Cryptamphorella dumitricai Schaaf, 1981

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 123-124

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name

Cryptamphorella dumitricai Schaaf, 1981


Cryptamphorella dumitricai Schaaf, 1981

Figs. 6f View Fig ; 10 View Fig , h, k-o

1981 Cryptamphorella dumitricai Schaaf , p. 433, pl. 1, figs. 5a-c; pl. 9, figs. 5a, b, 13a, b.

1981 Cryptamphorella sp. indet. – Schaaf, pl. 2, figs. 4a, b.

1981 Cryptpthoracic Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet. – Kanie et al., pl. 1, fig. 11.

1981 Hemicryptocapsa pseudopilula Tan Sin Hok – Schaaf, p. 434, pl. 2., figs. 4a, b.

1988 Cryptamphorella sp. cf. C. conara (Foreman) – Thurow, p. 399, pl. 8, fig. 20.

1988 Cryptamphorella dumitricai Schaaf – Thurow, p. 400, pl. 8, figs. 20, 23.

1988 Cryptamphorella sp. A . – Thurow, p. 400, pl. 9, fig. 2.

1999 Zhamoidellum ovum Dumitrică – Hori, p. 73, fig. 6.8.

2009 Cryptamphorella clivosa (Aliev) – Ishii et al., p. 348, pl. 21, fig. 20.

2009 Cryptamphorella conara (Foreman) – Ishii et al., p. 348, pl. 21, fig. 21.

2017 Cryptamphorella conara (Foreman) – Xu & Luo, Figs. 7E, F View Fig .

Description. Shell with large spherical to ellipsoidal or ovate abdomen of variable size. Pores dense and commonly quincuncially disposed. They are small, circular on the inner side of wall and larger and polygonally, commonly hexagonally framed on the outer surface. Frames generally with acute or slightly rounded crests. Pores funnel-shaped but with a sudden narrowing on the inner side. Cephalothorax with thorax partly sunk in the abdominal wall and cavity, its surface irregularly ribbed due to the presence of crests around the very small pores. Cephalis without apical horn, small, with costate ornamentation and collar boundary very poorly marked. Thorax bell-shaped, partly included in the abdominal cavity and perforated by very small pores. The part of thorax sunk in abdominal cavity is thin-walled and has dense and small circular pores (fig. 10l). Lumbar boundary marked by a stricture resulting from the sudden development of the abdomen. Abdomen very variable in shape and size, from spherical ( Figs. 10n, o View Fig ) to elongate ellipsoidal ( Fig. 10k View Fig ), and from small ( Fig. 10n View Fig ) to rather big ( Fig. 10m View Fig ), suggesting that all belong to the same species. Sutural pore rather large, always with protruding rim and thin margins. No distal aperture.

Studied material. Many illustrated specimens.

Dimensions. Total length of shell 130-198 µm, of abdomen 104-172 µm, diameter of abdomem 114-168 µm.

Remarks. The assemblage occurring in the S’Ozzastru section contains a whole variety of abdominal forms of this species, from spherical ( Figs. 10n, o View Fig ) to elongate ellipsoidal ( Fig. 10k View Fig ) and from small ( Fig. 10n View Fig ) to big ( Fig. 10m View Fig ) suggesting that all belong to one and the same species. All have a different degree of sinking of the cephalis in the thorax and of the thorax in the abdomen, and a similar test structure. This species differs from C. conara (Foreman) by the variability of the shape of the abdomen and, especially, by the sharp and protruding borders of the sutural pore. Its abdominal variability may be compared with that of the early Campanian species Cryptamphorella macropora Dumitrică, 1970 , from which it differs by the protruding and sharp rim of the sutural pore and its smaller size.

Range and occurrence. Valanginian so far as known.

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