Nemaspela femorecurvata Martens, 2006

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R., 2024, Checklists of extant harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) species for all the countries of the world, Zootaxa 5515 (1), pp. 1-162 : 57-58

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5515.1.1

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Nemaspela femorecurvata Martens, 2006


Nemaspela femorecurvata Martens, 2006 View in CoL ** Biantes conspersus Roewer, 1927 **

Nemaspela gagrica Chemeris, 2013 ** Biantes croceus (Roewer, 1927) **

Nemaspela kotia Martens, Maghradze & Barjadze , Biantes longimanus Simon, 1885 **

2023** Biantes quadrituberculatus Roewer, 1929 ** Nemaspela melouri Martens, Maghradze & Barjadze , Bistota horrida Roewer, 1927 **

2021** Bonthainia gravelyi (Roewer, 1929) ** Nemaspelaprometheus Martens,Maghradze&Barjadze, Brysma atra Roewer, 1935 **

2021** Bundelkhandia cavernicola Turk, 1945**

Odiellus lendlii (Sørensen, 1894) Calloristus cavernarum Turk, 1945**

Odiellus zecariensis Mkheidze, 1952 Calloristus granipes Roewer, 1935 **

Opilio arborphilus Snegovaya, 2010 Carmichaelus maculatus Roewer, 1929 **

Opilio caucasicus Snegovaya, 2010 Ceratobunellus brevipes (With, 1903) **

Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952 Ceratobunellus calcuttensis (With, 1903) **

Opilio lederi Roewer, 1911 View in CoL Ceratobunus cupreus Roewer, 1912 View in CoL **

Opilio nabozhenkoi Snegovaya, 2010 View in CoL Ceratobunus richteri Roewer, 1955 View in CoL **

Opilio parietinus (De Geer, 1778) Ceratobunus vigilans (With, 1903) **

Opilio silvestris Snegovaya, 2010 Coonoora biceratops Roewer, 1929 **

Paranemastoma bacurianum (Mkheidze, 1959) ** Dentobunus dentatus (With, 1903) **

Paranemastoma kalischevskyi ( Roewer, 1951) View in CoL Dentobunus imperator (With, 1903) View in CoL **

Paranemastoma superbum Redikortsev, 1936 View in CoL Diangathia bovifrons Roewer, 1955 View in CoL

Paranemastoma umbo ( Roewer, 1951) View in CoL ** Dodabetta conigera Roewer, 1929 View in CoL **

Phalangium mcheidzeae Snegovaya, 2014 View in CoL ** Drugius parvus Roewer, 1929 View in CoL **

Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758 Egaenus kashmiricus Caporiacco, 1935

Phalangium punctipes (Koch, 1879) Euceratobunus pulcher (With, 1903) **

Rilaena artvinensis Kurt, 2015 Eugagrella abdominalis Roewer, 1954 **

Rilaena atrolutea (Roewer, 1915) Eugagrella barnesi Roewer, 1929 **

Rilaena caucasica Snegovaya & Chemeris, 2016 Eugagrella carli Roewer, 1929 **

Rilaena picta (Mkheidze, 1952) Eugagrella malabarica Roewer, 1954 **

Rilaena silhavyi Snegovaya & Chemeris, 2016 ** Eugagrella palnica Roewer, 1929 **

Trogulus rossicus Šilhavý, 1968 Eupodoctis indicus (Hirst, 1911) **

Vestiferum alatum Martens, 2006 View in CoL Eupygoplus armatus Roewer, 1915 View in CoL **

Vestiferum funebre ( Redikortsev, 1936) View in CoL Eupygoplus gracilis Roewer, 1927 View in CoL

Zachaeus birulai Redikortsev, 1936 View in CoL Eusclera indica View in CoL Turk, 1948**

India Euzaleptus minutus (With, 1903)

Aboriscus aborensis ( Roewer, 1913) ** Euzaleptus muticus Roewer, 1929 **

Aboriscus longipes ( Roewer, 1913) ** Gagrella andamana Roewer, 1929 **

Aboriscus singularis ( Roewer, 1912) Gagrella annulatipes Roewer, 1912 **

Akalpia oblonga Roewer, 1915 ** Gagrella armillata Thorell, 1889

Anaimalus gibbulus Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella atra (Roewer, 1929) **

Anassamia rufa (Roewer, 1927) ** Gagrella aurantiaca (Roewer, 1929) **

Antigrella orissana Roewer, 1954 ** Gagrella bella Roewer, 1954 **

Assamia gravelyi Roewer, 1911 Gagrella bengalica Roewer, 1954 **

Assamia westermanni Sørensen, 1884 ** Gagrella bicolorispina Roewer, 1954 **

Attakattius spinifrons Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella bispinosa With, 1903

Aurivilliola bispinifera Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella brunnea Roewer, 1954 **

Aurivilliola femoralis Roewer, 1955 ** Gagrella cyanatra Roewer, 1954 **

Aurivilliola nigripalpis Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella gracilis (Roewer, 1910)

Aurivilliola palpalis Roewer, 1915 ** Gagrella granulata (Roewer, 1954) **

Balnissa parva Roewer, 1935 ** Gagrella hirta With, 1903

Bastia lineata Roewer, 1910 ** Gagrella kanaria (Roewer, 1929) **

Biantes atroluteus Roewer, 1915 ** Gagrella lepida lepida Thorell, 1889

Biantes carli Roewer, 1929 ** Gagrella lindbergi Roewer, 1959 **

Gagrella maindroni Simon, 1897 ** Himachalus pradeshicus Martens, Julka & Devi , Gagrella malabarica Roewer, 1954 ** 2023**

