Leptodromia, Sinclair & Cumming, 2000

Barros, Luana M., Sinclair, Bradley J., De Freitas-Silva, Rafael A. P. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2024, Revision of the genus Leptodromia Sinclair & Cumming, 2000 (Diptera: Hybotidae: Ocydromiinae), with the description of six new species, Records of the Australian Museum 76 (3), pp. 133-150 : 146-149

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3853/j.2201-4349.76.2024.1897

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Leptodromia View in CoL t-maculatum

Barros, Freitas-Silva & Sinclair sp. nov.


Figs 22 View Figures 21–22 , 30–42 View Figures 30–35 View Figures 36–41 View Figure 42

Diagnosis. Antenna brown, except scape, pedicel and base of postpedicel yellow. Scutum orange yellow, except for two black oval spots on prescutellar disc, that reach the scutellum; pleura completely orange yellow, without dark spots or stripes; mediotergite yellow, except by two black, rounded spots on lateral margin. Hind femur yellow, without dark sub apical spot. Abdomen yellow, with black T-shaped pattern on anterior margin of tergites.

Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 30 View Figures 30–35 ). Body length: 3.5 mm. Wing length: 3.5 mm ( Fig. 22 View Figures 21–22 ). Head. Ocellar triangle shiny, with 1 pair of ocellar setae proclinate, short and slender. Frons shiny black. Face with dense grey pruinescence. Antenna ( Fig. 32 View Figures 30–35 ) [based mostly on paratypes] brown, except scape, pedicel and base of postpedicel yellow; postpedicel elongate, lanceolate, about 2.5 times length of scape and pedicel combined, covered with dense brown microtrichia; arista-like stylus brown, with microtrichia, about same length as postpedicel. Proboscis yellow; palpus oval, yellow, covered with dense yellow pruinosity and 1 long, slender yellow seta near middle. Occiput shiny black; two rows of long and slender yellow setae, 1 row postoculars and 1 row occipital, lower setae longer. Thorax. Prosternum broad (prosternum is fused to the proepisternum forming a precoxal bridge). Antepronotum yellow with 1 row of short, slender yellow setae. Scutum orange yellow, except for two black oval spots on prescutellar disc, reaching scutellum ( Fig. 33 View Figures 30–35 ). Scutellum and mediotergite orange yellow, except two black, rounded spots on lateral margins of mediotergite, fused posteriorly. Pleura orange yellow, without dark spots or stripes. Wing ( Fig. 22 View Figures 21–22 ). Broad, membrane hyaline; 1 long, strong, black basal costal seta; pterostigma light brown, elongated and narrow, situated at apex of cell c. Cell dm approximately 2.5 times longer than wide, M 1 very short, longer than crossvein r-m, M 2 and M 4 fading out before wing margin; CuA+CuP evanescent, long, not reaching wing margin. Halter whitish yellow. Legs. Yellow, except extreme apex of mid and hind femora black, tarsi slight darker, light brown. Fore and hind femora swollen ( Fig. 34 View Figures 30–35 ). fore femur with 1 long, strong, black posterodorsal preapical seta. Mid femur with row of anterodorsal black setae on apical half, with stronger preapical seta. Hind femur with 1 long, strong, black anterodorsal preapical seta. Mid and hind femora with row of dark anteroventral setae. Fore tibia with long, strong black posteroventral seta proximal to mid-length. Mid tibia with 1 short, strong black anterodorsal seta near base; 1 anterodorsal and 1 posterodorsal long, strong black seta near mid-length; apex with several long, strong yellow ventral setae. Hind tibia with 1 shorter anterodorsal seta near base and 1 longer anterodorsal seta near mid-length; apex with 2 strong, yellow anteroventral setae. Abdomen ( Fig. 35 View Figures 30–35 ). Yellow, with black T-shaped marking on anterior margins of syntergite 1+2 and tergites 3–6, covered with short, slender yellow setae, longer on lateral margins. Male terminalia ( Figs 36–39 View Figures 36–41 ): Hypandrium short, small and subquadrangular, with slight concavity in middle on apical margin and several long, slender setae. Phallus long, longer than epandrial lamellae; phallic shaft strongly curved near base, cylindrical, without protuberances. Distiphallus articulated to shaft, shorter, with dorsal sclerite ¼ length of phallic shaft, with bifid apex, ventral sclerite straight at the base, curving and encircling apex of phallic shaft; ejaculatory apodeme one-third length of hypandrium. Epandrial lamella broad, subtriangular, with several short, slender setae, longer on apical margin; right epandrial lamella as longer as wide, slightly concave, with small, rounded projection bearing 4 short, strong spine-like setae laterodorsally; left epandrial lamella as long as wide, with deeper concavity and small rounded projection bearing 5 short, strong spine-like setae laterodorsally; dorsal connection between lamellae narrow and short. Right surstylus longer than left, apex tapered, slightly curved toward dorsal margin; left surstylus shorter than left, apex rounded, suboval-shaped, with several short, slender setae on both surstyli. Cerci symmetrical short, suboval, weakly sclerotized, covered with long, slender setae. Bacilliform sclerite asymmetrical, with short, slender setae. Basal margin of subepandrial sclerite deeply split forming rounded concavity near distal margin. Hypoproct fused to subepandrial sclerite, deeply split at middle forming two narrow sclerites. Female ( Fig. 31 View Figures 30–35 ). Similar to male. Female terminalia ( Figs 40, 41 View Figures 36–41 ): Tergite 8 narrow with deep median concavity on the posterior margin, forming two ramifications narrow; tergite 10 subtriangular and short. Sternite 8 with posterior margin truncated, narrower and unbranched; sternite 10 subtriangular, about half length of tergite 10. Cerci elongate, cylindrical, with long, fine setae.

Type material. Holotype ♂, labelled: “ Mt. Toolbrunup [34°23'S 118°02'E], Stirling Ranges/ W.A.[WesternAustralia] 7 Dec.1970 / G.A.Holloway /& H.Hughes ”; “Australian Museum/ K 607766” “ HOLOTYPE / Leptodromia / t-maculatum/ Barros, Freitas-Silva & Sinclair [red label]” ( AMS) GoogleMaps . Holotype in good condition, except by terminalia dissected and left wing mounted between cover slips. Paratypes: Australia. Western Australia: 19 km E Nannup, Karri Gully [-34.007, 115.939], 6.xii.1998 GoogleMaps , B.J.

Sinclair (1 ♂, CNC; 1 ♀, INPA) .

Etymology. From Latin macula (spot), in reference the T-shaped spot on each abdominal tergite.

Distribution. This species is known only from southwestern Western Australia ( Fig. 42 View Figure 42 ).


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


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