Benincandona martini, Hotèkpo & Schön & Martens, 2024

Hotèkpo, Sourou Joseph, Schön, Isa & Martens, Koen, 2024, An endemic species flock of Candonidae Kaufmann, 1900 (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from wells in Benin (Africa), with the description of a new subfamily, a new genus and five new species, Zootaxa 5503 (1), pp. 1-72 : 11-20

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5503.1.1

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Benincandona martini

gen. et spec. nov.

Benincandona martini gen. et spec. nov. Hotèkpo & Martens

( Figures 3–9 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 , 41A–D View FIGURE 41 )


The species is named after Dr Patrick Martin (RBINS, Brussels, Belgium) in acknowledgement of his significant contributions to groundwater biodiversity research in Benin, and with gratitude for his continuous support of the career of SJH and in recognition of decades of collegiality with IS and KM at RBINS.


CpRl elongated (L/H = 2.0), sub-triangular, with greatest height in the middle; LV dorsally extending beyond RV, anterior and posterior margins evenly rounded, surface with ridges and polygonal ornamentation at the mid-ventral side. CpD and CpV narrow, with greatest width in the middle, lateral sides evenly rounded, anterior and posterior extremities pointed. A2 with seta X long, reaching beyond tip of aesthetasc Y. Second palp segment of Mx1 with basal W almost equalling L. T3 with short seta d2. Hp with ls and ms with diverging positions, ls relatively short, reaching slightly beyond ms.

Type material


1 ♂, with soft parts dissected in glycerine in a sealed slide, and with valves stored dry ( INV.159200).


1 ♀, dissected and stored as the holotype ( INV.159201).


1 ♂ dissected and stored as the holotype ( INV.159202) ; 2 ♂♂ dissected as the holotype ( INV.159203, INV.159204) ; 3 ♀♀ dissected as the male ( INV.159205, INV.159206, INV.159207) ; 3 ♂♂ carapaces stored dry in micropalaeontological slides ( INV.159208, INV.159209, INV.159210) ; 1 ♀ carapace stored dry in micropalaeontological slide ( INV.159211) .

Type locality

Benin, Ouémé Department, Adjohoun District , town of Azowlissé, located in the Ouémé catchment area, coordinates: 6° 39.963’N, 2° 29.525’E, Leg.: S.J. Hotèkpo, collected on 27 and 29 August 2016 (Locality code BVS 19 in Tables 1 and 2) GoogleMaps .

Description of male

CpRl ( Figure 3A, C View FIGURE 3 ) elongated and sub-triangular, with anterior margin slightly more broadly rounded than posterior margin, dorsal margin bluntly pointed, with greatest height in the middle, anterior part sloping almost straight to anterior margin, posterior part sloping almost straight to posterior margin, ventral margin almost straight; LV slightly overlapping RV along anterior, ventral and posterior sides, dorsally strongly overlapping RV; external ornamentation consisting of linear ridges ( Figure 3A–D View FIGURE 3 ) and polygonal structures ( Figure 3I View FIGURE 3 ) in mid-ventral position of valves. CpD ( Figure 3E View FIGURE 3 ) and CpV ( Figure 3F View FIGURE 3 ) narrow and pointed on both anterior and posterior sides, greatest width in the middle, lateral margins evenly rounded; LV forming a pronounced overlap over RV in the centre.

LVi ( Figures 3G View FIGURE 3 , 4A, C View FIGURE 4 ) elongated and triangular, with anterior margin slightly more broadly rounded than posterior margin, dorsal margin bluntly pointed, with greatest height in the middle, overlap present at that site, anterior part sloping almost straight to anterior margin, posterior part sloping almost straight to posterior margin, ventral margin almost straight, with a slight inward curl in the middle; CMS ( Figure 4C View FIGURE 4 ) consisting of six scars: one large dorsal, three anterior and two posterior ones; one short antero-ventral il.

RVi ( Figures 3H, J View FIGURE 3 , 4B, D View FIGURE 4 ) elongated, with anterior margin slightly more broadly rounded than posterior margin, dorsal margin greatest with height situated about 1/3 from the rear, anterior part sloping almost straight to anterior margin but with a blunt angle in the middle, posterior part sloping almost straight to posterior margin, ventral margin almost straight. CMS ( Figures 3J View FIGURE 3 , 4D View FIGURE 4 ) consisting of six scars: one large dorsal (1), three anterior (2–4) and two (5,6) posterior ones; il running submarginally along ventral margin.

A1 ( Figure 5A View FIGURE 5 ) consisting of seven articulated segments, one basal and six distal. Basal segment c. three times as long as basal width, with two sub-apical, ventral setae, one long and one shorter, the latter about half of the length of the longer seta; and two shorter setae on the dorsal side, situated some distance from each other (one sub-apical and one more proximal). First distal segment slightly longer than basal width, with one short dorso-apical seta. Second distal segment about twice as long as wide, set with one short dorso-apical seta. Third distal segment with about the same length/width ratio as the second segment, carrying one short apical seta on each side. Fourth distal segment about three times as long as wide, with one ventro-apical seta, and one long dorso-apical seta, reaching beyond tip of sixth segment with almost one third of total length. Fifth distal segment four times as long as wide, set with two long dorso-apical setae and one short ventro-apical seta. Sixth distal segment narrow, c. four times as long as wide, with four apical structures: one aesthetasc Ya of intermediate length, two long setae more than twice the length of Ya and one short seta, about half the length of Ya.

A2 ( Figure 5D View FIGURE 5 ) with basal segment (first protopodite) broad and rounded, mid-ventrally with one seta of medium length, subapically with two setae of unequal length, proximal one c. twice the length of the more apical one. Second segment (second protopodite) large and c. twice as long as basal width, set with one long ventro-subapical seta X, reaching tip of next segment (first endopodal segment). No remnant of exopodite visible. Endopodite consisting of four segments (penultimate segment divided). First endopodal segment large and stout, c four times as long as basal width, carrying one long and narrow mid-ventral aesthetasc Y (reaching tip of segment) and two ventro-subapical setae, one short and one large and stout, hirsute in its distal 4/5. Second endopodal segment (segment 2A) c. twice as long as wide, carrying one stout dorso-apical seta and three t-setae; seta t1 long, narrow and plumose, accompanied by a long and slender, but well-developed aesthetasc y1; setae t2 and t3 hyper-developed into male bristles, t2 ventro-apical, t3 centro-apical. Third endopodal segment (segment 2B) smaller than previous segment and about as long as wide, set with a complex (and sexually dimorphic) apical chaetotaxy ( Figure 40 View FIGURE 40 ): ventro-apically with one short and slender aesthetasc y2 and the claw G3 transformed into short seta of equal length; centrally with one short seta z3; dorso-apically with the seta z1 transformed into claw, length about twice as long as penultimate segment. Claw G1 slightly shorter than G2; seta z2 transformed into long claw, slightly shorter than G1. Fourth, terminal segment with one long claw (Gm), one short claw (GM), a long aesthetasc y3 with shorter accompanying seta, with fused part short, and a long seta g slightly shorter than claw Gm.

MdCoxa ( Figure 5B, C View FIGURE 5 ) elongated, proximally sharply pointed, medially widened, distally with an obliquely widened end, set with a series (6–7) of strong teeth, interspaced with setae; subapically with a short seta. Remark: asymmetry illustrated in Figure 5C View FIGURE 5 possibly resulting from different position in slide.

MdPalp ( Figure 6C View FIGURE 6 ) set at about one third of the tip of the coxa and consisting of four segments. Basal segment dorsally carrying the respiratory plate, set with six distal rays (four long, two short), subapically with one long and two short rays, proximally with one long ray (this chaetotaxy approximate); ventro-subapically with one long hirsute seta (S1) and more apically S2 hirsute seta, shorter and stout, length about one third of the length of S1; in between with the short flagellum-like alpha seta, and one smooth and short, more proximal seta. Second segment of sub-triangular shape, dorso-apically with two setae of unequal length, ventro-apically with a group of four long setae, one of these being the beta-seta. Third segment with two unequal dorso-subapical setae, two mid-dorsal setae, one of which being the gamma seta and ventro-apically with two setae of sub-equal length. Terminal segment sub-rectangular, apically set with one large claw, fused with the segment over its entire distal margin, accompanied by one smooth lateral seta on each side, length of dorsal one (slightly shorter than the fused claw) about 1.5 times length of ventral one.

