Chaetonotus Ehrenberg, 1830

Kolicka, Małgorzata, Kisielewski, Jacek, Nesteruk, Teresa & Zawierucha, Krzysztof, 2013, Gastrotricha from the Poznań Palm House — one new subgenus and three new species of freshwater Chaetonotida (Gastrotricha), Zootaxa 3717 (2), pp. 231-279 : 236-237

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Chaetonotus Ehrenberg, 1830


Genus Chaetonotus Ehrenberg, 1830

Typus generis: Chaetonotus larus (Müller, 1773) Terra typica : Denmark

A polyphyletic taxon, with only one apparently monophyletic subgenus ( Chaetonotus (Zonochaeta) Remane, 1927 ) encompasses 165 nominal freshwater species and 44 nominal marine species (Kånneby et al. 2012, 2013; Todaro & d'Hondt 2013). Present in benthic, interstitial, peryphytic and rarely semiplanktonic habitats.

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