Kalarko ferruginosus, Moulds & Marshall, 2022

Moulds, Max & Marshall, David C., 2022, New genera and new species of Western Australian cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), Zootaxa 5174 (5), pp. 451-507 : 470-472

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5174.5.1

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scientific name

Kalarko ferruginosus

sp. nov.

Kalarko ferruginosus View in CoL sp. n.


( Figs 7 View FIGURES 1–7 , 30–32 View FIGURES 30–31 View FIGURE 32 )

Synonymy.‘flying red snapper’ Marshall et al. 2016: text-fig. 2.

Common name. Flying red snapper.

Etymology. From the Latin adjective ferruginus meaning rust coloured, rusty, and pertaining to the reddish brown colour of the adult.

Types. Holotype male (Simon Lab. voucher 09.AU.WA.GIL.04), 56 km S of Norseman, 0.8 km SW of Esperance Hwy , Western Australia, 32°37.714’S 121°32.354’E, 7.ii.2009, K. Hill & D. Marshall ( WAME 113437 ) ( WAM) GoogleMaps .

Paratypes as follows: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1 female, Dundas Tock S of Norseman 32°24’S 121°36’E, 12.i.1993, E.D. Edwards, E.S. Nielsen ( ANIC). GoogleMaps 1 male, WMC offices Kambalda , 31°11’31.4”S 121°40’24.6”E, 15.xi.1996. J.S. Reeve GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, 10 km W Menzies , 28.i.2016, P. Hutchinson ; 1 female, 23.4 km S Paynes Find , 27.i.2006, P. Hutchinson ; 1 male, 10 km W Yellowdine Rd Hse , 26.i.2016, P. Hutchinson ( DE). 1 male, AU. WA.MLG, 60.5 km E of Mullewa , 28°25.657’S 116°06.277’E, 339 m, 19.ii.2009, K. Hill & D. Marshall GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 54.4 km S of Menzies , 30.1527°S 121.15131°E, 21.ii.2016, hand coll., D. Marshall & L. Popple ( LP). GoogleMaps 1 male, 2 km E of Dedari , 27.i.2005, D. Knowles ; 1 male, AU. WA.NOE, 27 km NW of Balladonia , 32°13.526’S 123°22.660’E, 237 m, 20.ii.2006, Hill, Marshall, Moulds GoogleMaps ; 3 males (1 genitalia prep RD1 ; 1 male Simon Lab. voucher 06.AU. WA. NON.01), 1 female, 26 km N of Norseman , 32°01.264’S 121°40.520’E, 287 m, 19.ii.2006, Hill, Marshall, Moulds GoogleMaps ; 2 males (Simon Lab. vouchers 09.AU. WA. GIL.03), 56 km S of Norseman, 0.8 km SW of Esperance Hwy , 32°37.714’S 121°32.354’E, 7.ii.2009, K. Hill & D. Marshall GoogleMaps ; 7 males (one genitalia prep. YO31 ), AU. WA. MLG, 60.5 km E of Mullewa , 28°25.657’S 116°06.277’E, 339 m, 19.ii.2009, K. Hill & D. Marshall GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 4.5 km E Southern Cross , 31.i.1993, T. Lundstrom ; 1 male, 57 km S Norsemen , 32°38’S 121°32’E, 31.xii.1985, G. & A. Daniels GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, 29 km S Menzies , 9.ii.2006, M. Hanlon & M. Powell ; 1 female, 10 km N of Kookynie , 10.ii.2006, M. Hanlon & M. Powell ; 1 male, 3 km S of Yellowdine, 8.ii.2006, D. Knowles & M. Powell ; 2 males, Lake Douglas , 12 km SW of Kalgoorlie, 20.i.1991, M.S. & B.J. Moulds ; 2 males, Goodlands Rd , 60 km N Wubin , 7.ii.2011, P. Hutchinson ; 3 males, 2 females, 10 km W of Menzies, 5.ii.2006, 10.ii.2007, 9.ii.2012, P. Hutchinson ; 1 female, Mt Gibson Stn , N Wubin, 4.iii.2006, P. Hutchinson ; 2 males, 37 km N Bullfinch , 30.i.2000, P. Hutchinson ; 1 male, 36 km N Bullfinch, 12.i.2002, P. Hutchinson ( MSM). 8 males, Goodlands Rd , 3 km E Grt N Hwy, 60 km N Wubin , 3,5,9,10,27. ii.2009, 12.i.2010, 7.ii.2011, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1069, 1079, 1080, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1102 ; 1 male, 23.4 km S of Paynes Find , 27.i.2006, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1065 ; 7 males, 3 females, 10 km W Menzies , 5.ii.2003, 5.ii.2006, 10.ii.2007, 4.i.2014, 13.i.2015, 28.i.2016, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1066, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1078, 1095, 1097, 1100, 1101 ; 7 males, 1 female, 10 km W Menzies , 9.ii.2012, P. Hutchinson, to mv light, PMH Coll #CIC 1083, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1082 ; 1 male, 14 km E of Coolgardie , 23.i.2009, T.M. & L.M. Hanlon, PMH Coll #CIC 1998 ; 1 male, 10 km N Bullabulling, 13.i.2002, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1096 ; 1 female, Mt Gibson Stn , N Wubin, 4.iii.2006, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1077 ; 1 male, 35.4 km N of Galena Bridge, Murchison River , 2.iii.2001, on mallee trunk, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1071 ; 2 males, 37 km N. Bullfinch, 30.i.2000, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1067, 1068 ; 1 male, 1 female, 36 km N Bullfinch , 12.i.2002, P. Hutchinson, PMH Coll #CIC 1099, 1072 ; 1 male, Camel Soak, Perenjori–Rothsay Rd, 16.ii.2021, P. Kay, to uv light, PMH Coll #CIC 1070 ; 1 male, 1 female, Pianto Rd., 23 km S Menzies , 8.ii.2012, P. Hutchinson, to mv light, PMH Coll #CIC 1084, 1081 ( PH). 