Euphoria steinheili Janson, 1878

Orozco, Jesús, 2012, Monographic Revision of the American Genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 11) 66, pp. 1-182 : 50-51

publication ID 10.1649/0010-066X-66.mo4.1


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scientific name

Euphoria steinheili Janson, 1878


Euphoria steinheili Janson, 1878

(Appendix 4: Fig. 20 View Fig )

Euphoria steinheili Janson 1878: 303 . Original combination.

Lectotype at RMNH, here designated. One paralectotype at RMNH, examined.

Euphoria punicea Janson 1881: 584 . Synonym.

Lectotype at RMNH, here designated. Six paralectotypes at RMNH, examined.

Euphoria acerba Janson 1881: 582 . New synonymy.

Lectotype at BMNH, here designated. One paralectotype at RMNH, examined.

Euphoria trivittata Nonfried 1894: 130 . New synonymy.

Type not found.

Description (n = 161). Length 13.3–16.9 mm; width 7.2–10.0 mm. Color: Dorsal surface tomentous in males, shiny in females, violaceous, olive green, orangish brown, yellowish brown, or combinations of these colors. Pronotum in females with matte area at middle. Elytra frequently with small, sparse, whitish, cretaceous spots. Ventral surface shiny, black, brown, green, or violet, or combinations of these colors. Head: Frons frequently with a weak central depression, rarely with longitudinal ridge, densely punctate; punctures small to moderate, round, deeply impressed, occasionally coalescent, glabrous to densely setose; setae moderate to long, whitish to yellowish. Clypeus short, lateral margins moderately to strongly raised, moderately convergent at apex, lateral declivity weakly developed; apex truncate in dorsal view, strongly sinuate in frontal view, moderately to strongly reflexed in males, moderately to weakly reflexed in females; surface moderately densely to densely punctate; punctures small to moderate, round, glabrous to densely setose; setae yellowish to whitish, short to long. Antennal club as long as or longer than stem in males, shorter than stem in females. Pronotum: Surface moderately densely to densely punctate; punctures round to lunulate, small to moderate, denser towards apex and sides, sparsely setose; setae short to moderate, yellowish. Sides weakly to moderately convergent anteriorly. Base in front of scutellum moderately to strongly emarginate. Scutellum longer than wide, impunctate, rarely with few, lunulate punctures. Elytra: Surface sparsely to moderately densely punctate, striae bearing 2–3 rows of lunulate and irregular punctures, punctures small to moderate in size; costae weakly to well defined. Posterior half of sutural costa strongly raised in lateral view. Surface glabrous to sparsely setose; setae minute to short, whitish to yellowish. Apex frequently with short sutural spine. Pygidium: Surface subconcentrically striate, striae discontinuous, moderately impressed, sparsely to moderately densely setose; setae short to moderate, yellowish; as wide as long in males, wider than longer in females, moderately flattened in males, moderately to strongly convex in females. Legs: Protibial teeth well developed; apical and medial teeth closer to each other than to basal tooth. Metatibial carina moderately developed. Venter: Mesometasternal process extended well beyond mesocoxae, glabrous on mesosternal lobe, apex variably rounded. Mesepimera, metasternum, and metacoxae setose, setae as on legs. Metasternum rugose, setose laterally, glabrous and impunctate at middle. Median sulcus strongly impressed. Abdominal sternites sparsely setose laterally, glabrous to sparsely setose medially; setae distributed along entire width of segment, long to moderate, whitish to yellowish; sides of sternites rounded. Males with deep longitudinal, abdominal depression. Abdomen in lateral view strongly concave in males, flat to weakly convex in females. Male genitalia: Parameres as in Fig. 20c View Fig .

Diagnosis. This species is separated from the others in the group by the absence of cretaceous markings on the pronotum, pronotum tomentous in males and shiny in females, abdominal sternites rounded laterally, males with a deep, longitudinal depression on the abdomen, and form of the male genitalia. The dorsum coloration can be violaceous, olive green, orangish brown, yellowish brown, or a combination of these colors ( Fig. 20a, d, e, f View Fig ).

Notes. Females are rare in collections. From the material examined (161), only four females were observed.

