Atarphia mammutha, Gregson & Powell, 2024

Gregson, Lily M. & Powell, Gareth S., 2024, A new species of Atarphia (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae) from Laos, Zootaxa 5541 (1), pp. 84-88 : 85-88

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scientific name

Atarphia mammutha

sp. nov.

Atarphia mammutha sp. nov.

( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Specimens Examined. HOLOTYPE (male): Laos, Phongsaly prov., | PHONGSALY env., | 6–17.v.2004, ~ 1500m, | 21º41’ N 102º06-8’E, | V. Kurbari leg. || Holotype | Atarphia | mammutha | Des. 2023 G.S. Powell & L.M. Gregson (deposited in NHMB) .

PARATYPES — 3 additional specimens (2 female, 1 male): all with data same as holotype. || Paratype | Atarphia | mammutha | Des. 2023 G.S. Powell & L.M. Gregson (1 deposited in FSCA, 2 NHMB) .

Description. Male (holotype). Overall body is moderately convex and oval in shape, dorsum covered in long erect setae. Pronotum and elytra deep reddish brown to black with the elytral suture lighter reddish brown. Each elytron with two distinct maculations that are buff orange in coloration. The basal spot is oblong, apical spot is more circular. The pronotal margins, protibia, and tarsi are deep reddish brown. The antennal flagellum orange brown with the club a darker deep reddish brown. Body length 4.35 mm, width 2.82 mm, measured at base of elytra.

Head covered with large round punctures, interspace smooth, surface also covered in both erect primary setae and recumbent secondary golden setae. The punctures are spaced less than the diameter of each puncture. Eyes convex, finely faceted, and protruding laterally. The interocular distance is three times the combined width of the eyes in dorsal view. Antennal scape reniform in shape; pedicel small and cylindrical, with its length approximately one-half the length of the scape; antennomeres III–V subequal, elongate, and expanding apically; antennomeres VI–VIII subequal and spherical in shape, their combined length is barely longer than any of the previous three segments individually; antennomeres IX–XI form a compact club which is darker in coloration than the preceding segments; apex of terminal antennomere broadly rounded. Fronto-clypeal suture prominent, anterior margin of labrum with almost indistinct medial emargination. Mandibles are strongly curved and bifid apically. Maxillary palp with terminal segment tapering distally to a rounded tip. Labial palps also tapering but much shorter in overall length.

Pronotum overall transverse, widest in basal half. Pronotal width 2.59 mm and length 1.17 mm. Anterior margin deeply and widely emarginate, total width is less than half the width of posterior margin. Posterior margin with bead entire, and hind angles obtuse. Anterior angles prominent and almost right angles. Lateral margins broadly rounded and fimbriate. Lateral edges of pronotum conspicuously explanate. Pronotum with long, erect, golden primary setae; secondary setae recumbent. Disc coarsely and irregularly punctate, punctures as large as on head. Disc of pronotum broadly convex, without obvious median bulge.

Scutellum broadly rounded posteriorly; punctures most similar to those on elytra.

Elytra moderately convex and punctate. Less punctate than pronotum and head. Punctures of consistent size but becoming more dense laterally. Elytra slightly wider than pronotum; widest across basal third. Primary setae thick and erect; arranged into 9 rows on each elytron. Ranging from dark brown to golden. Large primary setae correspond to elytral coloration, turning gold over each maculation. Secondary setae thin, recumbent. Humeral angle obtuse. Lateral margins broadly arcuate and tapering gently and evenly in the basal half to suture. Lateral margins fimbriate and weakly explanate. Pygidium covered by the elytra. Sutural lines becoming more distinct near apex.

Venter entirely deep reddish brown and entirely covered in short fine setae except for mesoventrite. Mentum with large deep punctures. Antennal grooves deep and sinuate around ventral margin of eyes. Prosternum dull, punctate, with punctures more dense medially and on prosternal process. Prosternal process broad and obtusely pointed. Mesosternum smooth, recessed between prosternal process and mesocoxae. Metaventrite ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ) punctate and setose, anterior margin broadly rounded between mesocoxae, posterior margin widely but shallowly emarginate between metacoxae. Metaventrite 3.3 times wider than long. Caudal marginal lines of mesocoxae separated in middle, closely following mesocoxal cavities, reaching posterior corners of metaventrite.

Abdomen with similar setation and punctures to that of metaventrite. Caudal marginal lines of metacoxal cavities raised, darkened, arcuate, closely bordering metacoxal cavities, ending in anterolateral corners of ventrite. Abdominal ventrite I as long as subsequent three segments combined. Pygidium broadly pointed, with fine punctures and short, thin, golden setae.

Legs with femora robust, medially expanded, sinuate along anterior margin ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Tibiae all gradually expanding apically. Protibia with external comb; teeth consistent in size and uniformly spaced; apex with single curved spur. Mesotibia has three clear rows of setae. Setae turn fine, gold, and dense towards the terminal end. Both meso- and metatibia with pairs of curved spurs. Tarsal segments I–III setose and flattened, Segment IV reduced, Segment V approximately the length of the previous four segments combined; claws simple.

Male genitalia with apical projection of tegmen oval, anterior angles of tegmen broadly rounded, sides subparallel ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ).

Female. Habitus and size are the same as male. Anterior margin of protibia with reduced comb.

Variation. Body length 4.35–4.85 mm, width 2.82–3.05 mm. Antennal flagellum orange-brown to red-brown, antennal club always darker. Pair of basal maculations sometimes more elongate.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the generic name for the wooly mammoth as this new species is both setose and the extinct mammal is a favorite of the authors.

Geographic distribution. The species is so far known from the Phongsaly province in Laos.

Diagnosis. Atarphia mammutha sp. nov. is presumed closely related to both A. cincta from China and Taiwan and A. quadripunctata from Japan and Far Eastern Russia ( Jelínek et al. 2012). Both species have similar overall body shape, color, maculations, and possess rounded apical process of tegmen. Atarphia mammutha can be easily separated from both of these species however with the lack of a mesofemoral tooth ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). The color pattern is also distinct, in A. cincta the posterior maculation is contiguous forming a bar, in A. quadripuncata the posterior spots are small and widely separated, in A. mammutha the maculations are prominent circles ( Reitter 1884). The apical process of the tegmen is also differently shaped in each species ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ).


Switzerland, Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum


USA, Florida, Gainesville, Division of Plant Industry, Florida State Collection of Arthropods















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