Euphoria schotti LeConte, 1853

Orozco, Jesús, 2012, Monographic Revision of the American Genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 11) 66, pp. 1-182 : 70

publication ID 10.1649/0010-066X-66.mo4.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Euphoria schotti LeConte, 1853


Euphoria schotti LeConte, 1853

(Appendix 4: Fig. 36)

Euphoria schotti LeConte 1853: 441 . Original combination.

Lectotype at MCZ designated by Hardy (2001), examined. Two paralectotypes at MCZ, examined.

Description (n = 8). Length 10.3–11.1 mm; width 6.2–6.6 mm. Color: Dorsal surface reddish brown to black, mostly tomentous. Pronotum with 2 black vittae covering most of pronotum, sides and apex shiny, tomentous elsewhere. Elytra with small yellowish markings. Head: Frons slightly raised at middle, densely punctate; punctures deep, moderate in size, many confluent, sparsely to densely setose; setae yellowish, long to moderate in length. Clypeus subrectangular, sides weakly raised; apex weakly reflexed, truncate in dorsal view, bisinuate in frontal view, surface as on frons. Antennal club longer than stem in males, shorter in females. Pronotum: Surface moderately densely punctate; punctures round, small, densely setose; setae short, yellowish. Sides weakly angulate, moderately convergent anteriorly at base. Base in front of scutellum strongly emarginate. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra: Surface moderately densely punctate, striae bearing 2 densely punctate, lateral rows and 1 sparsely punctate, medial row; punctures small to moderate, lunulate to irregular, glabrous to sparsely setose, setae minute to short, whitish to yellowish. Apex and posterior half of sides weakly rugose. Pygidium: Surface concentrically striate; striae dense, discontinuous, sparsely setose; setae as on pronotum. Legs: Apical and medial protibial teeth closer to each other than to basal tooth, basal tooth obsolete to subobsolete. Metatarsi longer than metatibiae in males, as long as or shorter in females. Venter: Mesometasternal process weakly compressed laterally, extending anteriorly slightly beyond mesocoxae, glabrous. Metasternum rugose, setose laterally, glabrous and impunctate at middle, median sulcus strongly impressed. Abdominal sternites sparsely to moderately setose medially, moderately setose laterally, setae moderate in size. Male genitalia: Parameres as in Fig. 36d.

Diagnosis. This species is separated from others in the group by the bisinuate apex of the clypeus and form of the parameres. Euphoria schotti and E. fascifera are the only species of the group present in the United States.

Notes. This species can be considered rare since only eight specimens, including the types, were found in the collections examined. No recently collected specimens are known.

Taxonomic History. LeConte (1853) described this species from specimens from Eagle Pass, Texas, USA (lectotype Fig. 36e, paralectotypes Fig. 36f–g). Hardy (2001) erroneously listed E. vestita and Euphoria irregularis Gory and Percheron as synonyms of this species.

Natural History. Nothing is known of the biology of this species.

Temporal Distribution. Unknown.

Geographic Distribution. Known from Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, USA and Nuevo León, Mexico (Fig. 36h). Apart from the type locality, this species is only known in Texas from Big Bend National Park (Brewster County) ( Riley and Wolfe 2003).

Specimens Examined (8). Ty p e m a t e r i a l: Lectotype male at MCZ labeled “[dark red disc =Texas]// schotti 3// Lectotype/ E. schotti Lec. / by/ A.R. Hardy 1977”. Paralectotype female at MCZ labeled “[dark red disc =Texas]// E. Schottii/ Lec.// Type/ 3785// Paralectotype/ E. schotti Lec. / By A.R.Hardy 1977// Jan.-Jul. 2005/ MCZ Image/ Database”. Paralectotype female at MCZ labeled “[dark red disc =Texas]// schottii 2// Type/ 3785// Paralectotype/ E. schotti Lec. / By A.R.Hardy ‘77”. Other material: MEXICO (2): NUEVO LEÓN: Monterrey (1). NO DATA (1). USA (3): ARIZONA: No data (1). NEW MEXICO: San Miguel Co.: Las Vegas (1); No data (1).
















Euphoria schotti LeConte, 1853

Orozco, Jesús 2012

Euphoria schotti

LeConte, J. 1853: 441
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