopsis of the American arachnids of the primitive order Ricinulei, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22, pp. 583-600 : 589 589
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1977, On Amazonian Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2633, pp. 1-17 : 9 9
Ricinulei   new species  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo, 2014, A new Colombian species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), with notes on the taxonomy of the genus, Zootaxa 3814, No. 1, pp. 121-132 : 123 123
Ricinulei   new species  Brignoli, Paolo M., 1974, On some Ricinulei of Mexico with notes of the morphology of the female genital apparatus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Quaderno Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 171, pp. 153-174 : 159 159
Cryptocellus magnus     Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro, 2016, A remarkable new species of the magnus species-group of Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ecuador, with observations on the taxonomy of the New World genera, Zootaxa 4107 (3), pp. 321-337 : 323 323
Ricinulei   new species  Platnick, Norman I. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1981, On the Cryptocellus centralis group (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 170, pp. 18-22 : 18 18
Ricinulei   new species  Bolívar y Pieltain, C., 1946, Hallazgo de un nuevo Ricinulideo en el Mexico Central (Arach.), Ciencia, Mexico City 7, pp. 24-28 : 24 24
Cryptocellus chiruisla   sp. nov.  Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Flórez, Eduardo, 2017, Two new ricinuleid species from Ecuador and Colombia belonging to the peckorum species-group of Cryptocellus Westwood (Arachnida, Ricinulei), Zootaxa 4286 (4), pp. 483-498 : 485-492 485-492
Ricinulei   new species  Cooke, John A. L. & Shadab, Mohammad U., 1973, New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei), American Museum Novitates 2530, pp. 1-25 : 12 12

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