Abapeba rufipes ( Taczanowski, 1874 )

Marusik, Yuri M. & Omelko, Mikhail M., 2015, Redescription of " Amaurobius " rufipes Taczanowski, 1874 (Araneae: Corinnidae) with notes of Amaurobius species described from French Guyana, Zootaxa 3974 (1), pp. 148-150 : 148-150

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Abapeba rufipes ( Taczanowski, 1874 )

comb. nov.

Abapeba rufipes ( Taczanowski, 1874) View in CoL comb. n.

Figs 1–10 View FIGURES 1 – 10

Amaurobius rufipes Taczanowski, 1874: 80 (♂♀).

? Corinna rufipes: Simon 1898: 200 (suggested as belonging to Corinna View in CoL ). Amaurobius rufipes: Lehtinen 1967: 212 (transferred to Corinnidae View in CoL ). " Amaurobius View in CoL " rufipes: Platnick 2014 (incertae sedis in Corinnidae View in CoL ). Amaurobius rufipes: World Spider Catalog 2015 (incertae sedis in Amaurobiidae View in CoL ).

Material examined. " Paratype ♀, Cayenne, Iles de Salut, K. Jelski, M. Warszawa". Label appears to refer to the syntype female from a series of 2♀ and 2♂ belonging to the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

Note. The species is transferred to Corinnidae and not to the similar looking Trachelidae because it has numerous and well-developed spines, which are generally lacking in Trachelidae . Amaurobius rufipes does not fit into any genus presented in a key of the Neotropical Corinninae ( Bonaldo 2000). We decided to provisionally place A. rufipes in Abapeba Bonaldo, 2000 due to similarities of the endogyne of A. rufipes and A. rioclaro Bonaldo, 2000 , although A. rufipes lacks clavate hairs covering the body.

Diagnosis. The epigyne of A. rufipes is most similar to that of A. rioclaro (cf. Bonaldo 2000: figs. 200–201), although it differs by having a distinct anterior pocket, notch at the posterior margin (lacking in A. rioclaro ) and shorter anterior receptacles.

Description. Female. Total length 8.55. Carapace 3.83 long, 3.15 wide. Carapace brown without pattern ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). Chelicerae light brown, anterior margin with 3 teeth, posterior margin with 5 teeth ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). Sternum, maxillae and labium light brown ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). Dorsum of abdomen yellowish, grayish laterally and ventrally ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). All leg segments uniformly yellowish-brown. Spination: leg I: femur 2d, 1p; tibia 4- 5 v, 2a; metatarsus 2- 2v; leg II: femur 2d; tibia 2- 3 v, 2a; metatarsus 2- 2v; leg III: femur 2d, 2p, 1(2)r; tibia 2p, 2r, 2- 2v, 2a; metatarsus 1p, 1r, 2- 2v, 2a; leg IV: femur 3d, 1r; tibia 3p, 2r, 2- 1v, 2a; metatarsus 1p, 2r, 2- 2v, 2a. Spines shorter than the diameter of the leg joints ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). Spinnerets ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ), colulus large.

Epigyne ( Figs 4–10 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ); epigynal plate lies in two plains: with ventral part visible in intact specimen ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ) and posterior part inside epigastral fold visible on dissected epigyne ( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 1 – 10 ). Epigynal plate with distinct anterior (Ap) and posterior (Pp) pockets; anterior pocket bell-shaped, deep, with copulatory openings inside, with a nearly straight margin. Central part of plate with a shallow cavity (Mc) below anterior pocket; cavity with transverse ridges. Lateral sides of epigynal plate with two shallow cavities (Lc). Posterior pocket located above notch (No) and between two lateral lobes (Ll); in ventral view, pocket is hidden by a plate and only visible as a translucent dark spot. Copulatory openings lead to a short part of the fertilization duct (Fd) that is sclerotized, followed by a short, weakly sclerotized part. Receptacles are complex, each with two chambers, both weakly sclerotized: anterior chamber is bean shaped (Re 1) and posterior chamber is round (Re 2). Anterior chamber is at the sides of the anterior pocket. Fertilization duct (Fd) originates from the posterior chamber.

Leg joint measurements (femur + patella + tibia + metatarsus + tarsus): I 10.75 (3.0 + 1.5 + 2.8 + 2.45 + 1.0), II 9.7 (2.85 + 1.4 + 2.45 + 2.1 + 0.9), III 8.7 (2.45 + 1.1 + 2.05 + 2.25 + 0.85), IV 12.05 (3.25 + 1.45 + 3.0 + 3.35 + 1.0).

Comments. Because A. rufipes is here transferred to Abapeba , and both Simon (1898) and Lehtinen (1967) believe that all Amaurobius described by Taczanowski (1874) from Guyana are congeneric, we also transfer three other species known from holotype females to Abapeba and establish the following new combinations: Abapeba brevis ( Taczanowski, 1874) comb. n., Abapeba cayanus ( Taczanowski, 1874) comb. n., and Abapeba hirtus ( Taczanowski, 1874) comb. n. (all ex- Amaurobius ).














Abapeba rufipes ( Taczanowski, 1874 )

Marusik, Yuri M. & Omelko, Mikhail M. 2015

Corinna rufipes:

Lehtinen 1967: 212
Simon 1898: 200

Amaurobius rufipes

Taczanowski 1874: 80
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