Mx1 ( Figure 6A, B View FIGURE 6 ) with a basal (protopodite) part carrying a large respiratory plate (exopodite), three endites and a two-segmented palp (endopodite). Palp ( Figure 6A View FIGURE 6 ) with first segment carrying four long dorso-apical setae; terminal segment short and rectangular, carrying four distal setae, some slightly claw-like; chaetotaxy of three endites incompletely illustrated: third endite with two strong teeth carrying lateral spines (Zahnborsten), basally with one lateral seta; sideways directed bristles near base of first endite one long and one short c. half the length of the long one. Respiratory plate ( Figure 6B View FIGURE 6 ) elongated, carrying c. 15 plumose respiratory rays, two short distal setae and a group of five shorter proximal setae of unequal length.

T1 ( Figure 9A, B View FIGURE 9 ) consisting of basal part (protopodite), carrying respiratory plates (exopodites) represented here by one long and one short plumose setae, and slightly asymmetrical prehensile palps (endopodites). Protopodite ( Figure 9B View FIGURE 9 ) distally set with 5+2 setae of different morphology and length (not illustrated); more proximally carrying d, d’ and b setae of medium length. Prehensile palps ( Figure 9A, B View FIGURE 9 ) one-segmented, distally sigmoid hook-like, both palps apically set with a short sensory organ, proximally with two subequal setae (also sensory organs); Lpp ( Figure 9A View FIGURE 9 ) slightly narrower than Rpp ( Figure 9B View FIGURE 9 ).

T2 ( Figure 7A View FIGURE 7 ) with 4-segmented endopodite (penultimate segment divided), generally elongated. First basal segment and knee-segment without setae d1 and d2. First segment of endopodite elongated (length at least 4x the basal width), without setae. Second endopodal segment with length c. 3x basal width, with one short ventro-apical seta f. Third endopodal segment of about the same length/width ratio as the previous segment and with one ventro-subapical seta g. Terminal segment about 1.5 times as long as basal width, apically with two short setae (h1 and h3) and a long and slender claw (h2), distally set with short setulae.

T3 ( Figure 7D View FIGURE 7 ) with first segment carrying only one long subapical seta d1. Second (knee-) segment with a short seta d2. Third segment about 5x as long as wide, not carrying any setae. Fourth segment narrower, but still c. 5x basal width and carrying one short subapical seta g. Terminal segment well-separated from penultimate segment, L c. 1.5x basal width and carrying three setae: one long and reflexed (h3), almost reaching knee-segment and two ventrally directed and curved setae h1 & h2, the former c. half the length of the latter.

CR ( Figure 7B View FIGURE 7 ) with ramus stout; claw Ga well-developed, stout and reaching widely beyond half L of the ramus, setae Sp, Sa and claw Gp reduced to small setae.

CRAtt ( Figure 7C View FIGURE 7 ) short and stout, distally bifurcated.

Hp ( Figure 8B–D View FIGURE 8 ) relatively small, with bluntly pointed ls, reaching slightly beyond asymmetrically rounded ms; lobe ‘h’ shorter and sub-rectangular, ls and ms with diverging positions; internal anatomy ( Figure 8C, D View FIGURE 8 ) with postlabyrinthal spermiduct with one circular coil.

Zenker organ ( Figure 8A View FIGURE 8 ) short and broad, with eight-nine spinous whirls.

Description of female

Cp and valves as in the male, without obvious sexual dimorphism ( Figures 3B, D, I View FIGURE 3 ; 4E–H View FIGURE 4 ).

Limbs ( Figure 9C–E View FIGURE 9 ) largely as in the male, but with sexually dimorphic A2 and T1.

A2 ( Figure 9C View FIGURE 9 ) with second endopodal segment undivided, with two t-setae (one long and plumose (t1), one smooth short and thin (t2)); apical chaetotaxy ( Figure 40 View FIGURE 40 ) with z1 claw-like, z2 and z3 being both setae, z1 twice as long as z2 and z3; claws G1, G2, G3 and GM all reaching to about the same point; seta g and aesthetasc y3 as in the male. Small claw Gm in female homologous to large claw in the male.

T1 ( Figure 9E View FIGURE 9 ) with basal part with c. 10 distal setae of unequal length, setae d and b present, with long additional seta (d’) present close to seta d; respiratory plate reduced to about three short rays. Endopodite set with a broad and short palp, with three subequal but short apical setae (h1–h3).

Measurements: see Table 3

Differential Diagnosis: See Table 4

Ecology and distribution

This subterranean species is presently only known from its type locality ( Table 1).

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