Uduba halabe, Griswold & Ubick & Ledford & Polotow, 2022

Griswold, Charles, Ubick, Darrell, Ledford, Joel & Polotow, Daniele, 2022, A Revision of the Malagasy Crack-Leg Spiders of the Genus Uduba Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with Description of 35 New Species from Madagascar, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67, pp. 1-193 : 40-44

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13158554

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scientific name

Uduba halabe

sp. nov.

Uduba halabe View in CoL , new species

Figures 11 B View FIGURE , 20 A View FIGURE , 27 A, B View FIGURE , 28 D View FIGURE , 29 D View FIGURE , 43 A–C View FIGURE , 74 C, F View FIGURE , Maps 2, 13.

Uduba undetermined species 1, Griswold (1993): pp. 7, 11,12, 26,31, figs. 13–16, 76, 84. Griswold et al. (2005):

Uduba dahli View in CoL : Griswold et al., 2005: 44, Figs. 97, 104, 141, 143, 153, 156, 185, 194B, 198 (misidentification, not dahli Simon, 1903 View in CoL ).

Types. Holotype male ( CASENT9006018 ) from 1100m elevation in Parc National Ranomafana , 12 Km 7 km W Ranomafana, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar, collected 22–31 October 1988 by W. Steiner, deposited in Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History ( USNM); paratype male, same data, ( CASENT9006017 ) also deposited in USNM . Paratype male and female, also from Parc National Ranomafana , 12 Km W of Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, 21°15.05ʹS, 47°24.43ʹE, elev. 1130m, collected by M. Irwin and Harin’Hala Rin’ha in malaise trap in mixed tropical forest, male ( CASENT9032854 ) collected 15–26 November 2003 and female ( CASENT9017833 ) collected 9–20 March 2003, both deposited in CAS . Paratypes, two females ( CASENT9006014 and CASENT9006015 ), from 1200m elevation in Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, collected 7–17 November 1995 by S. Goodman. Deposited in FMNH .

Etymology. The species name is from the combination of Malagasy words: hala = spider and be = large, i.e., “big spider.”

Note. Specimens of this species were used as exemplars in the previous studies of Griswold (1993) and Griswold et al (2005). References in Griswold (1993) are to “ Uduba undetermined species 1,” on pp. 7, 11, 12, 26, male and female from Madagascar, Forsyth Major, BMNH; males from 7 km W Ranomafana, Fianarantsoa Prov., Madagascar, 22–31 Oct 1988, W. Steiner, USNM ( Miturgidae , Uliodoninae); p. 11, figures 13, 14, male palpus ventral, prolateral, SEM images; p. 12, figs. 15, 16: = female genitalia, epigynum ventral, vulva dorsal; p. 26, fig. 76, tarsal organ;

Figure 84 View FIGURE , page 31, cladogram showing sister species relationship of Uduba dahli and Uduba sp. 1 (= Uduba halabe sp. nov.) at node W. References in Griswold et al. (2005) are to specimens misidentified as Uduba dahli Simon 1903 : Figs. 97, 104, 141, 143, 153, 156, 185, 194 and 198. Figure 97. Female cribellar spinning organs. C, F. Uduba sp. from Ranomafana, Madagascar. Figure 104. Right spinnerets of female Uduba sp. from Ranomafana, Madagascar. A. Overview. B. ALS. C. PMS. D. PLS. Inset: MS and two flanking spigots. Figure 141. Legs of Entelegynae. D. Uduba sp. female from Andohahela Madagascar, tarsus IV showing ventral scopula, STC and ITC (line), and multiple rows of dorsal trichobothria (the long dorsal setae extending out in all directions). F. Uduba sp. male from Andohahela, Madagascar, femur to tibia base, tibia broken along tibial crack (arrow to broken face of tibia). Figure 143. Female calamistra. C. Uduba sp. from Andohahela, Madagascar, oval calamistrum, detail below. Figure 156. Trichobothrial bases. G. Uduba sp. from Ranomafana, Madagascar, male tarsus I.

