Spinoliella incudinotata Compagnucci

Gonzalez, Victor H., Smith-Pardo, Allan H. & Engel, Michael S., 2017, Phylogenetic Relationships Of A New Genus Of Calliopsine Bees From Peru, With A Review Of Spinoliella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2017 (412), pp. 1-72 : 38-40

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Spinoliella incudinotata Compagnucci


Spinoliella incudinotata Compagnucci View in CoL

Figure 9 View FIGURE 9

Spinoliella incudinotata Compagnucci, 2015: 78 View in CoL (holotype ♀, MACN: Neuquén, Argentina).

DIAGNOSIS: This Argentinean species can be recognized by the following combination of traits: small body size (5–6 mm); frons, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, and propodeum weakly shiny, strongly imbricate-reticulate among large, setiferous punctures (fig. 9A, B); most of tibiae and tarsi of all legs entirely yellow; forewing with membrane hyaline, pterostigma, and veins light yellow; metabasitibial plate in both sexes asetose on disc, not delimited by a distinct border or carina; metanotum maculate; terga usually light reddish brown (fig. 9C), contrasting with the black head and mesosoma; and male T2–T5 with depressed marginal zones densely covered by long, appressed, minutely branched white setae laterally (appearing as poorly developed fasciae: fig. 9C). It resembles S. aidae and S. tadeyi in the small body size; however, in those species the female mesobasitarsus is more robust, at most 3.5× longer than broad (slender, at least 3.9× longer than broad in S. incudinotata ), and in both sexes the head and mesosoma are largely impunctate in the first species and densely punctate in the second. The body color is similar to that of S. rufiventris , but this species is larger (6.0–7.0 mm in body length), the forewing membrane is yellowish with the pterostigma and veins brownish, and the male T2–T5 have depressed marginal zones with minute, appressed, simple, light ferruginous setae throughout.

MATERIAL EXAMINED (n = 21♀♀, 25♂♂): ARGENTINA: Catamarca: 4♀♀, 3♂♂, San Fernando, November 3–6, 1989, J.G. Rozen & A. Roig // on mallow ( AMNH, SEMC); 1♀, 1♂, same as previous except Nov. 30–Dec 1, 1989 ( AMNH); 2♂♂, same as previous except March 7, 1990 //on Leconophera heterophylla [sic: Lecanophora heterophylla ] ( AMNH); 1♂, Rio Belen, 17 Oct 97, pan traps, M. Irwin, F. Parker, S. Roig, 27.3065°S, 66.8938°W (collection); 1♀, 1♂, Punta Balasto, Fritz, I.92 [January 1992] ( AMNH); 1♀, same as previous except Peña, 2.92 [February 1992] ( AMNH); 2♀♀, Santa Maria, Punta Balasto, 40 km S., 24 I-1986 [24 January 1986], J.L. Neff // on flowers of Leconophora heterophylla [sic: Lecanophora heterophylla ] // SEMC 1008551-52 ( SEMC); 1♀, Punta de Balasto, February 10, 1983, Luis E. Peña, SEMC 1008555 ( SEMC); 1♀, 3♂♂, Tinogasta, March 8, 1990, Rozen & Roig, on Tarasa autofugastina [sic: Tarasa antofagastana ] ( AMNH); 1♀, 1♂, 28 km SE Tinogasta, 15 Oct 1997, dunes, M. Irwin, F. Parker, S. Roig, 28.2450°S, 67.4557°W (1♀ BBSL, 1♂ SEMC); 2♀♀, same as previous except 15–19 Oct 97, malaise ( BBSL); 1♂, same as previous except 20 Oct 1997, dunes ( BBSL); Mendoza: 1♂, Mendoza, Malargüe: E. Soseanodo, 10 km S, 19-i-2000 [19 January 2000], J.L. Neff // on flowers of Cristaria sp. ( SEMC); Río Negro: 5♀♀, 8♂♂, Rio Negro, Choele Choel, U. & M. Fritz, 12.97 [December 1997] // SEMC 1008505-06 (4♀♀, 6♂♂ AMNH, 1♀, 2♂♂ SEMC); Salta: 1♀, 2♂♂, NW, 10.II.2006 [10 February 2006], Salta Prov., Los Medanos, Cafayate env., Salta 155 km, SW S26°03′, W65°54′, Czech expedition 2006 ( JSPC); La Pampa: 1♀, 1♂, Puelen, Nov 9, 1987, L. Peña ( AMNH).

DISTRIBUTION: Argentina: Catamarca, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta, and La Pampa. Localities from Neuquén were not among material we examined (refer to Compagnucci, 2015).

FLORAL RECORDS: Cristaria sp. ; Lecanophora heterophylla (Cav.) Krapov. ; Tarasa antofagastana (Phil.) Krapov. (all Malvaceae ).

COMMENTS: This species was previously known from Neuquén and Catamarca. The additional records presented here suggest a wider distribution in sand dunes as indicated on some specimen labels. The metasoma in some specimens is dark brown, not light reddish brown or orange. Males with this coloration will run in the key to the Chilean species S. rozeni because of the small body size. In addition to their geographical distribution, they can be easily separated by the sculpturing of the mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, which are duller than in S. incudinotata and with contiguous, minute punctures or alveoli.


American Museum of Natural History


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Pollinating Insects-- Biology, Management and Systematics Research


J. Rusek Collection














Spinoliella incudinotata Compagnucci

Gonzalez, Victor H., Smith-Pardo, Allan H. & Engel, Michael S. 2017

Spinoliella incudinotata

Compagnucci, L. A. 2015: 78
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF