Chamaecrista anamariae Conceição, Queiroz & Lewis (2001: 113)

Souza, Alessandro Oliveira De, Cavalcante, Raphael Guarda & Silva, Marcos José Da, 2022, Taxonomic revision of Chamaecrista sect. Absus subsect. Absus (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) with adjustments in the new classification, Phytotaxa 565 (1), pp. 1-82 : 20-23

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.565.1.1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Chamaecrista anamariae Conceição, Queiroz & Lewis (2001: 113)


4. Chamaecrista anamariae Conceição, Queiroz & Lewis (2001: 113) View in CoL .

Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Abaíra, distrito de Catolés, Guarda-Mor , 02 May 1999, (fl., fr.), A.S. Conceição 287 (holotype HUEFS38961 About HUEFS !, isotypes HRB!, UFP059817 About UFP !). (Figs. 7 and 8)

Subshrubs perennial, 30–70 cm tall, erect, cespitose or not. Root nodules absent. Branches brown or blackish, setuloseviscous indumentum and villosule, including stipules, petiole and rachis; non-exfoliating bark. Stipules 3–3.5 × 1.5– 2.5 mm, elliptical, oblanceolate or lanceolate, persistent. Leaves alternate spiral, dense and ascending along the stem; petiole 4–7.5 cm long; rachis 4–7 mm long; leaflets 2 pairs of similar size, 0.8–2.6 × 0.3–0.6 cm, linear-oblong or oblanceolate, apex obtuse or apiculate, base cuneate or oblique, cartaceous, concolorous, villosule on both sides; margin entire, flat, sometimes revolute, ciliate; secondary veins 3–4 pairs, inconspicuous and slightly prominent on abaxial surface. Leafy appendix inter-petioluleabsent.Corymbs 2.5–4 cm long, peduncle 0.5 mm, 7–14 flowers, congested, terminal, erect, main axis straight, setulose-viscous and villous, including pedicel, external surface of bracts, bracteoles and sepals. Bracts 4–5 × 1 mm, linear or lanceolate, persistent. Bracts 3–5 × 0.5 mm, similar to bracts. Buds 4–5 × 3–4 mm, ovoid, apex acute.Flowers 1.5–2.5 × 1–1.5 cm; pedicel 3–4 mm long, straight and ascending even when fruited; sepals 13–20 × 4–5 mm, elliptical, apex acute or obtuse, yellow-green or with vinaceous macules externally; 4 flat oboval or oblong-oboval petals and 1 falcate-curled inner petal, 1.7–2.5 × 1–1.5 cm, yellow; stamens 10.5– 8 mm long, anthers not barbulate; ovary 3–4 × 1 mm, villosule and setulose; style 9–12 mm long, curved in upper third, glabrous. Legumes 2.8–4 × 0.4–0.5 cm, linear-oblong, puberulent and sparsely setulose-viscous, brown. Seeds 5–6, 3–4.5 × 2.3–2.5 mm, rhomboid, blackish.

Etymology: —The epithet attributed to the species honors Dr. Ana Maria Giulietti, a botanist who is passionate about studying the flora of Brazilian rock fields.

Geographical distribution and habitat:— Chamaecrista anamariae is endemic to the mountain complex of the Catolés region, western portion of Chapada Diamantina, municipality of Abaíra, state of Bahia, where it inhabits rupestrian fields between rocks at altitudes of 1200 to 1313 meters (Fig. 37C).

Flowering and fruiting:—collected with flowers and fruits between March and December.

Conservation status: —Species with an Area of Occurrence around 7 km 2 with led it be included in Endangered category. However, the Catolés region comprises a permanent reserve in a set of mountains with altitudes above 1000 meters with irregular relief and rocky soils.

Taxonomic history:— Chamaecrista anamariae was described by Conceição et al. (2001) and positioned in the Ch. subsect. Absus ser. Confertae due to the leaves oriented upwards on the stem with two pairs of leaflets. Souza et al. (2021) positioned Ch. anamariae in Ch. sect. Absus subsect. Absus , while the other species of Ch. sect. Absus ser. Confertae were allocated to Ch. sect. Absus subsect. Viscosa .

Morphological characterization:—Although it shares leaves with two pairs of leaflets with most species of subsection Absus , Ch. anamariae can be easily diagnosed by the following set of characteristics: subshrub habit with single or cespitose stem; branches with whitish villosule indumentum; stipules elliptical or oblanceolate, sometimes lanceolate, 1.5–2.5 mm wide; leaves ascending on the stem with linear-oblong or oblanceolate leaflets 2.5–4 times longer than wide, and corymbs, congested and immersed in the foliage.

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Abaíra, Catolés, Caminho de Boa Vista até o Bicota , 13°19’00”S, 41°51’00”W, 1200m, 02 March 1992, (fl.), B. L GoogleMaps . Stannard et al. 51708 ( NY); ib., Caminho Bicota – serrinha, 18 September 1992, (fl.), W . Ganev 1491 ( NY); ib., Caminho Guarda-Mor – Serrinha , 25 October 1993, (fl.), W . Ganev 2413 ( SPF); ib., Caminho Boa Vista para o Bicota , 09 July 1995, (fl.), F . França 1282 ( SPF); ib., Serrinha , 31 May 2003, (fl.), A. S . Conceição 594 ( HUEFS); ib., Lagoinhas , 22 July 2003, (fl.), A. S . Conceição 662 ( HUEFS); ib., Catolés, estrada para o Guarda-Mor , 13°18’53.5”S, 41°51’9.9”W, 1313m, 17 December 2017, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 2228b, 2229b ( UB, UFG) .




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