Taxonomic History. Janson (1878) described E. steinheili based on two specimens from Panama. In 1881, Janson described E. punicea from specimens collected in the “Balzar Mountains” (probably Cordillera de Balzar, Province of Manabí) in northwest Ecuador. Janson (1881) noted the similarity of E. punicea with E. steinheili and compared these two species. Euphoria acerba was described by Janson (1881) based on greenish specimens from Quito, Ecuador. Nonfried (1894) described a male specimen from “ Ecuador Boreal” as E. trivittata . Orozco (2009) synonymized E. punicea with E. steinheili based on the examination of the types, and the character study of 111 specimens from Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela. Based on the examination of the type of E. acerba , I include this species as a synonym of E. steinheili . Although the type of E. trivittata was not located, the description provided by Nonfried (1894) enables me to confidently treat this species as a synonym of E. steinheili .

Natural History. Adults have been collected in fruit traps, Malaise traps, flight intercept traps, and light traps. The species has been found from near sea level to 1,553 m elevation.

Temporal Distribution. February (1), March (4), April (18), May (52), June (14), July (1), October (1), December (5) ( Fig. 20g View Fig ).

Geographic Distribution. Known from Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela ( Fig. 20h View Fig ). The disjunct distribution observed is attributed to collecting bias.

Specimens Examined (161). Type material: Euphoria steinheili Janson, 1878 ; lectotype male at RMNH here designated labeled “Panama// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// Euphoria / steinheili/ type. O. Janson// type” and my lectotype label; paralectotype male at RMNH labeled “Panama// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// Euphoria / steinheili/ type. O. Janson// steinheili/ ♂ var” and my paralectotype label. Euphoria acerba Janson, 1881 ; lectotype male at BMNH here designated labeled “Type// Equador/Quito// Fry. Coll/ 1905-100// Euphoria / acerba. O. Jans/ Type. ♂ ” and my lectotype label. Euphoria acerba Janson, 1881 ; paralectotype female at RMNH labeled “Quito/ Ecuador// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// Equador/ Quito// type// E. acerba / O. Janson ♀ / CO-/ TYPE// Euphoria / acerba, O. Jans. / Type/ Ecuador// type// acerba, O. Jans ” and my paralectotype label. Euphoria punicea Janson, 1881 ; lectotype male RMNH here designated labeled “Balzar Mts/ Ecuador// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// type// E. punicea / O. Jans. ♂ / TYPE// Euphoria / punicea, O. Jans. / Type. Ecuador// type// punicea” and my lectotype label; four paralectotypes at RMNH labeled “Balzar Mts/ Ecuador// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)” and my paralectotype label; one paralectotype at RMNH labeled “Balzar Mts/ Ecuador// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// Euphoria / punicea, Jans. ” and my paralectotype label; one paralectotype at RMNH labeled “Balzar Mts/ Ecuador// Museum Leiden/ verz F. T. Valck/ Lucassen/ (O. E. Janson)// type// E. punicea // O. Jans. ♀ // TYPE// type” and my paralectotype label. Other material: COLOMBIA (2): ANTIOQUIA: Medellín (Parque Ecológico Piedras Blancas) (1); CHOCÓ: Parque Nacional Los Katios (1). ECUADOR (13): AZUAY: Huigra (3); IMBABURA: El Milagro (1), LOJA: Loja (1); NO DATA: “Canon” (4), “Cordillera Oriental” (1), “Ecuador” (3). PANAMA (92): CHIRIQUÍ: Finca La Suiza (1), La Fortuna (6 km S) (1), Valle Hornito (9); COLÓN: Isla Barro Colorado (14), Lago Gatún (1), Parque Nacional Soberanía (9); DARIEN: Santa Fé (10); PANAMÁ: Cerro Azul (2), Cerro Campana (13), Gaillard Cut (1), Lago Alajuela (1), Laguna Grande (1), Ipetí (2), Isla Majé (15); NO DATA: “Panama” (12). PERU (1): NO DATA:(1). VENEZUELA (36): ARAGUA:Maracay (2); CARABOBO: Las Trincheras (4); BOLÍVAR: “ Kamarakuni [?]” (1); DISTRITO FEDERAL: Caracas (4), El Valle (15); MIRANDA: Curupao (1), San Antonio de los Altos (1); ZULIA: Los Ángeles del Tucuco (7). NO DATA (1): “Chacoa” (1).
















Euphoria steinheili Janson, 1878

Orozco, Jesús 2012

Euphoria trivittata

Nonfried 1894: 130

Euphoria punicea

Janson 1881: 584

Euphoria acerba

Janson 1881: 582

Euphoria steinheili

Janson 1878: 303
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