Mimela murphyi, Limbourg, 2014

Limbourg, Pol, 2014, Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Rutelinae III (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 17, pp. 1-33 : 1-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272910

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scientific name

Mimela murphyi

sp. nov.

Mimela murphyi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1­ 2 View Figs 1­ 2 , 46­ 49 View Figs 46­ 49 )

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED: Holotype ♂: [ Malawi, Mulanje Mts. Lujeri, 1991, M. Chirwa] ( RBINS) Paratypes ♀: [ Malawi, Mt. Mulanje, Muloza Stream , 3500ft, 07.NOV.1986, R. J. Murphy] ( RBINS) .


♂: length: 15 mm, breadth: 9 mm; ratio LB/lB (n = 1): 1.50.

Laterally convex, bent; totally chocolate brown except antennae pale brown; strongly shining with greenish metallic reflection.

Clypeus trapezoidal and totally reflexed, strongly punctate like vertex; frons less punctate.

Club of antennae as long as funicle.

Pronotum hexagonal, broader than long (LP/lP = 0.56), laterally subparallel from base to angle, convergent in anterior half; anterior angles surpassing posterior margin of eyes; all margins carinate except in front of scutellum, punctured with short separated shallow points; median line visible; impressed point on lateral margins.

Scutellum rounded, punctate.

Elytra longer than broad taken together (LE/lE = 1.15); epipleura complete; costa strongly elevated, slightly punctate; striae well marked, formed by a line of separated deep rounded points; humeral calli obsolete, apical calli well marked.

Pygidium triangular, slightly projecting postero­ventrally, totally but finely vermiculate.

Upperside with erected isolated white setae from antennae to declivity of elytra; underside densely covered with long white erected setae on sides of metasternum; setae isolated and shorter on disk of sternites, closer on sides; close long white decumbent setae on pygidium, erected on legs.

Abdomen slightly convex; process at base of prosternum rectangular.

Protibiae narrow and bidentate, apical tooth pointed; large claw of anterior tarsi bifid and flattened; large claw of median tarsi elongate, narrow and bifid.

Aedeagus: parameres short and broad, laterally slightly sinuate, separated from base to apex; right paramere hoocked to apico­internal angle (dorsal view); dorsally strongly sinuate after middle (lateral view).

♀: length: 15.5 mm, width: 9 mm.

Differs from ♂ by: apical tooth of protibia longer, and large claw of anterior tarsi shorter.

Tarsi elongate and slightly flattened.

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. Dedicated to Mr. Raymond James Murphy (Mzuzu, Malawi), who collected the female specimen.


Comment are given under Mimela sericopyga Ohaus, 1914 .


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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