Diagnosis. Uduba halabe are members of Group I.a, the Uduba dahli group ( Map 13 View MAP ) of Group I, the Epigynal atrium group. They are cribellate with cribellum entire ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ). Males ( Figs. 27 A, B View FIGURE , 28 D View FIGURE , 29 D View FIGURE , 43 A–C View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of other Uduba by having a large, screw shaped TA3, an inconspicuous TA2, and a small, simple MA ( Fig. 28 D View FIGURE ). The male palp is very similar to that of Uduba dahli Simon 1903 but the former has a vestige of a divided cribellum, whereas the male of Uduba halabe has a vestige of an entire cribellum. The females of Uduba halabe can be distinguished from those of other Uduba having an entire cribellum ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ) and an epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Fig. 74 C View FIGURE ); the entire cribellum is unlike U. dahli ( Fig. 34 C View FIGURE ) but like that of Uduba funerea Simon 1906 . Uduba halabe can be distinguished from U. funerea by having the copulatory openings hidden centrally beneath the epigynal median lobe ( Fig. 74 F View FIGURE ); in U. funerea the CO are beneath the lateral margins of the atrium ( Figs. 79 C–E View FIGURE ).

Description. Male (Holotype): Total length 18.29. Markings as in Fig. 11 B View FIGURE . Carapace 10.86 long, 7.64 wide, 4.14 high; clypeus 0.64 high. Eye diameters:AME and PME 0.36, ALE 0.38, PLE 0.41. Chelicerae 5.36 long; sternum 6.07 long, 3.71 wide; labium 1.68 long; palpal coxae 3.33 long. Cribellum entire. Spination (BMNH, Forsyth Major), palpus–femur d0-0-0-1, p0-0-0-2; leg I– femur d1-0-0-1, p0-0-0-2, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-3; leg II–femur d1-0- 0-1, p1-0-0-2, r0-1-0-1, tibia p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-1, v2-2-2; leg III–femur d0-0-1-1, p1-0-1-1, r1-0-1-1, tibia d0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v1-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-2-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2; leg IV–femur d1-1-1, p0-0-0-1, r0-0-0-1, tibia p0-1-0-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus, p1- 2-2, v0-2-2-1, r1-2-2. Scopulae: cymbium, apicodorsal; moderate beneath all tarsi and apices of metatarsi I and II, weak beneath apices of metatarsi III and IV. Leg measurements [Holotype]: I: 9.71 + 3.86 + 9.29 + 10.29 + 4.43 = 37.57; II: 9.14 + 3.57 + 7.86 + 9.00 + 4.71 = 34.29; III: 7.43 + 3.29 + 5.29 + 7.43 + 3.71 = 27.14; IV: 10.29 + 3.43 + 9.00 + 12.00 + 4.57 = 39.29; palpus: 3.86 + 1.57 + 1.64 + NA + 5.14 = 12.21. Leg formula 4123. Male palp (Holotype) ( Figs. 27 A, B View FIGURE , 28 D View FIGURE , 29 D View FIGURE , 43 A–C View FIGURE ): palpal tibia 0.35 times cymbial length, RTA broad, triangular ( Fig. 43 C View FIGURE ), RTA length 0.52 tibia, RTA length equals width, apex a blunt point, VTA length 1.57 times width, a short cone ( Figs. 43 A, C View FIGURE ), length 0.35 tibia width; tibia lacks stout spines; tegulum convex, without ridge, tegulum length 1.02 times width; TA1 extends distad of tegulum apex, TA1 extends past TA3 apex by 1.09 times tegulum length; TA3 very large, screw-shaped with subapical grooves, extends apicad of TA3 to TA2 by 1.26 tegulum length, TA2 a small, simple mound ( Figs. 27 A, B View FIGURE , 28 D View FIGURE ), hidden behind TA3 apex; MA small ( Figs. 29 D View FIGURE , 43 B, C View FIGURE ), simple, length (including apical processes) 0.67 times width, MA length 0.19 tegulum length, width 0.29 tegulum width, origin at 0.40 tegulum length, tegulum apex at 0.33 tegulum length from tegulum apex; conductor fan concave or entire ( Figs. 27 A View FIGURE , 43 C View FIGURE ). Female (paratype, CASENT9017833): Total length 21.00. Markings as in male. Carapace 11.40 long, 7.60 wide, 4.20 high; clypeus 0.80 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.34, ALE and PME 0.38, PLE 0.40. Chelicerae 6.20 long; sternum 4.60 long, 3.60 wide; labium 2.60 long; palpal coxae 3.90 long. Cribellum entire ( Fig. 20 A View FIGURE ). Spination: palpus–femur d0-0-1, p0-0-1, patella p1, tibia p2-0, tarsus p2-1-1; leg I–femur d1-0-0-1, p0-0-0-1, tibia v2-2-2-2, metatarsus v2-1-2-0; leg II–femur d1-0-0-0, p0-0-0-1, tibia p0-0-1-0, v2-1-1-2, metatarsus p0-0-1, v2-2-1; leg III–femur d0-0-0-1, p1-0-1-1, r1-0-0-1, tibia d0-0-1-0, p0-1-1-0, v2-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-1-2, v2-2-2, r1-1-2; leg IV–femur d0-0-0-1, p1-0-0-0, tibia v1-2-2, r0-1-1-0, metatarsus p1-0-0-2, v2-2-2, r1-2-2. Scopulae: strong ventral beneath all tarsi and beneath metatarsi I and II and apices of metatarsi III and IV. Leg measurements: I: 7.70 + 3.50 + 6.70 + 6.00 + 3.50 = 27.40; II: 6.70 + 3.50 + 5.10 + 5.10 + 3.00 = 23.40; III: 5.80 + 3.10 + 3.60 + 4.50 + 2.80 = 19.80; IV: 7.70 + 3.30 + 6.00 + 7.50 + 3.40 = 27.90; palpus: 4.30 + 2.20 + 2.30 + NA + 3.90 = 12.70. Leg formula 4123. Female genitalia (paratype, Andohahela, CASENT9006015, FMNH): epigynal plate with median lobe surrounded by depressed atrium ( Fig. 74 C View FIGURE ), plate width 1.42 times length; atrium sides deeply concave, atrium wide, width 1.51 times atrium length; epigynum length 1.38 times atrium length, atrium width 0.77 times epigynum width; atrium width at side of ML 0.705 times ML width; atrium and median lobe extend almost to epigastric groove, atrium origin near epigastric groove at 0.04 of epigynal plate length, median lobe broad, slightly wider at base, median lobe length 1.59 times width, ML ends just beyond atrium apex, ML length extends 0.05 times epigynum length anteriad of atrium, ML length 0.69 times epigynal length; lateral lobes very narrow, atrium width 7.16 times LL width; copulatory openings hidden beneath median lobe, distance between CO 0.29 width of epigynal plate, CO distance from epigastric furrow 0.51 times epigynum length. Vulva ( Fig. 74 F View FIGURE ) with spermathecal ducts making three broad, transverse curves, vulva length 0.72 times width, vulva width 6.70 times distance between fertilization ducts.

