-97.97908, 16.859612: 10 Treatments

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Limnocoris pygmaeus     Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2020, A new species of Limnocoris Stål (Heteroptera: Naucoridae: Limnocorinae) and new state records for species of the genus in Mexico, Zootaxa 4860 (3), pp. 375-392 : 383 383
Ambrysus schuhi     Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel & Sites, Robert W., 2022, Revision of the Ambrysus signoreti Stål species complex (Heteroptera: Naucoridae Ambrysinae). Section 1., Zootaxa 5214 (3), pp. 421-439 : 433-435 433-435
Ambrysus schuhi     Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452 : 424 424
Ambrysus schuhi   sp. nov.  Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel & Sites, Robert W., 2019, Descriptions of four new species of the Ambrysus signoreti Stål species complex (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae), Zootaxa 4615 (2), pp. 285-302 : 294-297 294-297
Miltochrista lavides   sp. nov.  Volynkin, Anton V., Singh, Navneet, Černý, Karel, Kirti, Jagbir Singh & Datta, Harvinder Singh, 2020, Revision of the Miltochrista obliquilinea species-group, with descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini), Zootaxa 4780 (3), pp. 448-470 : 458-459 458-459
Limnocoris rodriguesi   sp. nov.  Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2020, A new species of Limnocoris Stål (Heteroptera: Naucoridae: Limnocorinae) and new state records for species of the genus in Mexico, Zootaxa 4860 (3), pp. 375-392 : 385-388 385-388
Ambrysus cosmius     Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel & Sites, Robert W., 2022, Revision of the Ambrysus signoreti Stål species complex (Heteroptera: Naucoridae Ambrysinae). Section 1., Zootaxa 5214 (3), pp. 421-439 : 425-428 425-428
Heriades amanda   sp. nov.  Rojas-Arias, Laura, Griswold, Terry, Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael, Morrone, Juan J. & Barajas, Ricardo Ayala, 2025, Neotropical bees of the genus Heriades Spinola, 1808 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Osmiini) with description of nine new species, Zootaxa 5570 (2), pp. 201-259 : 209-213 209-213
Polyplectropus charlesi     Chamorro, Maria Lourdes & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2010, 2582, Zootaxa 2582, pp. 1-252 : 113-116 113-116
Ambrysus sitesi   sp. nov.  Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel & Sites, Robert W., 2019, Descriptions of four new species of the Ambrysus signoreti Stål species complex (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae), Zootaxa 4615 (2), pp. 285-302 : 298-301 298-301