Ammophila induta KOHL

Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1), pp. 383-564 : 448-449

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scientific name

Ammophila induta KOHL


Ammophila induta KOHL ( Figs 49 View Figs 44-54 , 124 View Figs 122-130 , 145 View Figs 138-148 , 209 View Figs 206-215 , 313 View Figs 307-319 , 404 View Figs 398-413 , 469 View Figs 461-470 , 526 View Figs 509-526 , 585 View Figs 563-596 )

Ammophila induta KOHL 1901: 158 , ♀. Lectotype: ♀, Turkmenistan: Repetek (NHMW), examined, present designation.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d Lectotype ♀ ( NHMW); Kazakhstan: Baigakum Djulek (13 NHMW).

R e c o g n i t i o n Ammophila induta has the gastral apex without a metallic shine, the pronotal collar and the scutum not transversely ridged, the mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly and the arolia large. Additionally, the wings are hyaline, the supraantennal lamellate projection is absent and the dorsal margin of the gastral socket is attaining the propodeal dorsum or nearly so. The female of A. induta is similar to A. producticollis but differs in having a propodeal enclosure with dense appressed silvery setae medially, obliquely ridged and glabrous laterally and also large arolia ( A. producticollis has a propodeal enclosure all covered with appressed silvery setae and small arolia). The female of A. lativalvis is similar to A. induta but differs in having a mesothoracic venter prominent anteriorly. The female of A. tekkensis differs from A. induta in having the clypeus not elongate ( Fig. 53 View Figs 44-54 ), a flat clypeal disk and the propodeal enclosure all covered with sparse appressed silvery setae ( A. induta has a clypeal disk distinctly convex and the propodeal enclosure laterally glabrous). The male of A. induta differs from A. guichardi in the shape of the gonostyle ( Fig. 404 View Figs 398-413 ) and the penis valve ( Fig. 469 View Figs 461-470 .)

D e s c r i p t i o n: Gastral apex without metallic shine, pronotal collar and scutum not transversely ridged, episternal sulcus extending to anteroventral margin of pleuron, mesothoracic venter not prominent anteriorly, arolia large and claws without basal tooth. Wings hyaline, supra-antennal lamellate projection absent and dorsal margin of gastral socket attaining propodeal dorsum or nearly so.

♀: 17.5 mm. Black, with following yellowish-brown: mandible (except apex), clypeus next to free margin, scape, tegula, legs (nearly all), gaster (partly); petiole dark-brown. Head (except vertex), thorax and propodeum laterally covered with appressed silvery setae. Propodeal enclosure along midline covered with appressed silvery setae, laterally obliquely ridged and glabrous; erect setae white. Clypeus slightly elongate ( Fig. 49 View Figs 44-54 ), disk distinctly convex. Pronotal collar long, but not as long as posteriorly broad ( Fig. 145 View Figs 138-148 ). Admedian line of scutum well defined, broad, scutellum and metanotum slightly prominent but not ridged. Flagellomere I: II=1.6; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II+0.75×III.

3: 15 mm. Black, with following yellowish-brown: mandible (except apex), scape anteriorly, tegula, legs (except hindcoxa, hindtrochanter and hindfemur dorsally), tergum I (dorsally darkened), gastral segments II-IV (partly darkened). Head (except vertex), thorax and propodeum (including entire propodeal enclosure) covered with appressed silvery setae that obscure most of underlying sculpture; petiole and tergum I distinctly pruinose, erect setae silvery-white. Clypeus distinctly elongate ( Fig. 209 View Figs 206-215 ), disk nearly flat. Pronotal collar nearly as long as posteriorly broad ( Fig. 313 View Figs 307-319 ), propodeal enclosure slightly longitudinally ridged. Mesothoracic venter medially slightly rectangularly prominent, laterally rounded. Gonostyle laterally: Fig. 404 View Figs 398-413 ; penis valve laterally: Fig. 469 View Figs 461-470 , ventrally: Fig. 526 View Figs 509-526 , apically: Fig. 585 View Figs 563-596 . Flagellomere I: II=1.3; length of petiole = hindtarsomeres I+II.

N o t e: This male cannot be assigned to the female with certainty.

G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien














Ammophila induta KOHL

Dollfuss, H. 2013

Ammophila induta

KOHL F 1901: 158
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