Parastenonia parae ( Cook, 1895 )

Bouzan, Rodrigo S., Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M., de Souza, Claudio A. R., Zampaulo, Robson A. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2020, Taxonomic review of the Amazonian millipede genus Parastenonia Hoffman, 1977 and description of a new species from iron-ore caves (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae), Journal of Natural History 53 (45 - 46), pp. 2781-2799 : 2784-2790

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Carolina (2021-03-16 19:35:16, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 01:03:03)

scientific name

Parastenonia parae ( Cook, 1895 )


Parastenonia parae ( Cook, 1895) View in CoL

( Figures 1 View Figure 1 (a), 5, 6, and 11(a,b))

Priodesmus parae Cook, 1895: 56 View in CoL (Female holotype labelled only ‘ Para ’, Brazil, deposited in ZMB, examined by photographs). Attems 1899: 429; 1938: 64. Brölemann 1909: 81.

Parastenonia parae: Hoffman, 1977: 354 View in CoL .

Priodesmus aurae Schubart, 1947: 45 View in CoL , figs 44−45 (male syntype [ MNRJ 11825 View Materials ] and four females syntypes [MZUSP 1082; MZUSP 1083; MNRJ 11823 View Materials ; MNRJ 11824 View Materials ] from Aurá   GoogleMaps , Ananindeua (48°30 ʹ 15 ” W, 01°27 ʹ 21 ” S), Pará, Brazil, 16/IV−2/VI/1940, A.L. Carvalho coll., examined). New synonymy.

Parastenonia aurae: Hoffman, 1977: 354 View in CoL .


Cook (1895) described P. parae from a single specimen from the state of Pará, but without a specific location. Attems (1938, p. 64) considered the species as incertae sedis, and Jeekel (1963, p. 101) mentioned as its possible synonym Parastenonia aurae , due to a presumed overlapping distribution and a concordant description of both species an opinion also expressed by Hoffman (1977b, p. 354).

Based on the examination of the type specimens of both nominal species, the identical shape of the cyphopods ( Figures 5 View Figure 5 (b,c) and 6(c – f)) suggests indeed their synonymy. In addition, presumably the exact type locality of the material gathered by Cook corresponds to the coastal area of the state of Pará (the same for P. aurae ), mainly due to the easy access and by a long history of naturalist expeditions ( Schubart 1947) . Therefore, P. aurae is proposed herein as a junior synonym of P. parae .


Adult males of Parastenonia parae differ from those of P. carajas sp. nov. based on the combination of gonopodal characteristics: apical portion of the solenomere broad ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (a,b)); presence of a secondary denticulated process on the prefemoral process of the gonopod ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (b)). Adult females of Parastenonia parae differ from those of P. carajas sp. nov. based on a combination of cyphopodal characteristics: valves of the cyphopod asymmetric and absence of an upper projection ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (c – f)).


Measurements: (MNRJ 11825). Total length: unknown (body very fragmented and with parts missing). Width (body ring 5): 3.02.

Female (MZUSP 1082). Total length: 32.30. Width (body ring 5): 3.19. Telson 0.842.

Colouration (in alcohol 70%). Head missing. Body ochre and paranota tip with the same colour as the body. Legs whitish yellow. Telson missing. Female colouration reddish brown. Body as in male ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 (a)).

Body rings. Fragmented and many parts of body missing. Integument with small tubercles and with a transversal groove on the metazonite; alignment of paranota straight; paranota divided laterally into three lobes: pro with usually three large processes; meso with two large processes except when the ozopore is present; meta usually with two processes. Sternite without modifications.

Male sexual characters

Gonopods. Gonopods ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (a,b)): gonopod coxae (Cx) dorsally elevated, equivalent to more than half the length of the telopodite and prominent in ectal view. Coxae with several setae in the distal dorsal side and several small bristles on the ventral side. Without a coxal apophysis. Prefemoral region long. Prefemoral process (PfP) wide, narrow in the final portion, branched at the base, with a shorter secondary process with the edge denticulated ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (b)). Femoral region branched at the base. Acropodite process slender and acuminate. The solenomere is the largest process carrying the seminal groove that extends until the apical part; elongated and broad. Gonopore and gonopod aperture on seventh body ring missing.

Female sexual characters

Cyphopods. Posterior edge of the cyphopod aperture with a medium rounded projection. Cyphopods ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (c – f)) with thick setae dispersed on the valves. Apical part of

cyphopod concave ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (c)), with the intermediate membrane projecting between the valves ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 (e – f)).


Known only from Aurá, Ananindeua, state of Pará, Brazil ( Figure 11 View Figure 11 (a)).

Attems CG. 1899. System der Polydesmiden. II. Theil. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 68: 251 - 436.

Attems CG. 1938. Myriapoda 3. Polydesmoidea II. Fam. Leptodesmidae, Platyrhachidae, Oxydesmidae, Gomphodesmidae. Das Tierreich. 69: 1 - 487.

Brolemann HW 1909. Os myriapodos do Brazil. Catalogos da Fauna Brazileira. Museu Paulista, 2: 1 - 94.

Cook OF. 1895. Priodesmus, a new genus of Diplopoda from Surinam. Proc US Natl Mus. 18: 53 - 57. doi: 10.5479 / si. 00963801.18 - 1037.53.

Hoffman RL. 1977 b. Chelodesmid studies. X. A synopsis of the tribe Priodesmini (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 84 (2): 349 - 359. doi: 10.5962 / bhl. part. 91394.

Jeekel CAW. 1963. Diplopoda of Guiana (1 - 5). Stud Fauna Suriname Other Guyanas. 4: 1 - 157.

Schubart O. 1947. Os Dipl 7 bartzoj. 12086 elodesmid millipedAntenor Leitnor tzCarvalho aos rios Araguaia e Amazonas em 1939 e 1940. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Zoologia. 82: 1 - 74.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Habitus images: (a) Parastenonia parae female (MZUSP 1082); (b) P. carajas sp. nov. (IBSP 4914). Scale bars: (a) 2,5 mm; (b) 2 mm.

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Figure 5. Parastenonia parae female holotype (ZMB): (a) Midbody rings in detail; (b) Aperture of the cyphopods. Arrow indicates the cyphopod; (c) Cyphopods in ventral view.

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Figure 6. Parastenonia parae male (MNRJ 11825) and female (MZUSP 1082), microscope and stereoscope images of the gonopod and cyphopods: (a) Gonopod in mesal view; (b) Distal portion of the gonopod; (c) Cyphopod in ectal view;(d) Detail of the junction between the internal and external valva; (e) Cyphopod in posterior view;(f) Cyphopod in anterior view.Scale bars: (a) 500 µm;(b) 250 µm;(c) 500 µm;(d) 250 µm; (e) 500 µm; (f) 500 µm.

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Figure 11. Distribution map of Parastenonia parae and P. carajas sp. nov.: (a) South America; (b) Northern of Brazil. Pará state highlighted in grey; (c) Iron-ore outcrop in the Pará state; (d) Satellite image of the iron-ore outcrop where the caves were sampled.











