Canthysellus kukrutkato, Guimarães & Ferreira-Jr, 2017

Guimarães, Bruno A. C. & Ferreira-Jr, Nelson, 2017, Four new species and new records of Canthysellus from Brazil (Coleoptera: Noteridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 57 (2), pp. 521-534 : 524-526

publication ID 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0088

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Marcus (2021-08-28 03:57:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 05:12:42)

scientific name

Canthysellus kukrutkato

sp. nov.

Canthysellus kukrutkato sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View Figs 1–4 , 5a–e View Figs 5–8 )

Type locality. Brazil, Pará State, FLONA Carajás, Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, 06°04′51.89″S 50°08′02.27″W.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, ‘Brazil: Pará State, FLONA Carajás, Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, puddles with foliage, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 23.III.2006, Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ ( DZRJ 6055 ) GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: BRAZIL: PARÁ: ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, puddles with foliage, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 23.III.2006, Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ (4 JJ 5 ♀♀ / DZRJ 6056 ) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality , North Sierra, Buritizal 2, puddle with foliage, 06°04’56,90”S 50°08’04,93”W, 23.III.2006, Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ (1 J 1 ♀ / DZRJ 6057 ) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, deep puddle with foliage, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 03.IX.2007, Ferreira-Jr. N. & Alecrim V.P. leg.’ (3 JJ 1 ♀ / DZRJ 6058 ) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, low part, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 26.III.2008, Ferreira-Jr. N. & Santos A.P.M. leg.’ (4 JJ 3 ♀♀ / DZRJ 6059 ) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 11.IX.2006, Ferreira-Jr. N. & Dumas L.L. leg.’(1J / DZRJ 6060 ) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Brazil : Pará State , FLONA Carajás , Parauapebas Municipality, Buritizal 1, puddles with foliage and roots, 06°04’51,89”S 50°08’02,27”W, 28.IX.2005, Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ (2 JJ 6 ♀♀ / DZRJ 6559 ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Canthysellus kukrutkato sp. nov. can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: medium size, 2.90–3.15 mm; pronotum and elytra smooth ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–4 ); prosternal process completely covered by short setae; median lobe of aedeagus, in lateral aspect, short and stout with dorsobasal margin oblique and distinctly projected, sharply narrowing to midlength ( Figs 5a,c View Figs 5–8 ).

Description of holotype. Body outline, in dorsal view ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–4 ) oval, broader anteriorly and attenuated posteriorly; rather convex in lateral view.

Color ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–4 ). Head and pronotum light reddish-brown. Elytra blackish, each elytron with four light reddish-brown maculae: one laterally, a second on disc, both just anterior to midlength of elytron, and a third near suture, these three markings appearing as an arched and interrupted transverse band; finally, a fourth short transverse macula on distal third. Ventral surface light reddish-brown.

Head. Surface smooth and shiny.Antennae glabrous; antennomeres III–XI subserrate; VII–X slightly expanded, with two short setae on outer margin of VII and IX and two on inner margin of VII–X; antennomere XI distally attenuate; antennomere XI with six short setae surrounding base, two short setae near apex and a single seta at apex. Maxillary palps glabrous; apical palpomere elongate, length greater than half of total length of palp, distally attenuate, apex round, emarginated with two small sensory fields. Labial palps glabrous; apical palpomere subtriangular, expanded, length greater than twice the combined length of basal palpomeres, bifid, with sensory field on medioventral margin, with a second sensory field smaller, round, produced on a small protuberance anteromedial to the medial margin.

Thorax. Pronotum smooth and shiny, with transversal row of punctures bearing long and slender setae in anterior margin. Prosternum with dense, transverse tuft of four stiff setae at middle of discal surface ( Fig. 9 View Figs 9–10 ); line of setae continuous medially, not extending beyond lateral margins of prosternal process. Prosternal process and noterid platform completely covered by short and stout setae, distinctly spaced and evenly distributed. Elytron smooth and shiny, with three longitudinal rows of punctures bearing long and slender setae. Metatibia with series of ten evenly spaced spiniform setae at posteroventral margin. Metatarsomere I with similar row of four setae on posteroventral margin.

Abdomen. Ventral surface glabrous; ventrites IV–VI with sparse, slender setae on lateral margins; ventrites V and VI with transversal line of sparse setae extending medially from lateral margins, not reaching median.

Aedeagus. Median lobe in lateral aspect short and stout, with ventral margin curved; left ventral margin ceasing subapically, meeting right ventral margin; dorsobasal margin oblique and distinctly projected, sharply narrowing to midlength of median lobe and apex curved dorsally and attenuate ( Figs 5a,c View Figs 5–8 ); two carinae can be seen: one short, dorsal on left side arising basally and ceasing at apex and one short ventral on left side arising apically and ceasing at apex ( Figs 5a–c View Figs 5–8 ); in dorsal aspect, sinuous with apex sharply curved; dorsobasal margin projection sinuous, arising basally and ceasing at midlength ( Fig. 5b View Figs 5–8 ). Left lateral lobe, in lateral aspect, broad with a dense tuft of setae at apex; setae distinctly extending beyond dorsal margin ( Fig. 5d View Figs 5–8 ). Right lateral lobe, in lateral aspect, broad and rounded ventrally ( Fig. 5e View Figs 5–8 ).

Variation. Almost no variation was observed in the prominence of the maculae and the color of specimens. The number of stiff setae on the prosternal disc ranges from four to six in total. The number of setae on metatibia and metatarsomere I ranges from eight to twelve and three to four, respectively.

Measurements. Holotype: TL = 3.10 mm; MW = 1.70 mm; HW = 0.90 mm; EW = 0.60 mm; PntB = 0.05 mm; AntVII = 0.05 mm. Paratypes: TL = 2.90–3.15 mm (JJ = 3.00– 3.10 mm; ♀♀ = 2.90–3.15 mm); MW = 1.70–1.80 mm; HW = 0.85–0.95 mm; EW = 0.50–0.60 mm; PntB = 0.05 mm; AntVII = 0.05 mm

Etymology. The specific name is an homage to ‘Kukryt-kato’, one of the mythological heroes who created the Xikrin, the indigenous people present in the area of the National Forest of Carajás. It is a noun in the nominative singular standing in apposition.

Geographic distribution. So far Canthysellus kukrutkato sp. nov. is known only from the Floresta Nacional de Carajás, Parauapebas Municipality in the Brazilian state of Pará.

Gallery Image

Figs 1–4. Habitus of Canthysellus species in lateral and dorsal view: 1 – C. kukrutkato sp. nov.; 2 – C. putkarot sp. nov.; 3 – C. omawe sp. nov.; 4 – C. yawari sp. nov. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs 5–8.Aedeagi of Canthysellus: a – median lobe, left lateral aspect, b – same, dorsal aspect, c – same, right lateral aspect, d – left lateral lobe (paramere), e – right lateral lobe. 5 – C. kukrutkato sp. nov.; 6 – C. putkarot sp. nov.; 7 – C. omawe sp. nov.; 8 – C. yawari sp. nov. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs 9–10. Prosternum, meso- and metaventrum and noterid platform (metacoxae) of Canthysellus, depicting distribution of setae. 9 – C. buqueti (Laporte, 1835); 10 – C. omawe sp. nov. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.


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