Variation. Male (N = 6): Total length = 13.00–23.00, carapace length / width = 1.33–1.84, carapace height / width = 0.40–0.55, PER / carapace width = 0.35–0.86, PER/OAL = 2.87–3.07, PER/AER = 1.22–1.41, OAL/OQL = 1.05–1.16, OQP/ OQA 1.00–1.37, clypeus height / AME = 1.50–2.22, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 6.13–10.29, sternum length / width = 1.29–1.63, palpal coxa length / width = 2.33–2.75, femur I length / carapace width =1.27–1.31, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 1.35–1.51, femur IV length / carapace width =1.27–1.43, cymbium length / carapace width = 0.61–0.67, cymbium length / palpal patella length = 3.17–3.40, cymbium length / palpal tibia length = 2.60–3.19, cymbium length / palpal femur length = 1.15–1.33, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length =1.07–1.25. Male palpus as in Figs. 27 A, B View FIGURE , 28 D View FIGURE , 29 D View FIGURE , 43 A–C View FIGURE . Female (N = 3): Total length = 17.43–22.86, carapace length / width = 1.34–1.50, carapace height / width = 0.55–0.70, PER / carapace width = 0.43–0.73, PER/OAL = 2.57–3.64, PER/AER = 1.38–1.40, OAL/OQL = 1.12–1.17, OQP/ OQA = 1.11–1.16, clypeus height / AME = 2.00–2.35, cheliceral length / clypeus height = 7.00–7.75, sternum length / width = 1.23–1.28, palpal coxa length / width = 2.06–2.29, femur I length / carapace width = 1.01–1.16, metatarsus I length / carapace width = 0.79–0.84, femur IV length / carapace width = 1.01–1.08, palpal tarsus length / carapace width = 0.51–0.54, palpal tarsus length / palpal patella length = 1.69–2.00, palpal tarsus length / palpal tibia length = 1.59–1.73, palpal tarsus length / palpal femur length = 0.87–0.93, palpal tibia length / palpal patella length = 1.05–1.15.

