
Barros, Luana M., Sinclair, Bradley J., De Freitas-Silva, Rafael A. P. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2024, Revision of the genus Leptodromia Sinclair & Cumming, 2000 (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae), with the description of six new species, Records of the Australian Museum 76 (3), pp. 133-150 : 134-135

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https://doi.org/ 10.3853/j.2201-4349.76.2024.1897

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Genus Leptodromia

Sinclair & Cumming, 2000

Leptodromia Sinclair & Cumming, 2000: 181 View in CoL . Type species: Leptopeza bimaculata Bezzi, 1904 View in CoL .

Diagnosis. Distinguished from other Southern Hemisphere genera of Ocydromiinae by the long Rs vein, arising near middle of cell bm, M 1 very short, reduced to short stump, anal lobe not developed ( Figs 21, 22 View Figures 21–22 ), and antennae inserted above middle of head.

Redescription. Head. Eye bare, facets not enlarged. Frons and face slender, narrowly separated; face about twice length of frons. Gena and postgena not developed. Ocellar triangle with 1–2 pairs of ocellar setae proclinate, short and slender. Antennae situated above middle of head; scape and pedicel subequal in length; scape devoid of setulae; pedicel cylindrical, with circlet of short preapical setae; postpedicel elongate, lanceolate, covered with dense microtrichia; arista-like stylus with microtrichia. Proboscis with several short, slender setae; palpus broad, flattened, as long as proboscis, covered with pruinosity and setulae. Occiput with two rows of setae, 1 row postoculars and 1 row occipital. Thorax. Not strongly arched. Postpronotal lobe and postalar callus well developed. Antepronotum with 1 row of short, slender setae. Acrostichals biserial and dorsocentrals uniserial, all short and slender; two pairs of dorsocentrals slightly longer on prescutellar disc; some short and slender setae on postpronotal lobe; 1 long, strong notopleural seta; postalar callus usually with 2 slender setae; scutellum with pair of short, slender lateral setae and pair of long, strong apical setae. Wing. Membrane hyaline to infuscate. Costa fading beyond R 4+5; Sc evanescent, extending to beyond branching of R 2+3 and R 4+5; Rs long, arising near middle of cell br. Vein R 1 long, ending at apical 1/3 of wing. Cell dm shorter than basal cells; M 1 reduced to short stub, M 2 and M 4 fading out before wing margin; cell br subequal in length with cell bm; cell cua more than half-length of cell bm; CuA complete, reaching CuP; CuA+CuP evanescent, long, not reaching wing margin. Anal lobe not developed. Halter pale. Abdomen. Covered with short, slender yellow setae, longer on lateral margins. Tergites heavily sclerotized. Sternites thinly sclerotized. Sclerites of segment 8 not fused. Terminalia asymmetrical, rotated approximately 90° to right. Cercus symmetrical short, slender, digitiform-like and weakly sclerotized. Hypandrium short, posterior margin shallowly bilobed; dorsal bridge well sclerotized. Epandrium deeply cleft, not strongly asymmetrical. Bacilliform sclerites asymmetrical elongate, bearing several setae. Right surstylus elongate, cylindrical, bearing setae, longer than left; left surstylus short, more strongly arched. Hypoproct divided in two small, narrow sclerites. Phallic shaft short, strongly curved near base, apex expanded, cup-like, bearing flexible cap and subapical process; articulated distiphallus with ventral phallic sclerite as long as phallic shaft, with bifid apex; ventral phallic sclerite sickle-shaped, encircling apex of phallic shaft; ejaculatory apodeme fused to base of phallus.

Female. Similar to male, except by differences of spots on scutum and antepisternum in male and female of L. bimaculata .

Remarks. The genus can be identified using the key to Southern Hemisphere genera of Ocydromiinae in Sinclair and Cumming (2000).



Barros, Luana M., Sinclair, Bradley J., De Freitas-Silva, Rafael A. P. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly 2024


Sinclair, B. J. & J. M. Cumming 2000: 181
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