Calyxochaetus luteipes (Van Duzee)

Runyon, Justin B., 2024, Revision of the genus Calyxochaetus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sympycninae), Zootaxa 5539 (1), pp. 1-74 : 34-35

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5539.1.1

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scientific name

Calyxochaetus luteipes (Van Duzee)


Calyxochaetus luteipes (Van Duzee)

( Figs 37 View FIGURES 26–44 , 53 View FIGURES 45–55 , 62 View FIGURES 56–63 , 76 View FIGURES 74–76 )

Nothosympycnus luteipes Van Duzee, 1923: 63 View in CoL .

Nothosympycnus tarsalis Curran, 1924: 108 View in CoL ; synonymized by Van Duzee (1930: 57).

Calyxochaetus luteipes : Foote et al. (1965: 528).

Type material examined. Nothosympycnus luteipes : HOLOTYPE ♂, labeled: “Bar Harbor/ 3 VII 22 Me”; “C.W. Johnson/ Collector”; “ Nothosympycnus / luteipes / Holotype.VanDuzee”; “ HOLOTYPE / No. [red label]”; “M.C.Z./ Type/ 26951 [red label]” (MCZ) [photos examined].

Nothosympycnus tarsalis : HOLOTYPE ♂, labeled: “ Holotype / Nothosympycnus tarsalis / CNC No 629 Curr.”; “Orillia Ont/ 15-VIII-1923 / C.H. Curran ” (CNC).

Other material examined. CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa, 19.vii.1954, W.R.M. Mason (1♂, CNC); same data except, 17.vii.1955, J.G. Chillcott (1♂, 1♀, CNC); same data except, 26.vii.1955, J.R. Vockeroth (1♂, CNC); Whiskey Bay , 24.vii.1988, RLH (1♂, MTEC); same data except, 6.viii.1991 (4♂, MTEC) . New Brunswick: St. Andrews , 8.viii.1957, G.E. Shewell (1♂, CNC) . Nova Scotia: Lockeport, 18.vii.1958, J.R. Vockeroth (3♂, 4♀, CNC); same data except, 11.viii.1958 (3♂, 3♀, CNC); Bay Saint Lawrence , PH920077, 10.vii.1974, dry marsh with very mixed vegetation, J.R. Vockeroth (1♂, 1♀, CNC) . Quebec: Knowlton Lodge , 18.vii.1968, J.R. Vockeroth (1♂, CNC) . USA: Connecticut: Litchfield County: Lake Waramaug , 23.vii.1923, ALM (2♂, USNM) . Massachusetts: Berkshire County: Cady Brook, 3 mi. S Hinsdale, 1850 ft, N42°23.93′ W73°09.05′,, JBR (1♂, MTEC); GoogleMaps same data except, Dalton , The Boulders , N42°28.69′ W73°10.98′, 6.vii.2008 (2♂, MTEC); GoogleMaps Worcester County : Petersham , vii.1926, ALM (3♂, USNM) GoogleMaps . Maine: Hancock County: Acadia National Park, 2.viii.1972, FCH (3♂, FSCA); Waldo County : Belfast , 2.viii.1972, FCH (1♂, 1♀, FSCA) . Michigan: Alger County: Munising, 28.vii.1974, FCH (2♂, FSCA); same data except, Wagner Falls , 8.viii.1993, RLH (2♀, MTEC); Houghton County : Sidnaw , 27.vii.1974, FCH (1♂, FSCA); Otsego County : 4 mi. N Gaylord, 31.vii.1992, RLH (3♂, 9♀, MTEC) . New Hampshire: Belknap County: 0.25 mi NE Tilton, N43°26.823′ W71°35.094′, 16.vii.2007, JBR (1♂, MTEC); GoogleMaps Sullivan County : Knight Brook , 1 mi. NW Marlow Junction, 24.vii.1991, RLH (1♂, 2♀, MTEC) GoogleMaps . New York: Essex County: Keene Valley, 1200 ft, 20.vii.1962, J.R. Vockeroth (9♂, 2♀, CNC); GoogleMaps same data except, J.G. Chillcott (2♂, CNC); GoogleMaps Monroe County : Rochester , 29.vii.1972, FCH (1♂, FSCA); GoogleMaps Sullivan County : Fir Brook , 1 mi. NE Willowemoc, 22.vii.1991, RLH (1♂, MTEC) GoogleMaps . Vermont: Addison County: Pleiad Lake, 2200 ft, 20.vii.2003, JBR (4♂, MTEC); Orleans County , Jay Peak , 3000–3400 ft, 20.vii.1968, J.R. Vockeroth (1♂, CNC) .

