Botrucnidifer norvegicus Carlgren, 1912

Stampar, Sergio N., Reimer, James D., Maronna, Maximiliano M., Lopes, Celine S. S., Ceriello, Hellen, Santos, Thais B., Acuna, Fabian H. & Morandini, Andre C., 2020, Ceriantharia (Cnidaria) of the World: an annotated catalogue and key to species, ZooKeys 952, pp. 1-63 : 1

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2020-07-24 05:21:02, last updated 2024-11-26 18:54:02)

scientific name

Botrucnidifer norvegicus Carlgren, 1912


44 Botrucnidifer norvegicus Carlgren, 1912

Botrucnidifer novergicus Carlgren, 1912a: 30-34; Carlgren 1931: 10; Leloup 1932: 16-18; Carlgren 1940: 6,10,14-15; Carlgren 1942: 70-71; Carlgren 1945: 72; Nair 1949: 245; den Hartog 1977:136; Molodtsova 2000: 14-17; Molodtsova 2001c: 1027, 1033-1036; Molodtsova 2004a: 292-293, 295-296; Stampar et al. 2016 c: 2,4; Ceriello et al. 2019: 2017-2020

Type locality.

Trondheimfjord, Trondheim, Norway.


Norwegian Sea, at 50-700 m depth.


This species was described by Carlgren (1912a) based on specimens from Trondheim Fjord, Norway. These are small ceriantharians (up to 4 cm long) with an expansion of the cnidoglandular tract and some botrucnidae (= cnidoragae) at the end of some mesenteries. Although the description is fairly comprehensive, knowledge of this species is limited. Other authors cite only some of the species characteristics or have reported occurrences in areas that look similar (e.g., Molodtsova 2004a). Recently, Ceriello et al. (2019) reported on the coloniality of this species, which is a newly discovered trait among Ceriantharia . This species is important in the discussion on the homology of morphological characters, particularly in relation to mesenterial structures.

Type material.

Lund Museum of Zoology (MZLU) - L898/3051 and Marine invertebrate collection Norwegian University of Science and Technology University Museum (NTNU) - 40499 (syntype).

Carlgren, O, 1912a. Ceriantharia. Danish Ingolf-Expedition 5: 1 - 79

Carlgren, O, 1931. On some Ceriantharia. Arkiv foer Zoologi 23: 1 - 10

Carlgren, O, 1940. A contribution to the knowledge of the structure and distribution of the cnidae in the Anthozoa. Kungliga Fysiografiska Saellskapets Handlingar 51: 1 - 62

Carlgren, O, 1942. Actiniaria Part II. Danish Ingolf-Expedition 5: 1 - 92

Carlgren, O, 1945. Polypdyr (Coelenterata) III. Koraldyr. Danmarks Fauna Udgivet af Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 51: 3 - 167

Ceriello, H, Lopes, CS, Dias, GM, Stampar, SN, 2019. A different manner to share a house: is a colonial species possible in Ceriantharia (Cnidaria; Anthozoa)? Marine Biodiversity 49(4): 2017-2020.

den Hartog, JC, 1977. Descriptions of two new Ceriantharia from the Caribbean region, Pachycerianthus curancaoensis n. sp. and Arachnanthus nocturnus n. sp. with a discussion of the Cnidom and of the classification of the Ceriantharia. Zoologische Mededelingen 51: 211 - 242

Leloup, E, 1932. Cerianthaires de l'Ocean Atlantique. Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 8: 1 - 19

Molodtsova, TN, 2000. Fauna ceriantariy atlanticheskogo okeana I sostav roda Cerianthus mirovoy fauny. Aftoreferat na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata biologicheskih nauk. Dialog-MGU, Moscow

Molodtsova, TN, 2001c. Cerianthids (Anthozoa, Cnidaria) from Bengual upwelling region. 3. Botrucnidifer shtockmani. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 80: 1027 - 1037

Molodtsova, TN, 2004a. Ceriantharia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Faroe Islands. Frodskaparrit 51: 292 - 297

Nair, RV, 1949. On two new ceriantharian larvae from the Madras plankton. Records of the Indian Museum 47: 239 - 251

Stampar, SN, Maronna, MM, Kitahara, M V, Reimer, JD, Beneti, JS, Morandini, AC, 2016. Ceriantharia in Current Systematics: Life Cycles, Morphology and Genetics. In: Goffredo, S, Dubinsky, Z, Eds., , The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future: The world of Medusa and her sisters. Springer International Publishing, Cham: 61 - 72, DOI:













