Annina hugliensis, Mitra & Tabassum, 2020

Mitra, Santanu & Tabassum, Shahnaz, 2020, A new species of the genus Annina (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from the Hugli River of West Bengal, India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 120 (3), pp. 203-210 : 204-208

publication ID 10.26515/rzsi/v120/i3/2020/151517

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Annina hugliensis

sp. nov.

Annina hugliensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–5 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 )


Material examined: All from Hugli-Matla estuary, West Bengal, India

Holotype: ♂ (9.5 mm); Dhobi Ghat, Barrackpore (22°45ʹ39.8″ N; 88°21ʹ08.5″ E), North 24-Parganas, West

Bengal, India; 18 August, 2019, S. Mitra ( ZSI-C7991 /2). Paratypes : 9 ♀♀ (7.9 to 9.1 mm) ( ZSI-C7992 /2); 13 ♂♂ (7.1 to 9.9 mm) ( ZSI-C7993 /2), same data as of holotype .

Diagnosis: Body of males relatively broader, length about 2.3 times as long as its greatest width, widest at pereonite 5 and 6, width of pereonite 1–6 sub-equal ( Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 5A View Figure 5 ); cephalon oval, concave, densely covered by velvety setae, posterior to each eye a lateral grooves running transversely on head, rostrum rounded ( Figures 4A, B View Figure 4 ); antenna robust, reaching up to the terminal end of pleonite 2; peduncle segment 5 of antenna is enormous, longer than combined length of 1–4; mandibular palp with 3 setae ( Figure 1I View Figure 1 ); perionite 2 with distally sub-furcated, paired, dorsolateral horns, curving slightly medial, reaching not more than half length of perionite 1; a small medial tubercle on the distal part of perionite 2 Figures 1A,D,H View Figure 1 , 4A View Figure 4 ; appendix masculina arising sub-medially and extending well beyond endopod of pleopod

2 ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ); pleotelson is bluntly triangular, lower half of lateral margin with 17 squamiform teeth on each side, each tooth consists with long setae, upper half of lateral margin smooth ( Figure 1M View Figure 1 ); uropodal endopod falcate leaf shaped with fringed margins, larger than the exopod, extends beyond the pleotelson, its mesial margin consists of 9-11 setae and lateral margins consists of 6 setae, the exopod is lanceolate with margins are lined with setae ( Figure 1N View Figure 1 ).

Description of male: Body 2.3 times as long as its greatest width, widest at pereonite 5 and 6 ( Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 5A View Figure 5 ); body gently convex in dorsal and lateral view; Cephalon transversely oval, dorsum concave, without any horns or processes, densely covered by velvety setae, posterior to each eye a lateral grooves running transversely on head, reaching 1/3rd width of head; cephalon produced anteriorly with a rounded rostrum, projecting between the bases of antennae ( Figures 1A, D View Figure 1 , 4A, B View Figure 4 ).

Antennula ( Figure 1G View Figure 1 ) reaching hardly to the posterior margin of pereonite 3, peduncle 3 segmented, segment 1 shortest and most wider, segment 2 narrower than the previous one and elongated, almost double of segment 1, the length of peduncle segment 3 as long as the combined length of 1 and 2, the flagellum with 17 segments, except for the first three segments of the flagellum, all others consist of, at least one aesthetascs; Antenna ( Figure 1F View Figure 1 ) reaching posterior margin of perionite 5, peduncle segments 1 and 2 fused together, 5th peduncle most broader and longer, length 1.5 times as long as the combined length of peduncle 1 to 4; flagellum with 3 long basal segments, basal segments 1 and 2 of flagellum almost fused, two three aesthetascs visible at their joints, basal segment 1 most stout, segment 2 slightly longer than combined length of segment 1 and 3, posterodistal corner of segments 2 and 3 bluntly projecting disto-ventrally, filaments consists 7-8 small article with aesthetascs.

Eye large, each consists of 52 ommatidia; a transverse unfacetted gap divided the eyes in dorsal and ventral half. Frontal lamina knob shaped, extends beyond the base of antenna, clypeus triangular, distal tip acute, directed ventrally ( Figures 1D,E View Figure 1 , 4A–C View Figure 4 ); Mandible palp with 3 segments, consist of 3 setae, 2 long and 1 small, middle seta longest, 3 incisor processes present, molar process somewhat leaf shaped with serrated margin on the side facing the lacinia, spine row consists of approximately 11 spines, out of which the upper 5 large and the rest 6 small ( Figure 1I View Figure 1 ); lateral lobe of Maxillula with 10 marginal spine and the medial lobe with 3 robust circumplumose setae ( Figure 1K View Figure 1 ). Maxilla lateral lobe with 4, middle lobe with 7 long simple setae, mesial lobe with 6 finely plumose setae and 4 simple setae ( Figure 1L View Figure 1 ). First and second article of Maxilliped palp, with 3 and 2 long setae respectively; articles 3 to 5 with long marginal simple setae, endite with 1 circumplumose seta ( Figure 1J View Figure 1 ).

Pereonite 1 longest, without dorsal horn, middle of dorsum depressed, shallow tomentose longitudinal groove running along the lateral margin; pereonite 2 with 2 dorso-lateral, distally sub-furcated horns, curving slightly midward, reached hardly 1/2 length of pereonite 1; pereonite 2 with a small tubercle on disto-medial part ( Figures 1D View Figure 1 , 4A View Figure 4 ); pereonite 1 longest, length of pereonite 2 to 6 increasing gradually; 7th shortest, 5th and 6th pereonite widest; posterolateral corner of pereonite 1 and 2 rounded ( Figure 1B View Figure 1 ), pereonite 3 with angular corner, pereonite 4 to 7 with acute posterolateral corner, increasing in order; posterolateral corner of pereonite 7 reaches up to the line of posterior margin of pleonite 4 ( Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 5A View Figure 5 ). Pleonite 1, almost covered by pereonite 7, only posterior 1/5 visible in dorsal view, lateral margin of pleonite 1 and 2 not visible in dorsal view; lateral margin of pleonite 3 projected laterally; pleonite 4 and 5 lateral margin projected posteriorly, 4th widest, 5th longest in dorsal view ( Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 5A View Figure 5 ).

Pereopod 1 ( Figure 3A View Figure 3 ), inferodistal corner of basis with 1 simple fine seta, superior distal corner of ischium with 2 simple setae, inferior margin of merus with 2 small setae, carpus with 5 setae in inferior margin; propodus without any setae, dactylus pointed. Pereopod 2 ( Figure 3B View Figure 3 ), inferodistal corner of basis with 1 large setae, ischium superiodistal corner with 1 large, pointed setae, the inferior margin with 4 small setae, merus inferior margin with 4 small and 1 large seta and its superior distal corner with 2 large setae, carpus inferior margin with 2 setae, propodus inferior distal corner with 1 robust seta, dactylus pointed. Pereopod 3 ( Figure 3C View Figure 3 ) largest, inferodistal corner of basis with 3 setae, ischium inferior margin with 6 setae; merus inferior margin with many setae, superiordistal corner with a tuft of hairs, carpus triangular, propodus and dactylus as like as pereopod 2. Pereopod 4 ( Figure 3D View Figure 3 ), inferodistal corner of the basis consists of 1 seta, superiodistal corner of ischium and merus with a tuft of setae and inferior margin along with carpus setose, propodus and dactylus as like as pereopod

3. Pereopod 5 ( Figure 3E View Figure 3 ), inferodistal corner of basis with 2 setae, ischium infero-distal corner with 1 large pointed seta, inferodistal as well as superiordistal corner of merus with 2 setae, carpus with one large setae at its inferodistal corner and 1 small seta on its superiordistal corner, propodus with large number of setae at inferodistal and superiordistal corner. Pereopod 6 ( Figure 3F View Figure 3 ), inferodistal corner of basis with 1 seta, ischium with 1 and 2 setae at its inferodistal and superiordistal corner, merus with a tuft of setae on superiordistal corner and 1 seta at inferodistal corner, carpus with 2 setae on inferodistal corner and superiordistal corner, propodus comparatively large, dactylus small. Pereopod 7 ( Figure 3G View Figure 3 ), the basis comparatively thin, setae absent; Ischium with 2 setae each on superior-distal and inferodistal corner; inferodistal as well as superiordistal corner of carpus has 2 setae, propodus and dactylus as like as pereopod 6.

Pleopod 1 ( Figure 2A View Figure 2 ), elongated as compared to other 4 pleopods, the exopod and endopod equal in size; 30 marginal plumose setae present on exopod; Pleopod 2 ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ), length smaller than the pleopod 1, width of exopod and endopod ramus equal in size; Appendix masculina with parallel margins, 1.1 times as long as endopod, distal acute; Pleopod 3 ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ), somewhat rounded and endopod smaller than exopod, exopod has 28 marginal plumose setae; Pleopod 4 ( Figure 2D View Figure 2 ), oval shaped, exopod larger than endopod and coupling hooks present on sympod, exopod has 26 marginal plumose setae; Pleopod 5 ( Figure 2E View Figure 2 ), though slightly smaller, as like as pleopod 4.

Pleotelson bluntly triangular, lower half of lateral margin with 17 squamiform teeth, each tooth with long setae, proximal half of lateral margin smooth ( Figure 1M View Figure 1 ); Uropod peduncle medial margin with several fine thin plumose setae and one large setae on disto-medial corner, endopod falcate leaf shaped with fringed margins, larger than the exopod, extends beyond the pleotelson, inner margin with 9-11 setae, lateral margins with 6 setae; exopod lanceolate, margins lined with setae ( Figure 1N View Figure 1 ).

Description of Female: Female (paratype ZSI-C7992/2) distinctly differs from male rather than sexual characters, female slightly narrower than male ( Figures 1C View Figure 1 , 5B View Figure 5 ), cephalon and pereonite 1 of female devoid of setae, no horns or process on pereonite 2 ( Figure 1C View Figure 1 , 5B View Figure 5 ); pereonite 5 longest instead of pereonite 1, as in male; antennal segment 4 slight longer than combined length of 1-3; pleonite1 almost covered by pereonite 7.

Colour: Dorsal surface in both male and female are ivory white with heavily dendritic pigmentation, male has no any pigmentation oh head and middle of the pleotelson ( Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 5A View Figure 5 ), whereas female with pigmentation on head ( Figures 1C View Figure 1 , 5B View Figure 5 ).

Etymology: The species is named after its type locality, muddy banks of the river Hugli.

Habitat and Distribution: Annina hugliensis sp. nov. lives in burrows in the compact mud bank of the Hugli river, generally the depth of these burrows are 5 to 15 cm from the surface. The river Hugli is about 540 meter wide in the collection point. The specimens were collected during low tide, and the habitat gets totally inundated during high tide. The collection site at Barrackpore of 24 Parganas (N) district of West Bengal is considered as upper reaches of Hugli-Matla estuary, and geologically it’s a part of Gangetic delta formed by Ganga and Brahmaputra river

( Subba Rao, 1995). So far this new species is distributed in Barrackpore, but possibly have a wide range in mud banks along the upper reaches of the Hugli-Matla estuary.













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