Cephalocolletes Michener, 1989

Engel, Michael S., 2020, Genera of the bee tribe Reedapini (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Journal of Melittology 2020 (95), pp. 1-16 : 7-9

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17161/jom.vi95.13459

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scientific name

Cephalocolletes Michener


Genus Cephalocolletes Michener

( Figs. 5–10 View Figures 5–6 View Figures 7–9 View Figures 10–12 )

Leioproctus (Cephalocolletes) Michener, 1989: 657 .

Type species: Biglossa laticeps Friese, 1906 , by original designation.

DIAGNOSIS: This is a genus of moderately large, robust bees, with a total body length of approximately 10–16 mm. The integument is generally black, without any hint of the metallic highlights that otherwise characterized Reedapis Michener (vide supra), and the pubescence is principally fuscous to black throughout, without prominent setal bands on the metasoma ( Figs. 5, 6 View Figures 5–6 ). The head is broader than long, with the compound eye length distinctly shorter than the distance between the lower inner orbits of the compound eyes ( Fig. 7 View Figures 7–9 ), and the inner orbits of the compound eyes are parallel in females and scarcely convergent below in males. Lateral ocelli situated below upper tangent of the compound eyes ( Figs. 7 View Figures 7–9 , 10 View Figures 10–12 ), with the scape extending slightly above the level of the lateral ocelli ( Figs. 7 View Figures 7–9 , 10 View Figures 10–12 ). The vertex is enlarged such that the ocelli are situated far from the posterior border of the vertex ( Fig. 7 View Figures 7–9 ). The first flagellomere of females is longer than the combined lengths of the second and third flagellomeres, while its medial length is much greater than the apical width of the scape ( Figs. 7 View Figures 7–9 , 10 View Figures 10–12 ). The integument of the face is not obscured by pubescence, with the supraclypeal area lacking a subtriangular glabrous area ( Fig. 7 View Figures 7–9 ). The male mandible is simple, unlike the female mandible which has a preapical tooth. The maxillary palpus is moderately long, with at least the apical two palpomeres extending beyond the galeal apex. The mesoscutum and mesoscutellum are covered with abundant, short to long, black, minutely branched setae that do not obscure the integumental surface (i.e., not covered in dense, obscuring pile), setae sparser on disc than on margins ( Figs. 6 View Figures 5–6 , 8 View Figures 7–9 ). The integument of the mesoscutum and mesoscutellum is largely smooth, with sparsely scatered punctures. The basal area of propodeum is slightly longer than the metanotum and is smooth and shining, and the lateral surface of the propodeum has strong, longitudinal-oblique striae or rugae. The probasitarsus has a distinct outer longitudinal comb. The meso- and metatibial spurs are straight, with the mesotibial spur minutely ciliate, the outer metatibial spur simple, and the inner metatibial spur coarsely pectinate. The metafemoral fiscinal and scopal setae are like those of Reedapis . The genus was thoroughly characterized by Michener (1989: as a subgenus of Leioproctus ).

INCLUDED SPECIES: The genus includes only the type species, Cephalocolletes laticeps (Friese) , from northeastern Argentina (Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, and Mendoza: likely also to be found in San Juan and Salta Provinces ).












Cephalocolletes Michener

Engel, Michael S. 2020

Leioproctus (Cephalocolletes)

Michener, C. D. 1989: 657
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