Campiglossa coei (Hardy)

Han, Ho-Yeon & Ro, Kyung-Eui, 2019, DNA barcoding reveals a species group of the genus Campiglossa (Diptera, Tephritidae, Tephritinae) with recognition of a new species from East Asia and previously unknown females of Campiglossa coei (Hardy), ZooKeys 899, pp. 1-36 : 1

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scientific name

Campiglossa coei (Hardy)


Campiglossa coei (Hardy) View in CoL Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 4 A–E View Figure 4 , 5 A–G View Figure 5 , 10A, B View Figure 10

Tephritis coei Hardy, 1964: 164 (Type-locality: NEPAL, Taplejung Dist., N of Sangu, above river bank, ca. 5000 ft, holotype ♂, NHMUK); Wang 1998: 291, 294 (in the East Asian Tephritis key; diagnosis, new Chinese record - 2♂ from Yunnan Province).

Campiglossa coei : Korneyev 1990: 444 (new combination), 2004: 8 (erroneous synonymy with C. misella ); Norrbom et al. 1999: 109 (in the world tephritid catalog); Korneyev and Ovchinnikova 2004: 546 (erroneous synonymy with C. misella ).

Campiglossa favillacea Ito, 2011: 29 (Type-locality: NEPAL, Taplejung Dist., Kharu Pokhar, 3,000 m, holotype ♂, UOPJ - examined, Fig. 10A, B View Figure 10 ), syn. nov.

Material examined.

Type series of C. favillacea Ito, 2011 (UOPJ; Fig. 10A, B View Figure 10 ): NEPAL: Taplejung: Kharu Pokhar, 3,000 m, 17.VII.1962, T. Yasuda, holotype ♂ of C. favillacea ; Ilam: Phikol, 1,460 m, 19.IV.1962, T. Yasuda paratype 2♀, of C. favillacea . CHINA: Yunnan, Mengsong, Manlvcunhanzudazhai, small hilltop, 22°07'44.0"N, 100°28'51.7"E, 1690 m, 12.VII.2011, H.Y. Han and S.W. Suk, 72♂, 42♀ (YSUW); Yunnan, Mengsong, Bengangxizhai, in forest, 22°10'34.5"N, 100°35'06.8"E, 1725 m, 11.VII.2011, H.Y. Han and S.W. Suk, 1♀ (YSUW).


This light-colored species can be diagnosed by the following characteristics. Head largely yellow-brown with grey upper occiput. Thorax with scutum entirely matte whitish grey without any outstanding dark spots or stripes; scutellum mostly matte whitish grey but ca. apical 1/3 yellow-brown. Legs entirely yellowish brown without any dark marking; fore femur with six or seven strong, brown postero-ventral setae. Wing with basal area (basal 1/3 anteriorly and basal 1/2 posteriorly) largely hyaline with only few small dark spots, especially cell br with area posterior to fork of vein Rs completely hyaline ( Fig. 4A-a View Figure 4 ); male with large dark mid-anterior marking covering from mid-anterior 1/3 to posterior end of crossvein R-M; pterostigma dark brown with large round hyaline spot in both sexes ( Fig. 4A-b View Figure 4 ; in the other misella group species this spot tends to be smaller or missing in male); cell r1 posterior to pterostigma with two large hyaline spots (sometimes with tiny additional basal spot, Fig. 4A-c View Figure 4 ) in male and three large hyaline spots in female; cell r2+3 without posteroapical hyaline spot. Abdomen matte whitish grey with tergites 3-5 in male and 3-6 in female each with pair of pale brown submedian spots; oviscape shiny dark brown, as long as three preceding segments.

This species appears similar to C. pishanica (with only males known) but the latter species can be readily separated by the dark femora and more extensive mid-anterior wing marking with pterostigma completely dark ( Figs 4A, C View Figure 4 vs. 10E).


Body ( Fig. 4 A–E View Figure 4 ) predominantly matte whitish grey; setae mostly brown to dark brown but some white; setulae mostly white but some brown to dark brown; wing length 4.0-4.3 mm; thorax length 1.5-1.8 mm.

Head yellow-brown with whitish pruinosity except for dark brown ocellar triangle and grey upper occiput; head ratio 0.78-0.90, frons-head ratio 0.46-0.50, eye ratio 0.71-0.77, gena-eye ratio 0.17-0.23, antenna-head ratio 0.40-0.44, arista-antenna ratio 1.3-1.6; vertex yellow-brown; dark brown inner vertical seta approx. as long as longest diameter of eye; outer vertical seta white, 0.4 × inner vertical seta; post ocellar seta white, 0.4 × post ocellar seta; paravertical seta white, 0.7 –0.8× post ocellar seta; ocellar seta dark brown, 3.3 –4.0× ocellar triangle length; frons almost bare with frontal angle ca. 115 degree; with two dark brown frontal setae; white posterior orbital seta 0.6 × dark brown anterior orbital seta; scape and pedicel yellow-brown with short brown setulae; first flagellomere 1.4 –1.8× pedicel length, apically rounded, yellow-brown; arista entirely short pubescent, brown except yellow-brown basal area; face yellow-brown without distinct antennal groove; parafacial 0.4 × as wide as first flagellomere; facial ridge with fine pale yellow setulae; gena with strong white genal seta and relatively long white setulae; postgena swollen with strong white postgenal seta and relatively long white setulae; postocular setae with two thick white setulae plus over ten shorter brown setulae, extended 0.5 × distance from upper eye margin to lower eye margin; supracervical setae white; mouthparts geniculated with yellow-brown setulose labella; palpus with brown setulae apically and white setulae on remaining area.

Thorax largely dark brown ground color with very heavy whitish pruinosity, generally appearing matte whitish grey; postpronotal lobe with single dark brown seta, yellow-brown in ground color, but appearing similar color as nearby areas due to heavy whitish pruinosity; scutum matte whitish grey with five faint brownish longitudinal bands traceable in clean specimens; two pairs of white scapular setae; acrostical setae widely separated each other, situated midway between levels of intra-alar setae and postsutural supra-alar setae; post-alar setae same level as intra-alar setae; dorsocentral setae same level as or slightly lower than transverse suture; presutural supra-alar setae approximately the same level as anterior notopleural setae; two notopleural setae dark brown with posterior seta0.5 × anterior seta; scutellum mostly matte whitish grey but ca. apical 1/3 yellow-brown, slightly convex, almost bare except marginal tiny white setulae; basal scutellar setae more or less parallel, 2.3 –3.5× as long as scutellum; apical scutellar setae crossed near apex, 0.9-1.3 as long as scutellum; pleura largely matte whitish grey; proepisternum with 3-5 white setulae; anepisternum matte grey with posterior 2/3 white setulose, with one strong dark brown seta and one half as long white seta ventral to it; katepisternum matte grey with a strong dark brown seta, upper area sparsely with short white setulae and lower area with long white setulae; mediotergite matte grey.

Legs entirely yellow-brown with slight grey pruinosity and brown to dark brown setae and setulae; fore coxa anteriorly with white setulae, posteriorly bare; mid coxa anteriorly with few long white setulae, posteriorly bare; hind coxa with strong white lateral seta, posteriorly largely membranous; front femur with six or seven strong brown posteroventral setae; tibiae and tarsi entirely yellow-brown; midtibial spur dark brown, 1.2-1.4 as long as tibial width.

Wing ( Fig. 4A, C, D, F View Figure 4 ) hyaline with brown to dark brown pattern; area around pterostigma with sexual dimorphism (see next paragraph); cells bc, bm, bcu, alula, anal lobe almost entirely hyaline; cell c mostly hyaline with narrow brown to faint brown medial longitudinal band; pterostigma with distinct hyaline spot in both sexes ( Fig. 4A-b View Figure 4 ); cell r2+3 mostly without apical hyaline spot but with two large subapical spots often coalesced, one or two large hyaline spots posterior to two large r1 spots; cell br with basal 3/5 area almost hyaline, apically dark brown with two or three hyaline spots posteriorly coalesced; cell r4+5 with single large apical spot and 8-12 variably sized hyaline spots; cell dm with basal 2/3 almost hyaline, apically dark brown with 4-7 variably shaped hyaline spots; cell m with basal 3/4 almost hyaline, apically dark brown with 1-3 variably shaped hyaline spots. Wing-thorax ratio 2.4-2.5; subcostal to costa ratio 0.43-0.53; cell r1-r2+3 ratio 2.7-3.3; cell r4+5-r2+3 ratio 0.58-0.73. R4+5 bare.

