Pseudodictyomitra cf. carpatica (Lozyniak 1969)

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 144

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name

Pseudodictyomitra cf. carpatica (Lozyniak 1969)


Pseudodictyomitra cf. carpatica (Lozyniak 1969)

Figs. 14 u View Fig ,?s

cf.1969 Dictyomitra carpatica Lozyniak , p. 38, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12.

cf.1981 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Nakaseko & Nishimura, p. 158, pl. 9, fig. 6, non 11.

cf. 1987 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Kito, pl. 3, fig. 4.

cf. 1991 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Ishida & Hashimoto, p. 49, pl. 2, fig. 2.

cf. 1992 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Steiger, p. 87, pl. 25, figs. 1-3, non 7.

cf.1994 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Jud, p. 97, pl. 18, figs. 3-5.

cf. 1994 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Goričan, p. 82, pl. 22, fig. 17.

cf. 1995 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Baumgartner et al., p. 446, pl. 3293, figs. 1, 2, 4-6, non 3, 7.

cf. 1995 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Matsuoka, figs. 4/4, 4/6-8, non 4/5.

cf. 1997 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Dumitrică et al., p. 32, pl. 6, figs. 10, 17.

cf. 2009 Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) – Ishii et al., p. 343, pl. 10, fig. 5.

2017 Loopus yangi Dumitrică – Wu et al., p. 350, fig. 3.8. Studied material. Only the illustrated specimens.

Remarks. The few specimens occurring in the upper Valanginian Sardinian samples differ from the older specimens by being shorter, by loosing the nodes on the distal part of shell and by having an ornamentation in the intercostal areas represented by depressions suggesting infilled pores. The specimen illustrated as Loopus yangi by Wu et al. (2017) does not represent this species but Pseudodictyomitra carpatica . The latter has the two rows of intersegmental pores very well visible whereas Loopus has only one row of pores and the ribs are thin and longitudinally arranged, whereas the specimen in Wu et al. 2017 has two rows of pores very well visible, and the ribs are short and thick.

Range and occurrence. Tithonian to lower Barremian, cosmopolitan.

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