M aterial examined. MADAGASCAR: Locality unknown: Voucher for Lycosoidea phylogeny, Griswold (1993: 7), “ Uduba undetermined species 1 ”, collected by Forsyth-Major (1♂, 1♀, BMNH) . Fianarantsoa Province: Parc National Ranomafana, 12 Km W of Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, 21°15.05ʹS, 47°24.43ʹE, elev. 1130m, malaise trap in mixed tropical forest, 15–26 November 2003, M. Irwin and Rin’ha Harin’Hala [MA-02-09B-79] (paratype, CASENT9032854 , 1♂, CAS), 9–20 March 2003 [MA-02-09B-55] ( CASENT9017833 , 1♀, CAS), 5-13 June 2006 [MG-09B-151] ( CASENT9042520 , 1♂, CAS); Parc National Ranomafana , Belle Vue at Talatakely, 21°15.99ʹS, 47°25.21ʹE, el. 1020m, malaise trap in secondary tropical forest, 16 October–18 November 2001, M. Irwin and Harin’Hala Rinha [MA-02-09C-01] ( CASENT9030896 , 1♂, CAS), 31 March–7 April 2002 [MA-02-09C-23] ( CASENT9006016 , 1♂, CAS); Parc National de Ranomafana , Vatoharanana, 4.0 km SW Ranomafana (ville), 21°14.7ʹS, 047°26.0ʹE, elev. 1025m, pitfalls, slightly transitional lowland to lower montane rainforest, 3–9 October 2000, coll. S. Goodman, [ FMNH #00-225] ( CASENT9064650 , 4♂, FMNH, CASENT9064651 , 4♂, FMNH); Parc National Ranomafana , Vohiparara, at broken bridge, 21°13.57ʹS, 47°22.19ʹE, elev. 1110m, malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, 22–29 April 2002, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala [MA-02-09A-26] ( CASENT9030904 , 1♂, CAS); Ifanadiana, Ranomafana N. P, 21.25572°, 47.42152°, elev. 1300m, 9 November 2008, K. B. Miller, ( MSBA39189 , 1♀, MSBA39190, 1♂, U-New-Mexico); Ranomafana N. P., 23 March 1992, V. and B. Roth, Kariko/Roth Voucher Collection ( CASENT9006019 , 1♂, MCZ); 7 km W Ranomafana, elev. 1100m, 22–31 October 1988, W. Steiner (paratype, CASENT9006017 , 1♂, USNM), (Holotype, CASENT9006018 , 1♂, USNM); 9 km NE Ivohibe, 6.5 km ESE Angodongodona, 22°25.6ʹS, 046°56.3ʹE, Camp 5, undisturbed rainforest, pitfall traps #13–15, 12–17 September 1997, S. Goodman ( CASENT9006001 , 1♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006039 , 8♂, FMNH) . Toliara Province: Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela, 8 km NW Eminiminy, parcel 1, camp 1, 24°37.6ʹS; 46°45.9ʹE, elev. 440m, 19–28 October 1995, S. Goodman ( CASENT9006010 , 6♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006009 , 1♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006023 , 9 ♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006011 , 1♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006013 , 6♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006012 , 4♂, FMNH), ( CASENT9006022 , 4♂, CAS); Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Andohahela , 13.5 km NW Eminiminy, parcel 1, camp 3, 24°35.0ʹS; 46°44.1ʹE, elev. 1200m, 7–17 November 1995, S. Goodman (paratype, CASENT9006015 , 1♀, 3jj, FMNH), (paratype, CASENT9006014 , 1♀, 1jj, FMNH) .

Natural history. All records of Uduba halabe are from rainforest or forest edge, from 400 to 1200 meters in elevation. Females have been collected on the forest floor and in malaise traps in low vegetation; males have been collected in pitfalls, malaise traps and even in canopy traps. Adult males and occasionally adult females wander. The entire, functional cribellum suggests that this species uses cribellate silk but there are no observations of burrows or webs.

Distribution. The species Uduba halabe occurs in low to mid elevation rainforest in the southeastern third of Madagascar (Maps 2, 13).


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Uduba halabe

Griswold, Charles, Ubick, Darrell, Ledford, Joel & Polotow, Daniele 2022

Uduba dahli

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