Cnemomis primigena, Brailovsky, Harry, 2015

Brailovsky, Harry, 2015, Description of five new species of Cnemomis, with a key to the known species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Discogastrini), Zootaxa 3931 (3), pp. 413-422 : 419-420

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3931.3.5

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scientific name

Cnemomis primigena

sp. nov.

Cnemomis primigena View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13 – 17 )

Description. Holotype female. Dorsal color: Head, pronotum, and scutellum shiny pale castaneous orange, with a continuous pale yellowish, median longitudinal stripe extending to tip of scutellum; ocelli shiny pale reddish; eyes dark reddish; antennal segment I with outer edge dark reddish brown, and inner edge yellow, segments II to IV black to dark reddish brown; clavus and corium shiny red with following areas yellow: costal margin, claval and corial veins, apical margin and posterior third of clavus; hemelytral membrane smoky, translucent, with basal fifth black; connexival segments III to VI yellow, VII pale orange with posterior border black, and VIII–IX yellowish orange; dorsal abdominal segments pale orange, suffused with reddish irregular marks. Ventral color: Ground color shiny pale yellowish orange; head behind eyes with ivory tubercle; apex of rostral segment IV brown; apex of femora with two dark reddish brown spots lateral to midline; tarsi suffused with dark reddish brown marks; genital plates suffused with shiny reddish marks. Structure: Head smooth; inner margin of eye rounded, non-tuberculate; rostrum nearly reaching middle third of mesosternum; rostral segment I reaching anterior border of prosternum. Pronotal disk densely punctate, punctations relatively large, dense, occasionally connected or fused; collar smooth; anterior margin and calli granulate; frontal angles exposed, rounded; anterolateral borders obliquely straight, crenate with posterior third clearly emarginated; humeral angles rounded, not exposed; posterolateral borders smooth, almost straight; posterior border smooth, slightly concave.

Measurements (mm). Head length 1.61, width across eyes 2.48, interocular space 1.30, interocellar space 0.32, preocular distance 0.86; length antennal segments I, 5.20, II, 3.65, III, 3.28, IV, 5.45. Pronotal length 3.59, width across humeral angles 4.96. Scutellar length 2.72, width 2.10. Body length 19.65.

Male. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype, female, Peru, Loreto Pr., nr.

jct. Río Marañon & Ucayali, 4.08◦N – 73.5◦W, 6-20-VIII-1994, P. E. Skelley ( FSCA).

Etymology. From the Latin primigenus, a, um, on first place.

Distribution. Peru.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to C. gracilis (Dallas) which also has a continuous pale yellowish-orange median longitudinal stripe on the pronotum, but it lacks the green coloration of C. gracilis . The head of C. primigena sp. nov. in dorsal view and the anterolateral margins of pronotal disk are yellow to yellowish orange and in C. gracilis shiny green. In C. cognata Stål the pronotal disk is yellow, the anterolateral margins pale brown and at middle third crosses a discontinuous black longitudinal digitiform spot.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology















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