Hemicryptocapsa, Tan, 1927 emend. Dumitrica, 1970

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 119-120

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name



Hemicryptocapsa (?) bellireticulum (Wu & Li, 1982) Figs. 10 View Fig a-c1

?1927 Theocapsa curata Tan , p. 47, pl. 8. Figs. 50, 51.

1982 Zhamoidellum bellireticulum Wu & Li , p. 67, pl. 1, figs. 12, 13.

Description. Test three segmented. Cephalothorax bell-shaped with only the lowermost part of thorax included in the abdominal cavity. Cephalis very small, hemispherical externally, without apical horn, practically poreless or with very rare and very small pores, its collar suture marked by a row of pores and an evident constriction due to the fast increase of the diameter of thorax. Thorax much larger than cephalis, cylindrical and roughsurfaced, with ornamentation resulting from filling of a porous structure of which only rarely pores are visible. Its lower part is included in abdominal cavity and its apertural border bears three diverging needle shaped spines. Sutural pore very narrow, almost indistinct in the vicinity of thorax. Abdomen ovoid or cordate with acute part distally positioned. Distal end with a very narrow circular larger pore with protruding rim that could be an aperture ( Fig. 10 c View Fig 1 View Fig ). Abdominal wall thick perforated by numerous and irregularly disposed circular or subcircular pores. Its surface wrinkled resulted from an irregular network of sharp crests of different lengths and positions with pyramidal elevation at junctions.

Studied material. Seven photographed specimens in coll. MGP-PD, stub PD120, samples: OZ824 (stub PD120- OZ824-R13-15, R13-26, R13-27, R13-29; OZ825 (stub PD120-OZ825-R12-23), OZ836 (stub PD120-OZ836- R07-10), and OZ838 (stub PD120-OZ838-R04-06).

Dimensions. Length of shell 172-180 μm, of cephalothorax outside abdomen 40-48 μm, of abdomen 124-132 μm, diameter of cephalothorax 52-56 μm, of abdomen 124- 132 μm.

Remarks. Almost all illustrated specimens resemble the holotype. The specimen with elongated abdomen ( Fig. 10c View Fig ) is the only one with such a morphology, suggesting that it could be an anomaly. The superficial abdominal ornamentation of this species resembles somehow that of the lower Aptian Cryptamphorella gilkeyi Dumitrică 1972 , from which it differs in having the superficial polygonal areas partly open on at least one side and especially in having the cephalothorax very little hidden in abdominal cavity and well separated from the latter, and in not having a sutural pore and distal aperture. The species is questionably assigned to the genus Hemicryptocapsa because it has no relict postabdominal chamber.

By its shape, this species is very close to Theocapsa curata Tan (1927, pl. 8, figs. 50, 51) from which it only differs by having much denser pores and a different superficial ornamentation.

Range and occurrence. Upper Valanginian of Sardinia, and in Tibet, in a block of the Zongzhuo Formation (Wu & Li, 1982) .

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