Bumba rondonia, Lucas & Passanha & Brescovit, 2020

Lucas, Sylvia M., Passanha, Victor & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2020, New combination and redescription of Bumba humile, description of four new species and new records from Brazil (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae), Zoologia (e 46744) 37, pp. 1-17 : 5-7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.37.e46744

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persistent identifier


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scientific name

Bumba rondonia

sp. nov.

Bumba rondonia View in CoL sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ 595D6B99-30B2-462A-8DEC-455059BBA818

Figs 15−21, 55

Type material. Holotype male from UHE Samuel , Candeias do Jamari (08°45’01”S; 63°27’20”W), Rondônia, Brazil, 1989, Equipe Resgate de Fauna leg. ( IBSP 13013 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: three females, with same data as holotype ( IBSP 14295 View Materials ; IBSP 14297 View Materials ; IBSP 13014 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males of Bumba rondonia sp. nov. resemble B. mineiros sp. nov. by the long, thin and curved embolus with only PI visible and a tooth on DR ( Fig. 18); but could be distinguished by the longer embolus and the tooth on PI less evident ( Fig. 16). Females are similar to B. mineiros sp. nov. due to the aspect of the seminal receptacles but B. rondonia sp. nov. have straight and elongated necks, not curved ( Figs 20−21).

Description. Male (IBSP 13013, holotype). Color in ethanol: carapace, chelicerae and legs reddish brown. Labium and maxillae orange. Abdomen dorsally dark brown and ventrally orange. Ventral surface covered with dense short yellowish setae. Spinnerets yellow. Total length 26.5. Carapace 13 long, 11.6 wide. Fovea procurved. Eye tubercle rectangular, 2.2 long, 4 wide. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior recurved. Eye sizes: AME 0.4, ALE 0.52, PME 0.31, PLE 0.42. Labium 1.1 long, 2.1 wide, with ca. 60 cuspules, very little covering the anterior half. Maxillae with ca. 200 cuspules each. Sternum 5.4 long, 4.7 wide. Cheliceral furrow with 12 teeth. Palp, femur 6.6/ patella 3.4/ tibia 6.1/ cymbium 2.2/ total 18.3; Legs I: femur 12.4/ patella 6.4/ tibia 11/ metatarsus 9.3/ tarsus 5.4/ total 44.5; II: 11.4/ 5.3/ 9/ 9.1/ 5.4/ 40.2; III: 9.4/ 4.4/ 7.6/ 9.8/ 5.2/ 36.4; IV: 12.4/ 5.1/ 10.3/ 14.8/ 6.3/ 48.9. Spines: palp, tibia v0–1–0, r1–1–1–0. Leg I: tibia v0–1–1ap, metatarsus v1–1–0; II: tibia v1–1–1–3, metatarsus v2–2–1r–3; III: femur d0–1p–2, tibia v0–0–1r–1r, p1–1–1, r0–2–2, metatarsus v1r–2–2–1r, r0–1–1, p1–1–1; IV: femur d0–0–1p, tibia v1p–1p–2, p1–1–0, r1–1–1, metatarsus v2–0–1–1–3ap, p1–1–2–1, r1–2–2–1. Scopulae: metatarsi I−II until half, III only an apical tuft, IV without. All tarsi with dense scopulae, IV with a small longitudinal division of setae. Male palpal bulb with long embolus, longer than tegulum, PI with a weakly developed and poorly evident tooth on the middle region of PI ( Figs 15–18), PS invisible. Tibial apophysis without spine on retrolateral branch of tibial apophysis, and laterally one spine ( Fig. 19).

Female (IBSP 14295). Coloration as in male. Total length 39.2. Carapace 18.2 long, 16.7 wide. Fovea procurved. Eye tubercle rectangular, 1.1 long, 2.5 wide. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior recurved. Eye sizes: AME 0.48, ALE 0.62, PME 0.36, PLE 0.54. Labium 2.1 long, 2.5 wide, with more than 65 cuspules. Maxillae with more than 240 cuspules each. Sternum 8.8 long, 7.5 wide. Cheliceral furrow with 14 teeth. Palp, femur 9.4/ patella 6/ tibia 7/ tarsus 5.4/ total 27.8; Legs: I: femur 14.8/ patella 8.4/ tibia 11.3/ metatarsus 8.2/ tarsus 4.4/ total 47.1; II: 9.6/ 5.7/ 7/ 6.7/ 3.8/ 32.9; III: 8.6/ 4.6/ 6.2/ 8.6/ 3.8/ 31.8; IV: 10.4/ 4.8/ 8/ 11.7/ 4.1/ 39. Spines: palp, tibia v1r–1p–2, r0–0–1. Leg I: femur d0–0–1, tibia v1r–1r–2, p0–0–1, metatarsus v0–1–1; II: femur d0–0–1, tibia v1r–2r–1r–4, p0–1–1, metatarsus v1–1–1–2, p0–1–0; III: femur d1r–2, tibia v0–1–3, metatarsus v1–1–1–3, r1–1–1–1–1, p1–2–2–1; IV: femur d0–0–1r, tibia v0–1–3, metatarsus v1–1–1–3, r1–1–1–1–1, p1–2–2—1. Scopulae: metatarsi I−II until base, more developed on prolateral side, III only apical, IV without; all tarsi with dense scopulae, tarsi IV with a large longitudinal division of setae, larger than on male. Spermathecae with two seminal receptacles and bilobate apex ( Figs 20–21).

Material examined. BRAZIL, Rond ô nia: Candeias do Jamari (08°45’01”S; 63°27’20”W), UHE Samuel, I-II/1989, Equipe de Resgate de Fauna do Instituto Butantan col., 1 female ( IBSP 113014 View Materials ) , 1 female ( IBSP 112215 View Materials ) , 1 female ( IBSP 114297 View Materials ) , 1 female ( IBSP 112222 View Materials ) , 1 male ( IBSP 114303 View Materials ) , 1 female ( IBSP 114296 View Materials ) ; Porto Velho (08°45’43’S; 63°54’14”W), 2007, L.S.P.Trigueiro leg., 1 male ( IBSP 115313 View Materials ) ; Mato Grosso: Cáceres (16°04’14”S; 57°40’44”W), 2007, Equipe Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso leg GoogleMaps ., 1 female ( IBSP 112232 View Materials ) ; same locality, 1997 , M. Calleffo leg., 3 immature females ( IBSP 111813 View Materials ) ; Comodoro (13°39’47”S; 59°47’09”W), 2009, D.M. Pereira leg., 4 males ( IBSP 151864 View Materials , 151865 View Materials , 151867 View Materials , 151868 View Materials ) .

Distribution. Brazil, states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso ( Fig. 55).

Etymology. The species epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the Brazilian state of Rondônia.













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