Wing dimorphism. Male ( Fig. 4A, C View Figure 4 ) with cell r1 with two large hyaline spots apical to pterostigma (rarely tiny additional spot anteriorly; Fig. 4A-c View Figure 4 ); large, more or less elliptic dark brown mid-anterior marking traceable covering pterostigma, cell r1 well beyond pterostigma, approx. basal 1/3 to 2/3 of cell r2+3, and anterior areas of cells br and r4+5 near crossvein R-M; vein M ratio 0.40-0.45. Female ( Fig. 4D, F View Figure 4 ) - cell r1 with three large hyaline spots apical to pterostigma; dark brown mid-anterior marking, if traceable, much smaller, or not wider than pterostigma; vein M ratio 0.62-0.76.

Male abdomen. Preabdomen slightly longer than wide, almost entirely matte pale grey; tergites 2-5 with white setulae, but tergite 5 also with 4-7 dark brown marginal setae; tergites 3-5 each with pair of pale brown submedian spots. Postabdomen ( Fig. 6 A–C View Figure 6 ) with proctiger short, 0.4 × as long as epandrium in lateral view, microtrichosae, lower half with numerous yellow-brown setae; epandrium plus surstyli oval in caudal view; epandrium dark brown with long yellow-brown to brown setae, microtrichosae; lateral surstylar flange posteriorly serrate, with its basal width approx.1/3 as long as epandrial complex height; medial surstylus with lateral prensiseta approx.2/3 as long as medial prensiseta; preglans area of phallus strongly spinulose; glans without subapical lobe; tube-like acrophallus highly pronounced with apicodorsal opening, approx. half as long as glans; ejaculatory apodeme large, fan-shaped.

Female abdomen. Preabdomen slightly longer than wide, almost entirely matte grey; tergites 2-6 with white setulae, and tergite 6 especially with 4-7 dark brown marginal setae; tergites 3-6 each with pair of pale brown submedial spots. Postabdomen ( Fig. 6 D–G View Figure 6 ) with shiny dark brown oviscape approx. as long as three preceding segments; oviscape densely with dark brown setulae but without any macrosetae, 1.8 × longer than wide, cone shaped, dorsoventrally flattened; eversible membrane with taeniae approx.1/4 as long as total length of membrane; posterior 3/4 area of eversible membrane densely covered with anteriorly directed triangular spinules; spinules largest in area behind taeniae; aculeus elongated, dorsoventrally flattened, 5.5 × longer than wide with apical 1/3 gradually pointed, apex with pair of tiny subapical teeth; two similar sized dark brown spermathecae, each with elliptical apical receptacle with transverse papillae and 3/5 as long narrow basal neck; spermathecal duct transparent.


Nepal, China (Yunnan).


The male wing pattern of C. coei is atypical for the genus Campiglossa ( Fig. 4A, C View Figure 4 ), and that is probably why this species, based on a single male specimen, was originally classified as Tephritis by Hardy (1964). Since then, Wang (1998), under this name, recorded two males from Yunnan, China. More recently, Ito (2011) described a new species ( C. favillacea syn. nov.) based on the male holotype (from the type locality of C. coei ) and two female paratypes ( Fig. 10A, B View Figure 10 ), but he did not mention their wing dimorphism in the description. We, fortunately, were able to collect over a hundred male and female specimens from China, showing a remarkable sexual wing dimorphism ( Fig. 4A, C View Figure 4 vs. Fig. 4D, F View Figure 4 ). Most of the specimens were collected along with at least ten other species of the subfamily Tephritinae from a small hilltop in Yunnan, China ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ; Mengsong, Manlvcunhanzudazhai, 22°07'44.0"N, 100°28'51.7"E, 1690 m, 12 July 2011). This hilltop appears to be a temporary Tephritinae hot spot due to the clearing of a small forest patch.