Diagnosis. This is the only species in the C. cilifemoratus group with an unmodified arista-like stylus ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 26–44 ) and the only species in the group that occurs in eastern North America.

Redescription. Male. Wing length 2.2–2.3 mm. Head: Frons with large glabrous shiny blue-violet spot on either side of ocellar tubercle. Face silver-white, narrowly triangular, about one ommatidium wide at clypeus. Antenna ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 26–44 ) brown; scape laterally flattened, flared apically, subequal in length to postpedicel; postpedicel elongate oval, about 1.5X as long as wide; arista-like stylus unmodified, slender, tapered to sharp point. Palpus small, oval, brown but paler along apex. Thorax: Pleura brown with gray pruinosity, usually bluish, metapleuron partly yellow especially around posterior spiracle; metepimeron wholly yellow. Legs: Foreleg: Yellow, except tarsus brown from near apex of tarsomere 3. Tibia slender, without outstanding setae, with obvious anterior comb-like row of close-set yellow setulae at apex. Tarsomere 1 very short, about as long as wide. Tarsomere 2 slightly more than half tibia length, without long anterior setae at apex. Tarsomere 3 about two-thirds as long as tarsomere 2. Tarsomeres 4 and 5 subequal in length, each half tarsomere 3 length. Midleg: Yellow, except tarsus brown from near apex of tarsomere 1. Femur without slender, yellow ventral setae. Tarsomere 1 subequal to combined length of tarsomeres 2–5, with 2 fine sinuous yellow anterior setae at apex. Tarsomere 2 with basal half slightly swollen and bearing 3 fine sinuous yellow anterior setae. Tarsomere 4 with a fine sinuous yellow anterior seta at apex. Tarsomere 5 with 1–2 shorter, fine anterior setae. Hindleg: Yellow, except femur light brown dorsoapically, tibia light brown (sometimes yellow basally), tarsus brown. Femur ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 45–55 ) with anteroventral row of very short slender yellow setae, slightly increasing in length distally, with distal-most seta much longer (longer than femur width), posterior preapical seta absent. Tibia with ventral row of 4–5 fine ventral setae (slightly longer than tibia width) at base. Wing ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 56–63 ): Evenly tinged with brown. Anal lobe evenly expanding from base to just before apex of M 4. Posterior margin projecting just before, and indented at, apex of M 4. Distal section of M 4 about 4X longer than crossvein dm-m. Abdomen: Tergite 1 yellow-brown laterally. Tergites 2 and 3 mostly to wholly yellow. Tergite 4 usually yellow at base. Sternites yellow. Hypopygium: Postgonites with apical lobes rather narrow, apex rounded, evenly dark brown.

Female. Wing length 2.4–2.7 mm. Similar to male except as follows: Head: Most of frons glabrous shiny blue-violet. Face wide, nearly parallel-sided, slightly narrowing to clypeus, light gray. Clypeus whitish gray. Antenna with postpedicel short, wider than long, oval with slightly flattened apex. Palpus much larger, triangular, rounded apically, light brown with slight gray pruinosity, with yellow setulae and yellow to brown setae. Thorax: Proepimeron with 3–4 small white hairs. Legs: Unmodified, without specialized setae. Hind tibia yellow. Hind tarsomere 1 mostly yellow. Wing: Elongate oval with posterior margin evenly rounded. Distal section of M 4 about 3X longer than crossvein dm-m. Abdomen: Tergite 2 yellow laterally on basal half or more. Tergite 3 usually with some yellow laterally at base.

Distribution and seasonal occurrence. Known from northeastern USA and southeastern Canada ( Fig. 76 View FIGURES 74–76 ). Adults have been collected from late June through August.


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


USA, Montana, Bozeman, Montana State University


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


USA, Florida, Gainesville, Division of Plant Industry, Florida State Collection of Arthropods
















Calyxochaetus luteipes (Van Duzee)

Runyon, Justin B. 2024

Calyxochaetus luteipes

Foote, R. H. & Coulson, J. R. & Robinson, H. 1965: 528

Nothosympycnus tarsalis

Van Duzee, M. C. 1930: 57
Curran, C. H. 1924: 108

Nothosympycnus luteipes

Van Duzee, M. C. 1923: 63
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