1 male, 54.4 km S of Menzies , 30.1527°S 121.15131°E, 21.ii.2016, Hand coll., D. Marshall & L. Popple ( QM). GoogleMaps 2 males, 3.75 km NE Cometvale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7–15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, at light at night, WAM Entomology Reg. nos 72625, 72627 GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 3.75 km NE Cometvale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7-15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, at light at night, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72626, Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen Sample CCDB-27057-B06 Bold Proc ID WAM A588-15 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 1 female, 3.75 km NE Cometvale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7–15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256–8, at light at night, WAM Collection 88/1343, 88/1344, 88/1346, WAM Entomology Reg. nos 72628, 72629, 72631 GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 3.75 km NE Cometvale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7-15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, at light at night, WAM Collection 88/1345, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72630, Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen Sample CCDB-27057-B08 Bold Proc ID WAM A590-15 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 3.8 km NE of Comet Vale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7–15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, WAM Dept. Biol. survey site GG Camp, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72632, Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen Sample CCDB-27057-B05 Bold Proc. ID WAM A587-15 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 1 female, 3.8 km NE of Comet Vale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7–15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, at light at night, WAM Dept. Biol survey site GG Camp, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72633, Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen Sample CCDB-27057-B07 Bold Proc. ID WAM A589-15 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, 3.8 km NE of Comet Vale siding, 29°57’S 121°07’E, 7-15.iii.1979, T.F. Houston et al., 256-8, WAM Dept. Biol survey site GG Camp, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72634,72636 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 46 km ENE Norseman , 19–20.i.1982, B. Hanich, T.F. Houston , 431-1, at light at night, WAM Reg. no. 72635, Barcode of Life DNA voucher specimen Sample CCDB-27057-B04 Bold Proc. ID WAM A586-17 View Materials ; 1 male, Moorine Rock , 21.1.78, R.P. McMillan , WAM Entomology Reg.   GoogleMaps no. 72637 ; 1 male, Charles Darwin Reserve, 2.9 km N White Wells HS, 29°33’29”S 116°57’54”E, 5–6.iii.2008, T.F. Houston , 1255-1, T.F.H 1255-1, at fluorescent lantern at night (8.00–10.00 pm) among Eucalyptus woodland GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 39-1353, Mt Jackson , A.M. Douglas, WAM Entomology Reg. no. 72638 ; 1 female, 39-456 Mt Jackson , A.M. Douglas, WAM Entomology Reg.   GoogleMaps no. 73291 ; 1 male, 2.5 km N of Mt Linden, 29°19’S 122°25’E, 17–23.iii.1979, T. F. Houston et al., 259-7, on trunks of Gimlet Eucalyptus, WAM Dept. Biol. Survey site YM Camp GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Pallotine (8) Mission, Tardun, 28°47’S 115°45’E, 27.ii.1992, Bro. W.H. van Yeen. ( WAM). GoogleMaps 1 male (DNA voucher 03. WAU. LKA.03), nr. Lk. Douglas, ~ 12 km SW of Kalgoorlie , 30.8443°S 121.3846°E, 15.i.2003, Vanderpool, Marshall, Hill, M. & B. Moulds ( UCONN). GoogleMaps

Distribution and habitat ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 30–31 ). Drier parts of south-western Western Australia from 35 km north of Galena Bridge on the Murchison River south-east to near Balladonia, with the most inland record being from Mount Linden to the east of Menzies. This distribution falls mostly within a relatively narrow band receiving approximately 350–400 mm mean annual rainfall. Most records are from between Southern Cross and Kalgoorlie but it can be locally common throughout its distribution. Adults have been taken from mid November to late March.

Adult description. Male ( Figs 7a View FIGURES 1–7 , 31a–d View FIGURES 30–31 ). Head brown, usually dark brown; irregular black markings surrounding ocelli and around margin of postclypeus, considerably variable in extent between individuals, and a small black spot near back of each eye; ventrally usually a little darker than dorsally and sometimes black including lorum. Postclypeus dark brown, often with the most anterior part and extreme ventral base paler (as in holotype); transverse ridges dark brown or black. Anteclypeus dark brown or black. Rostrum dark brown becoming black distally; reaching bases of hind coxae. Eyes brown in life with a hint of pink. Thorax reddish brown, usually dark reddish brown. Pronotum with a black fascia either side of a light brown dorsal midline, expanded laterally at anterior end and sometimes a little so at posterior end but not reaching pronotal collar; sometimes broken irregular black markings in or near sutures; anterior margin narrowly edged light brown; pronotal collar dark with a black spot on anterior of midline. Mesonotum with submedian and lateral sigilla black to varying degrees, sometimes entirely so on submedian sigilla, less so on lateral sigilla; scutal depressions black, and black at base of cruciform elevation between anterior arms; cruciform elevation usually light brown. Metanotum similar in colour to cruciform elevation. Wings hyaline, without infuscations. Forewing apical cells 3–6 about equal to ulnar cells; basal cell tinted light to dark brown; basal membrane reddish brown. Hindwings with plaga brown, reaching almost to distal end of vein 3A. Legs a mixture of light to dark brown, considerably variable between individuals; fore femora black on outer face adjacent to spines; meracantha black with a narrow pale yellow margin. Opercula light brown on distal half or so, usually black on basal half except for dark brown basal dome but sometimes entirely dark brown on basal half. Abdomen mid to dark brown; tergites sometimes with small, irregular black patches sublaterally; posterior margin of tergite 2 usually edged pale yellow; sternites diffused black along midline variable between individuals. Timbals with four long ribs all similar in length and spanning the full height of the timbal membrane, the three most posterior ribs fused dorsally, and sometimes a fifth anterior rib usually ill-defined; spaced with intermediate short ribs; basal spur small; anterior part of timbal mostly occupied by ribs.

Genitalia ( Figs 31a–d View FIGURES 30–31 ). See generic description above.

Female ( Fig. 7b View FIGURES 1–7 ) Similar to male. Abdominal segment 9 dark brown but usually a little paler than other abdominal segments; usually a pair of paramedian black fascia never reaching dorsal spine, sometimes indistinct and occasionally absent; apical spine black; sometimes a black spot mid laterally on distal half. Ovipositor sheath black, projecting beyond apical spine between 2–3 mm.

Measurements. Range and mean (in mm) for 10 males and 8 females (includes largest and smallest specimens). Length of body (including head): male 24.6–27.9 (26.3); female (including ovipositor) 32.0–36.5 (34.2). Length of forewing: male 30.2–33.9 (32.3); female 37.1–39.8 (38.2). Width of head (including eyes): male 7.3–7.9 (7.6); female 8.4–9.1 (8.7). Width of pronotum (across lateral angles): male 7.8–9.1 (8.3); female 9.3–10.6 (9.8).

Distinguishing features. Body colour largely uniform reddish brown that, together with its few markings and long slender body and wings, make this species unlikely to be confused with any other. It differs from all other species by the distinguishing features listed in the generic description above.

Song ( Figs 32a–b View FIGURE 32 ). Recordings were obtained at the WA.GIL and WA.NON paratype locations, from Lake Douglas   GoogleMaps (30° 50.655’ S 121° 23.077’ E), and from a site ~ 50 km W. of Balladonia   GoogleMaps . Males produce a calling song during sustained flight in evening dusk conditions. The   GoogleMaps song is a rapid train of two-pulse syllables, with the pulses of each syllable separated by about 0.01 s and with the syllables produced at 10.0–11.5/sec. In   GoogleMaps some syllables the pulses appear as doublets, with each having a weak secondary pulse. The   GoogleMaps song is somewhat high-pitched for the body size, concentrated around 9.5–15.5 kHz with a peak of 11–12 kHz. There   GoogleMaps is no frequency modulation. A male can be attracted by rapid finger snapping as it passes nearby. One male thus attracted landed on the arm of the responding investigator. Males were not observed to produce sounds while perched on vegetation as in some Yoyetta species that also sing in flight.


Western Australian Museum


Australian National Insect Collection


Debrecen University


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Laboratory of Palaeontology


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Marine Science Museum, Tokai Univ.


Queensland Museum


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University of Connecticut Biodiversity Research Collections













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