Gagrella marginata Roewer, 1954 ** Himalzaleptus quinqueconicus Martens, 1987

Gagrella metallica Roewer, 1929 ** Hinzuanius indicus (Roewer, 1915) **

Gagrella minuta Roewer, 1954 ** Homolophus bastawadei Staręga, 2013 **

Gagrella nobilis With, 1903 ** Homolophus nepalicus ( Roewer, 1912)

Gagrella palnica Roewer, 1929 ** Homolophus potanini (Simon, 1895)

Gagrella patalungensis Simon, 1901 Homolophus tibetanus (Roewer, 1911)

Gagrella prasina Roewer, 1911 ** Hypsibunus auronitens Roewer, 1955 **

Gagrella rufa Roewer, 1954 ** Hypsibunus bicorniger (Roewer, 1911) **

Gagrella satarana Roewer, 1954 ** Hypsibunus coronatus Roewer, 1955 **

Gagrella signata Stoliczka, 1869 ** Hypsibunus fuscus (With, 1903) **

Gagrella similis (Roewer, 1911) ** Indosidama moila Turk, 1945**

Gagrella speciosa Roewer, 1911 Kavalaica atroscutata Roewer, 1927 **

Gagrella spinulosa Thorell, 1889 Kodaika escheri Roewer, 1929 **

Gagrella testacea Roewer, 1954 ** Koyna spinulata Roewer, 1915 **

Gagrella triangularis fusca With, 1903 ** Kukkala trispinifrons Roewer, 1929 **

Gagrella triangularis triangularis With, 1903 ** Lepchana spinipalpis Roewer, 1927 **

Gagrella turki Roewer, 1954 ** Marthana beharensis (Roewer, 1955) **

Gagrella unispinosa With, 1903 ** Meghalaya annandalei Giribet, Sharma & Bastawade , Gagrella varians With, 1903 2007**

Gagrella viridalba Roewer, 1954 ** Melanopa atrata (Stoliczka, 1869)

Gagrella viridula Roewer, 1929 ** Melanopa hansenii (With, 1903) **

Gagrellenna bipunctata Roewer, 1929 ** Melanopa matherania Roewer, 1915 **

Gagrellula aborana Roewer, 1954 ** Melanopa rugosa Roewer, 1955 **

Gagrellula albilineata Roewer, 1929 ** Melanopa trochanteralis Roewer, 1955 **

Gagrellula bicolor Roewer, 1954 ** Melanopa unicolor Roewer, 1912 **

Gagrellula crux (With, 1903) Melanopella marginata Roewer, 1955 **

Gagrellula cuneimaculata Roewer, 1954 ** Melanopula biceps Roewer, 1929 **

Gagrellula frontalis Roewer, 1954 ** Metassamia bituberculata ( Roewer, 1912) ** Gagrellula orissa Roewer, 1954 ** Metassamia furcidens Roewer, 1935 **

Gagrellula rufifrons Roewer, 1954 ** Metassamia reticulata (Simon, 1888)

Gagrellula saddlana Roewer, 1929 ** Metassamia septemdentata Roewer, 1923 **

Gagrellula unicolor Roewer, 1910 ** Metassamia soerensenii ( Thorell, 1889)

Gagrellula virescens Roewer, 1910 ** Metassamia spinifrons (Roewer, 1915) **

Gagrellula viridula Roewer, 1929 ** Metassamia variata Sørensen, 1932 **

Gnomulus aborensis ( Roewer, 1913) ** Metasyleus orissus Roewer, 1955 **

Gnomulus roingii Bastawade, 2006 ** Metasyleus tenuis Roewer, 1955 **

Gudalura biseriata Roewer, 1927 ** Metathyreotus aborensis Roewer, 1913

Harmanda annulata Roewer, 1911 ** Metathyreotus kempi Roewer, 1913 **

Harmanda caerulea (Roewer, 1910) Metaverpulus albipunctatus (Roewer, 1915) ** Harmanda elegantula (Roewer, 1955) Metaverpulus hirsutus Roewer, 1912

Harmanda instructa aenescens (Roewer, 1911) Metaverpulus persimilis Martens, 1987

Harmanda instructa instructa Roewer, 1910 Metazaleptus hirsutus (With, 1903)

Harmanda kanoi (Suzuki, 1967) Mormuga uncifrons Roewer, 1927 **

Harmanda lineata Roewer, 1911 ** Mudumalus partialis Roewer, 1929 **

Harmanda periscopos Martens, 2018 ** Mysorea brevipus Roewer, 1935**

Harpenna denticulata Roewer, 1935 ** Neassamia aborensis ( Roewer, 1913)

Heterogagrella indica Roewer, 1954 ** Neogagrella barnesi Roewer, 1929 **

Hexomma feae conjugatum (Roewer, 1954) ** Nilgirius scaber Roewer, 1915 **

Hexomma feae feae ( Thorell, 1889) Nothippus affinis Loman, 1892

Hexomma feae humerale ( Thorell, 1889) Nuwaria granulata Roewer, 1915














Nemaspela femorecurvata Martens, 2006

Kury, Adriano B., Kury, Ian S. & De Oliveira, Ana Beatriz R. 2024

Phalangium mcheidzeae

Snegovaya 2014

Opilio nabozhenkoi

Snegovaya 2010

Vestiferum alatum

Martens 2006

Ceratobunus richteri

Roewer 1955

Diangathia bovifrons

Roewer 1955

Eusclera indica

Turk 1948

Paranemastoma superbum

Redikortsev 1936

Zachaeus birulai

Redikortsev 1936

Dodabetta conigera

Roewer 1929

Drugius parvus

Roewer 1929

Eupygoplus gracilis

Roewer 1927

Eupygoplus armatus

Roewer 1915

Ceratobunus cupreus

Roewer 1912

Opilio lederi

Roewer 1911
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