Incomptodessus camachoi Miller and Garcia

Miller, Kelly B. & Garcia, Mauricio, 2011, Spanglerodessus shorti and Incomptodessus camachoi, new genera and species of Bidessini from Guyana and Venezuela (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae), Zootaxa 2996, pp. 49-56 : 53-55

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Plazi (2016-04-11 01:42:29, last updated 2024-11-27 07:59:03)

scientific name

Incomptodessus camachoi Miller and Garcia

sp. nov.

Incomptodessus camachoi Miller and Garcia View in CoL , new species

( Figs 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 –10,12–14)

Type locality. Venezuela, Estado Amazonas, river near Orinoco/Sipapo confluence, rock pools, 5°03.707'N, 67°46.768'W.

Diagnosis. Incomptodessus camachoi is the only member of this genus and is characterized by the diagnostic features of Incomptodessus . Likely species level diagnostic features include the light yellow-brown head and pronotum, the elytra anteriorly, laterally and apically light yellow-brown with a large, diffuse medial brown region or with diffuse longitudinal fasciae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ), and the shape of the male genitalia ( Figs 8, 9 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). The median lobe is slender in lateral aspect, with the apex slightly curved ventrad ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ).

Description. Measurements. TL = 1.3–1.5 mm, GW = 0.7–0.8 mm, PW = 0.6–0.7 mm, HW = 0.4–0.5 mm, EW = 0.2–0.3 mm, TL/GW = 1.8–1.9. Body slender, elongate ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ); lateral outline slightly discontinuous between pronotum and elytron; lateral margins of pronotum slightly curved; lateral margins of elytron broadly and evenly curved.

Coloration. Head light yellow-brown, pronotum light yellow brown, darker along anterior and posterior margins; elytron yellow-brown along anterior and lateral margins and apically, with broad, diffuse medial brown region, generally presenting as poorly-defined longitudinal fasciae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Ventral surfaces and appendages yellow-brown.

Sculpture and structure. Head with very fine, inconspicuous punctation, surface between punctures with fine, irregular microsculpture; eyes medium in size ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 , HW/EW = 1.7–1.8). Pronotal surface similar to that of head, without microsculpture; posterior angles distinctly angulate; lateral bead narrow, of even width throughout ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ); pronotal striae prominent, extending 1/3 to nearly 1/2 distance across pronotum ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Elytron with anterolateral angle obtuse, not extended anteriorly; surface finely, sparsely punctate. Prosternal process slender, lateral margins convergent posteriorly, apex of process pointed, extending to metasternal fork; metacoxal process with lateral lobe minute but distinct; metacoxae and metaventrite impunctate. Pro- and mesotarsi moderately broad in male, slightly narrower in female. Metatrochanter moderately large relative to metafemur.

Male genitalia. Median lobe in ventral aspect slender, lateral margins subparallel, slightly constricted medially, apex broadly pointed ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ); in lateral aspect slender, evenly curved, apex slightly curved ventrad ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ). Lateral lobe in lateral aspect narrow, basal segment curved, broad medially, apical segment elongate, slender ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1 – 9 ).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of our good friend and colleague J. Camacho (Universidad del Zulia).

Distribution and habitat. This species is characteristic of shallow rock pools, seeps and stream margins associated with inselbergs (large granite outcrops) in the upper Orinoco region near Puerto Ayacucho ( Figs 12–14 View FIGURES 11 – 14 ). These granite outcroppings have an unusual number of endemic species of plants ( Rocchi, 1984; Gröger and Huber, 2007), and several new Hydradephaga taxa have been described from these habitats ( Spangler and Steiner, 2005; Miller and Spangler, 2008; Miller, 2009).

Material examined. HOLOTYPE: ♂ in MIZA labeled, “ VENEZUELA: Amazonas State 5°03.707'N, 67°46.768'W, 92m River nr. Orinoco/Sipapo confl. 15.i.2009; leg. M. Garcia VZ09-0115-01D: rock pool/HOLO- TYPE Incomptodessus comachoi Miller and Garcia, 2010 [red label with black line border]”. Paratypes, 216 total, all labels with “ VENEZUELA: Amazonas State…” unless otherwise given; 35 labeled same as holotype; 14 labeled “… 5°30.623'N, 67°36.109'W; 100m ca. 15 km S. Puerto Ayacucho rock pools on top; 14.ix.2007 AS-07- 011b; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 7 labeled “… 5°30.623'N, 67°36.109'W; 100m ca. 15 km S. Puerto Ayacucho pool at outcrop base; 14.ix.2007 AS-07-011x leg. A.E.Z. Short; 1 labeled “… 5°30.518'N, 67°36.079'W; 100m ca. 15 km S. Puerto Ayacucho isolated seepage; 13.ix.2007 AS-07-009a; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 2 labeled “… 5°30.623'N, 67°36.109'W; 100m ca. 15 km S. Puerto Ayacucho pool, base of outcrop; 14.ix.2007 AS-07-011a leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 34 labeled “… 5°30.623'N, 67°36.109'W; 110m ca. 15 km S. Puerto Ayacucho rock pools et al. leg. A. Short; VZ09-0114-03B”; 1 labeled “… 5°36.250'N, 67°34.955'W; 96m just S. of Puerto Ayacucho HG-vapor light; 4.i.2006 AS-06-010; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 16 labeled “… 5°03.707'N, 67°46.768'W; 92m River nr. Orinoco/Sipapo confl. 15.i.2009; leg. Short, Miller, Garcia, Camacho, & Joly VZ09-0115- 01X ”; 18 labeled “… 5°48.414'N, 67°26.313'W, 80m nr. Iboruwa: “Tobogancito” 13.i.2009; leg. A. Short VZ09-0113-02C; river margin”; 3 labeled “… 5°48.414'N, 67°26.313'W, 80m nr. Iboruwa: “Tobogancito” 13.i.2009; leg. A. Short; rock pool w/detritus; VZ09-0113-02B”; 3 labeled “… 5°48.414'N, 67°26.313'W, 80m nr. Iboruwa: 7.viii.2008; leg. A. Short, M. Garcia, L. Joly AS-08-078; “Tobogancito””; 19 labeled “… 5°30.311'N, 67°36.921'W nr. Campamento Canturama 14.i.2009; leg. Short, Camacho, Miller, Garcia, & Joly; Orinoco floodplain pools; VZ09-0114-02A”; 24 labeled “… 5°03.707'N, 67°46.768'W; 92m River nr. Orinoco/Sipapo confl. 15.i.2009; shallow backwaters leg. A. Short; VZ09-0115-01C”; 3 labeled “… 5°03.707'N, 67°46.768'W; 92m River nr. Orinoco/Sipapo confl. 15.i.2009; Expedition Team VZ09-0115-01A; in/along river”; 2 labeled “… 5°16.639'N, 67°48.044'W; 60m ca. 4 km N. Samariapo; small stream @ rd x-ing; 6.i.2006 AS-06-012; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 3 labeled “… 5°20.497'N, 67°45.358'W; 72m ca. 12 km N. Samariapo; small stream @ rd x-ing; 6.i.2006 AS-06-013; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 1 labeled “… 5°32.803'N, 67°26.924'W; 77m ca. 23 km E. Puerto Ayacucho stream @ rd crossing; 6.i.2006 AS-06-014; leg. A.E.Z. Short”; 4 labeled “… 5°23.207'N, 67°36.922'W, 125m Tobogan de la Selva; 14.i.2009 leg. Short, Garcia, Miller & Joly wet rock covered w/ detritus VZ09-0114-01F: upstream slide”; 1 labeled “ VENEZUELA: Bolivar State 6.58694°N; 67.02912°W Rio Caripito 12.i.2009; leg. Short & Miller VZ09-0112-02B; detrital pool” 24 labeled “VENEZU- ELA: Bolviar State 6°35.617'N, 66°49.238'W, 80m Los Pijiguaos: outcrop/morichal 12.i.2009; leg. Short, Garcia, Camacho, Miller, & Joly VZ09-0112-01B: marginal algae”; 1 labeled “ VENEZUELA: Bolivar State 5°35.617'N, 66°49.238'W, 80m Los Pijguaos; 6.viii.2008 leg. A.Short, M. Garcia, L. Joly AS-08-076;morichal/rock outcrop”; 1 labeled “ VENEZUELA: Bolivar State 6°35.617'N, 66°49.238'W, 80m Los Pijiguaos: outcrop/morichal 12.i.2009; leg. Miller & Short VZ09-0112-01C; detrital pools.” Each paratype with label reading, “ PARATYPE: Incomptodessus camachoi Miller and Garcia, 2010 [blue label with black line border].”

Groger, A. and Huber, O. (2007) Rock outcrop habitats in the Venezuelan Guayana lowlands: their main vegetation types and floristic components. Revista Brasileira de Botanica 30, 599 - 609.

Miller, K. B. and Spangler, P. J. (2008) Fontidessus Miller and Spangler, a new genus of Bidessini from Venezuela (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae) with three new species. Zootaxa 1827, 45 - 52.

Miller, K. B. (2009) On the systematics of Noteridae (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Hydradephaga): Phylogeny, description of a new tribe, genus and species, and survey of female genital morphology. Systematics and Biodiversity 7, 191 - 214.

Rocchi, S. (1984) Gli Idroadefagi della Maremma Toscana (Coleoptera) (XIII Nota sui Coleotteri Idroadefagi). Atti Museo Civico Storia Naturale di Grosseto 3, 31 - 38.

Spangler, P. J. and Steiner, W. E. (2005) A new aquatic beetle family, Meruidae, from Venezuela (Coleoptera: Adephaga). Systematic Entomology 30, 339 - 357.

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FIGURES 1 – 9. Figs 1 – 6. Spanglerodessus shorti. 1, dorsal habitus, bar = 1.0 mm. 2, prosternal process. 3, right metathoracic leg, ventral aspect. 4 – 6, male genitalia, 4, median lobe and right lateral lobe, dorsal aspect, 5, median lobe, left lateral aspect, 6, left lateral lobe, left lateral aspect. Figs 7 – 9. Incomptodessus camachoi. 7, dorsal habitus, bar = 1.0 mm. 8, male median lobe and right lateral lobe, right lateral aspect. 9, male median lobe, ventral aspect.

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FIGURES 11 – 14. Habitats. 11, Spanglerodessus shorti, AS- 08 - 058. 12 – 14, Incomptodessus comachoi; 12, VZ 09 - 0114 - 01 C; 13, VZ 09 - 0112 - 01 B; 14, VZ 09 - 0115 - 01 D. Codes correspond to collection locality codes listed in “ Material examined ” section for each species.


Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola Francisco Fernandez Yepez















